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Don't get too bogged down about your split. You will change it a million times in your lifting career.
Do this split, keep your intensity up and see what happens. In two- three months, you can either tweek it or throw it out and start over.
Basically, what you are trying to do with any split, is cover all you body parts once a week and give maximum time off between secondary muscles that are use in the main compound exercises (like separating your tri's from your chest day or your bi's from your back day). You want to gear your workout around your basic compound movements- bench, squat, deads, military press, bench, weighted dips & weighted pull ups.
Another consideration is to attack lagging body parts. So you might reach a point in your training that you have a day where you only do biceps (and maybe abs), because you feel you need to pull them up. You will have to cover all the rest of your body then in three-four sessions.
There are a million combinations of splits. Pick one, work it, look at the results, learn, pick a new split and repeat the learning process.
Semper fi.