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Thread: training my 12y/o

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Question training my 12y/o

    My little cousin is 12, he REALLY looks up to me and kinda mimmicks everything i do, froom t the time he was young, i got my ear peirced he did...i used to wear baggy clothes he did, i changed to more of a laid back/jock clothes he did..i just shaved my head last month and he did...anyway here's the thing he sees me getting big and now he really wants to start going to the gym with me (he doesnt get out of the house much) so i wanna take him... Do you think this would be ok for a kid routine...just 3 days a week and everyday the same workout for him

    mon- squat, deadlift, benchpress, and powercleans

    i'll prob keep his reps between isolation exercises and on all excerises 3 sets plus one warm does this look? and is this even a good idea? considering he's probably no where near growing? sorry i know long annoying and not all neccesary info but i wanted to paint the picture for you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    WOW... i'm not sure anyone can handle squatting, benching, deadlifting, and cleans 3x a week... especially a 12 year old... I would suggest 1 body part per week... the rep range looks good and basic compound movements are a good idea... I would probably start him off on simple machines at first to build some conditioning... just my .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    WOW... i'm not sure anyone can handle squatting, benching, deadlifting, and cleans 3x a week... especially a 12 year old... I would suggest 1 body part per week... the rep range looks good and basic compound movements are a good idea... I would probably start him off on simple machines at first to build some conditioning... just my .02
    I agree starting omplex movements for a youngster might be a little much. I agree with one body part a week with machines and I would suggest body movemnets such as push ups, chins, ect. Start him off slowly and as he get some type of form and understanding for lifting slowly advance him to free weights (you could use some light free weights, but don't get carried away.) I dunno if I would have max intesity with him I think getting the exercise finished without failure would be best. Use your best judgement as you tain him and feel free to ask any questions for help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    thanx guys this is the stuff i was looking for, i figyured just basic compound movements with light weight, but i guess when you put it that way it does sound better

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Just started helping out my 12 yr old, Basic movements, very light weight, and have him concentrate on form, that will keep him from injurying himself down the road.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    yeah wait til his balls drop to start the heavy training. just light training for now...dont want any early injuries.

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