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  1. #601
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    6 sets for chest...Intresting how come?
    Felt like

    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Also why did you keep the weight constant tru each 5 sets?
    Felt like

    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Lastly its Monday....
    Didn't feel like updating

  2. #602
    chest6's Avatar
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    he keeps weight constant a lot..where u been booooo

  3. #603
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    he keeps weight constant a lot..where u been booooo
    updating my journal

  4. #604
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Honestly that evening i felt weak and shaky.

    I've been feeling tired a lot lately... Maybe stress from school.

    Eitherway.. it felt like a recipe for injury.

    So i didn't push it.

    The 80s weren't more than averagely taxing per se since i usually 'warm-up' around that poundage.

    The last set @the 100s was done til failure

    I did more sets overall cus i think even tho i'm in a 'maintenance' mode.. i'd like to push some hypertrophy.. and volume does that for me.

    Expect more of it in the near future


  5. #605
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Honestly that evening i felt weak and shaky.

    I've been feeling tired a lot lately... Maybe stress from school.

    Eitherway.. it felt like a recipe for injury.

    So i didn't push it.

    The 80s weren't more than averagely taxing per se since i usually 'warm-up' around that poundage.

    The last set @the 100s was done til failure

    I did more sets overall cus i think even tho i'm in a 'maintenance' mode.. i'd like to push some hypertrophy.. and volume does that for me.

    Expect more of it in the near future

    I'mma hold you to that..Get that weight up!

  6. #606
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Sunday 26th November 2006

    Back; Biceps

    Prelude: Been feeling very weak and tired despite not training as frequently of late. Today was a horrible session imo. Felt weak and shaky tru-out


    6 sets: bodyweight: 6 reps each set

    Bent Over Barbell Row:

    warm-up: 135 lbs: 12 reps
    warm-up: 135 lbs: 12 reps

    Set 1: 205 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 205 lbs: 8 reps

    T-bar Row:

    warm-up: 45 lbs: 10 reps
    warm-up: 90 lbs: 10 reps

    Set 1: 135 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 135 lbs: 8 reps

    Lat Pulldowns:

    Set 1: 105 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 125 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 145 lbs: 6 reps

    Seated Dumbbell Curl:

    Set 1: 30 lb dumbbells: 10 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbbells: 8 reps
    Set 3: 30 lb dumbbells: 7 reps

    One arm dumbbell Preacher Curl:

    3 sets: 25 lb dumbbell: 6 reps each arm..each set


  7. #607
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Monday 27th November 2006

    Felt totally wasted... Didn't train today.

  8. #608
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Tuesday 28th November 2006


    Abs; Cardio

    Decline sit-ups:

    4 sets: 20 reps each set

    Reverse crunch/leg raise:

    4 sets: 10 reps each set

    Incline Treadmill: 45 minutes


  9. #609
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Tuesday 28th November 2006

    8:15 p.m.- 9:45 p.m.


    prelude: Still feeling weak and shaky as hell. *sigh*.. Decided to give it my all tonight regardless.

    Leg Extensions:

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 20 reps (w/ pause at the top of each rep)
    Set 2: 180 lbs: 15 reps (w/ pause at the top of each rep)
    Set 3: 270 lbs: 10 reps


    warm-up: 300 lbs: 20 reps

    Set 1: 660 lbs: 20 reps
    Set 2: 840 lbs: 8 reps (2 reps short of rep goal)


    Hamstrings were fairly tight.. so from this point on i stretched them between sets.

    warm-up: 315 lbs: 10 reps

    Set 1: 405 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 2: 405 lbs: 5 reps**

    **Stance was a bit wider on the second set. I think maybe the bar was too low on my traps on this set also. Started to lose my balance on rep number 3... Had to explode to the top and roll the bar foward (without racking it).. tighten up.. and continue the set. Didn't work with a spotter. My corner of the gym was empty actually. So i worked til form failure on each set.. as opposed to absolute failure

    Adductor Machine:

    Set 1: 90 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 110 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 130 lbs: 10 reps

    Laying Leg-curl:

    5 sets: 90 lbs: 10 reps each set (slow controlled contraction.. w/ pause at the top of each rep... followed by a slow controlled negative)

    Calf Press (on the leg-press station):

    Set 1: 300 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
    Set 1: 390 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
    Set 3: 480 lbs: 10 reps [warm-up]
    Set 4: 570 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 5: 660 lbs: 10 reps

    Seated Angled Calf-raise:

    3 sets: 360 lbs: 10 reps each set**

    **Varied foot positions on each set. Set 1: heels out; Set 2: Heels in; Set 3: neutral

    Calf-stretch: one leg at a time...

    Set 1: w/ 25 lb plate in one hand: 10-count stretch on each leg
    Set 2: w/ 45- lb plate in hand: 20-count stretch on each leg
    Set 3: w/ 45- lb plate in hand: 20-count stretch on each leg

    Additionally: Had to walk home after the gym. 15-20 minute brisk walk in the dark. Had a tibial pump from hell



  10. #610
    chest6's Avatar
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    405 for 6 after leg ext and leg press...

  11. #611
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    405 for 6 after leg ext and leg press...
    yup.. I'm coming for you buddy

    j/k.. i'm a long way off from your poundages/reps

    Honestly i find the only way my hips get warm enough to squat period now is after either a good couple sets of leg press.. or a good 10-15 minutes of biking.

    Since the latter builds no muscle... i go with leg presses

  12. #612
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Wednesday 29th November 2006

    5 a.m.

    Recumbant bike: 45 minutes


  13. #613
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    Wednesday 29th November 2006

    5 a.m.

    Recumbant bike: 45 minutes


  14. #614
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Back into cardio ... Good job!

    i did mine at 5am too

  15. #615
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    cardio is for losers!

  16. #616
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    cardio is for losers!
    Yup, they loose fat!

  17. #617
    chest6's Avatar
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    I havent done cardio in 3 weeks...must be why im back to 16%

  18. #618
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Honestly i haven't done cardio since late july/early august for my contest prep.. and i think i'm still around 10% bodyfat.

    I'm just doing it to kill time while my girl trains in the a.m.

    I have a key to the gym which the owner gave me... so i open at this time so she can train. As this is the only time she can get it in.. being that she's at work all day.

    I watch her from the machine and shout corrections to her when she has form issues.

    Only a couple cardio session so far and my legs are already vascular again

    I may stick with it to see how hard i can get by christmas. Cus i may take a total break from training then and travel for a week or two.

    I'm 208 right now... When i start bulking in January i plan on adding 2 lbs per week til March. Weight goal= 230 lbs.


  19. #619
    chest6's Avatar
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    230lbs at 5'6" GOOD LORD

    I hate you and staying lean without cardio. I get fat if i dont keep the cardio at 3x per week

  20. #620
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6

    I hate you and staying lean without cardio. I get fat if i dont keep the cardio at 3x per week
    Same here, Im 6`3 at 210 now, with %16bf. My ultimate goal is to be at 235-240Lbs at %10. Hopefully I can get there in 3 years of hard training and dieting.

  21. #621
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    230lbs at 5'6" GOOD LORD
    While 230 is just a number.. and the emphasis is on quality.. and admittedly i might not make it.. it's the new goal. It was the goal this year before cutting.. and i plateaued at around 215. Right now i'd say i'm bigger and leaner than i was at the 212-215 i was in february... and i have more time to reach 230 this time around. I don't know however if i will try to compete once i hit that weight.. provided my weight changes from week to week like i project.

    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I hate you and staying lean without cardio. I get fat if i dont keep the cardio at 3x per week
    Bah.. you eat too much

    Honestly.. i don't worry offseason.

    I was at school the other day and this slim guy was ripping me for my lack of definition. He'd never seen me in contest shape obviously. I just laughed and told him to come train with me

    I'll curl whatever he benches...Bench whatever he squats... and deadlift whatever he can roll.

    Stop worrying about being 'fat'. Put in your work.. you're young

    Eat clean and big.. Train hard.. Get huge

    Despite what the boards say.. that's the way to go about it.

    At least that's what i did. Makes no sense stressing about composition if you have a goal in mind..and this is the route you need to take.

    Conversely.. you shouldn't just bulk like a fat ass either lol...

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Same here, Im 6`3 at 210 now, with %16bf. My ultimate goal is to be at 235-240Lbs at %10. Hopefully I can get there in 3 years of hard training and dieting.
    210 @ 16% = 176.4 lbs LBM
    235 @ 10 % = 211.5 lbs LBM

    Net muscle gain of 35.1 lbs

    or 11.7 lbs of muscle per year.

    Not a very realistic goal after the first year.

    You can probably put on 10-15 in the first year.. all factors being acceptable. Then it gets difficult.

    Not meaning to discourage you by the way.

  22. #622
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    On the barbell
    So it means that I would have to throw in a cycle on the 3rd year of training and try to keep as much as possible.
    Ok let me ask You this... is 211Lbs LBM guy a big guy ?
    What is Your LBM Nark ? I saw Your photos so I can kind of get an Idea.

  23. #623
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    While 230 is just a number.. and the emphasis is on quality.. and admittedly i might not make it.. it's the new goal. It was the goal this year before cutting.. and i plateaued at around 215. Right now i'd say i'm bigger and leaner than i was at the 212-215 i was in february... and i have more time to reach 230 this time around. I don't know however if i will try to compete once i hit that weight.. provided my weight changes from week to week like i project.

    Bah.. you eat too much

    Honestly.. i don't worry offseason.

    I was at school the other day and this slim guy was ripping me for my lack of definition. He'd never seen me in contest shape obviously. I just laughed and told him to come train with me

    I'll curl whatever he benches...Bench whatever he squats... and deadlift whatever he can roll.

    Stop worrying about being 'fat'. Put in your work.. you're young

    Eat clean and big.. Train hard.. Get huge

    Despite what the boards say.. that's the way to go about it.

    At least that's what i did. Makes no sense stressing about composition if you have a goal in mind..and this is the route you need to take.

    Conversely.. you shouldn't just bulk like a fat ass either lol...

    210 @ 16% = 176.4 lbs LBM
    235 @ 10 % = 211.5 lbs LBM

    Net muscle gain of 35.1 lbs

    or 11.7 lbs of muscle per year.

    Not a very realistic goal after the first year.

    You can probably put on 10-15 in the first year.. all factors being acceptable. Then it gets difficult.

    Not meaning to discourage you by the way.
    Yeah. Knocking on your definition...I dont know what definition means anymore

    Im not really worried at all this point rather than aquiring mass. Im just trying not to get above 16% or so. First goal was over 14%...but that fell through. I may compete eventually, but I think my shitty overall genetics are holding me back. My arms will NEVER be on par with others i may eventually compete with. Well and I bulk differently. Your way seems to be working and mine does not I still eat clean as hell..and never cheat like i agreed with you in the other thread..I have just slacked on cardio.

    Oh and Uber...Nark 205 10%=184.5lbs LBM

  24. #624
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    Thursday 30th November 2006


    Didn't train today... Been nursing a migraine for the last 3 days. And from last night upset stomach.


  25. #625
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Oh and Uber...Nark 205 10%=184.5lbs LBM
    Damn I'm a rake...

    Friday 1st December 2006

    5 a.m.

    Abs; Cardio

    Reverse leg-raise/crunch: 4 sets: 10 reps each set

    Roman Chair sit-up: 4 sets: 10 reps each set

    Stair Master: 40 minutes


  26. #626
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Whats with all this new found ab work?

  27. #627
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Whats with all this new found ab work?
    ^^My training Journal...

    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I'm just doing it to kill time while my girl trains in the a.m.

    My girl trains for 1 hr -1 hr 15 minutes.

    If i do 45 minutes of cardio that leaves 15-30 minutes of chilling... so i do abs to pass the time: 10-15 minutes. Whatever time is left i nap or something.

  28. #628
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    230 at 5'6" is a hell of a goal! You will be Tank at that weight!! Good Luck !!

  29. #629
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    nap or something. Start bringing your sleeping bag to the gym!

  30. #630
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    nap or something. Start bringing your sleeping bag to the gym!
    You're suggesting i nap instead of doing cardio?

    The fatty in me has no prob with that suggestion at all

    Friday 1st December 2006.. 8:40-10 p.m.

    Chest; Delts; Triceps

    General Warm-up: Seated Lateral Raises:

    4 sets: 15 lb dumbbells: 15 reps each set

    Incline Dumbbell Fly: neutral grip.. plams facing down

    Set 1: 30 lb dumbbells: 15 reps
    Set 2: 30 lb dumbbells: 12 reps
    Set 3: 30 lb dumbbells: 12 reps

    Parallel Bar dip:

    3 sets: bodyweight: 8 reps each set

    Set 1: weighted: 25 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: weighted: 45 lbs: 8 reps

    Incline Dumbbell Bench press:

    3 sets: 80 lb dumbbells: 8 reps each set

    Set 1: 100 lb dumbbells: 6 reps [failure]

    Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press:

    warm-up: 2 sets: bare bar: 12 reps; 8 reps

    Set 1: 95 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 145 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 145 lbs: 6 reps; 95 lbs: 5 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 5: 115 lbs: 8 reps

    Smith Machine Upright Rows:

    warm-up: 2 sets: bare bar: 8 reps each set

    Set 1: 65 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 85 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 115 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 4: 115 lbs: 8 reps

    Tricep Pressdown:

    Set 1: 65 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 3: 85 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 4: 95 lbs: 8 reps

    One-arm dumbbell french press:

    4 sets: 25 lb dumbbell: 6 reps each arm; each set

    An ok session...


  31. #631
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Seems like it took a little longer then normal??

    someone must have disturbed ur session...

  32. #632
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    Would you guys believe my cell rings in the middle of my session and it's that Bastard Faiz calling long distance to chat?


    You're the greatest Faiz.

  33. #633
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Would you guys believe my cell rings in the middle of my session and it's that Bastard Faiz calling long distance to chat?


    You're the greatest Faiz.

    LOL.. your a real Johnny.skeet rat to the next level ( this one is tru)....


  34. #634
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    What's that about wanting to give me a bag of milk you Canadian?

  35. #635
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    LOL.. enough whoring your journal.. Tomorrow is cardio ....

    This milk man made the last bicycle trip for tonight in your thread


  36. #636
    chest6's Avatar
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    naw u sed "whatever time i have left i nap or something"

  37. #637
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Missed saturday session.. Ended up in the tattoo parlour getting tattooed with my girl.

  38. #638
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Monday 4th December 5:30 a.m.

    Back; Biceps

    Prelude: My girl overslept... and as she's my ride to the gym that's why we started so late. We got engagement tatts on our wrists.. so straps etc. were out. Thus my deadlift poundage was significantly lower... due to grip failure. Since i didn't actually use poundages that would've been taxing to my erectors.. i didn't use a belt in this workout.

    General warm-up:

    Hyper-extensions: 2 sets: 8 reps each set

    Deadlifts: no straps no belt...

    warm-up: bare bar: 6 reps
    warm-up: 135 lbs: 6 reps
    warm-up: 225 lbs: 6 reps
    warm-up: 315 lbs: 6 reps

    Set 1: 405 lbs: 3 reps [grip failure]
    Set 2: 405 lbs: 2 reps [grip failure]

    prognosis: warm up sets were wasted (too many sets.. forearm got pumped)... Grip failed before back did. Bar basically fell from fingers

    Lat Machine Pulldowns: pulling to neck/upper clavicle.

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 145 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 170 lbs: 5 reps; 145 lbs: 3 reps; 125 lbs: 3 reps; 105 lbs: 4 reps

    Low pulley Row: Long bar...

    Set 1: 125 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 2: 145 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 170 lbs: 6 reps
    Set 4: 145 lbs: 8 reps

    Laying Cable pullover: Reverse, bent-arm grip...

    warm-up: 55 lbs: 12 reps

    Set 1: 75 lbs: 10 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 8 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 8 reps

    Standing Very-Close grip Cable curl:

    Set 1: 55 lbs: 15 reps
    Set 2: 75 lbs: 6 reps; 55 lbs: 4 reps
    Set 3: 75 lbs: 5 reps; 55 lbs: 3 reps; 35 lb: 3 reps
    Set 4: 55 lbs: 8 reps

    An ok session...


  39. #639
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Missed saturday session.. Ended up in the tattoo parlour getting tattooed with my girl.

    Don't leave us hanging Nark, what ink did you get and where did you put it?? How many tats you got now?

  40. #640
    chest6's Avatar
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    I deadlift strapless. Chalk only! U shud try it

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