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Thread: Upright Rows

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Upright Rows

    Do you guys consider upright rows more of something in the nature of side laterals or shoulder presses?

    I consider it more as presses, but any opinions are welcome. And yes I know it's bad on your rotator cuff, but I'm running out of ideas for medial delts. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Do you guys consider upright rows more of something in the nature of side laterals or shoulder presses?

    I consider it more as presses, but any opinions are welcome. And yes I know it's bad on your rotator cuff, but I'm running out of ideas for medial delts. Thanks.
    Its neither. Lateral raises are isolating pulls, and presses are compound pushes. Upright rows are compound pulls.

    Shoulder presses mostly just do the anterior delt and raises alone are not enough of a heavy exercise to grow the medials.

    I do upright rows by leaning over slightly so that when I row it my wrists are exactly below my elbows. That way the shoulder is not grinding in the joint as the weight is lifted. Basically upright rows mean you have to rotate your shoulder as you lift and this is bad.

    My way of upright rowing means the shoulder is not rotating as I lift. It also hits the medials even harder and you can still use heavy weight with no fear of impingment. Obviously for some people they would die if they tried this, but it suits my shoulders better than normal upright rowing.

    Its just like bent over rowing except pretty much standing up

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Do you guys consider upright rows more of something in the nature of side laterals or shoulder presses?

    I consider it more as presses, but any opinions are welcome. And yes I know it's bad on your rotator cuff, but I'm running out of ideas for medial delts. Thanks.
    I do not prefer the traditional method of performing upright rows. It causes shoulder discomfort for me. I use a wide-grip and only bring my upper arms parallel to the ground.
    I would consider upright rows more similar to laterals than presses. Granted, upright rows are still a compound movment but you cannot use very much resistance with good form. The movement mimics laterals with the exception of the movement at the elbow joint.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i dont do upright rows
    cause major discomfort for me
    and i have collar bone injuries
    so its a no go for me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    A lot of good advice. As for the bent over upright rows, it makes sense, but I feel it mostly in my rear delts. I think I'll just stick with presses. Side laterals don't even feel natural to me as a movement. My normal routine is standing barbell shoulder presses or seated dumbbell shoulder presses. You guys got any suggestions on another exercise that stimulates 70% or more of the medial delts?? Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I know what you mean about feeling it in the rear delts, but literally just bend over a couple of inches so that the bar just clears your pecs. Then its mostly medial. Shoulder width grip seems to work best for me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    I know what you mean about feeling it in the rear delts, but literally just bend over a couple of inches so that the bar just clears your pecs. Then its mostly medial. Shoulder width grip seems to work best for me

    I just tried this and I could feel impingment was about to occur. Before I got injured I leaned over more and although it hit the posteriors, I could still feel a good medial workout. I hate the medial deltoids, they are useless and impossible to work in a heavy way like the other delts without getting injured.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    LMAO, I just did the same thing as you--^^ Yeah, those damn medials are one of the hardest muscles to target next to glutes and rear delts. But they are sooooo damn impressive once they're properly built. I'll stick with presses. Thanks for trying though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Do you guys consider upright rows more of something in the nature of side laterals or shoulder presses?

    I consider it more as presses, but any opinions are welcome. And yes I know it's bad on your rotator cuff, but I'm running out of ideas for medial delts. Thanks.
    Answering your question from the interpretation that you meant 'like lateral raises' i.e. an isolatory exercise... or 'like presses' i.e. a compound exercise

    I'd have to say that i consider upright rows in the league of they recruit a large majority of the muscles of the delt/clavical complex...including those that tie into the upperback musculature

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    LMAO, I just did the same thing as you--^^ Yeah, those damn medials are one of the hardest muscles to target next to glutes and rear delts. But they are sooooo damn impressive once they're properly built. I'll stick with presses. Thanks for trying though.
    At least we had a laugh at the expense of our medial delts...

    Another annoying thing is my right medial is twice as big as the left and is differently shaped so sometimes I try to hit it with a unilateral exercise like one armed upright rows or one armed shoulder presses, and end up getting neck pains in the right side
    Last edited by Flexor; 10-23-2005 at 11:26 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Answering your question from the interpretation that you meant 'like lateral raises' i.e. an isolatory exercise... or 'like presses' i.e. a compound exercise

    I'd have to say that i consider upright rows in the league of they recruit a large majority of the muscles of the delt/clavical complex...including those that tie into the upperback musculature
    ditto and well put king sir

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Answering your question from the interpretation that you meant 'like lateral raises' i.e. an isolatory exercise... or 'like presses' i.e. a compound exercise

    I'd have to say that i consider upright rows in the league of they recruit a large majority of the muscles of the delt/clavical complex...including those that tie into the upperback musculature

    i agree also, the upright row if you can do it, is in my opioion one of the best shoulder exercises you can do, cause it involves so many shoulder muscles.

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