no matter how hard i work out my bi's they barely ever grow. i tried every exercise and all that shit but i turns out that even little skinny kid looks like they have bigger bi's than me and it pisses me off
no matter how hard i work out my bi's they barely ever grow. i tried every exercise and all that shit but i turns out that even little skinny kid looks like they have bigger bi's than me and it pisses me off
maybe your overtraining them
whats your workout look like? how many days aweek?
I don't want to start a new thread cuz it's along these lines. I have pretty long arms and it seems that my biceps tend to grow horizontally instead of vertically. No matter what I do, the peakes are nothing compared to the width of my bicep. Could this just be a genetic trait or can I make them pointy?
What I have done in the past for peaking my bi's is Negatives and Halfs.
for neg... start with your max weight of your curl, on a bar or barbell. Start the exercise at your normal finsh position, paralell with your shoulders. Then SLOWWLy lower the weight down till your arms are extended. take maybe a 10 count from start to finish of the exercise.
I do this like a regular set of reps (increase the weight w/ each rep)10-7-4-1.
And then I do a set of halfs, which are lighter weight curls with dumbells and only extending your arms half way.
focus on sqeezing your bi and holding it at the end of the contraction.
This is a way that has worked for me to get a nice peak.
Important DO NOT OVER TRAIN. It is really easy to overtrain your arms because they get used in other exercises. if your going to devote a day for arms, start by only training them 1 day a week. see what happens.
and the only way to get really big is lift really heavy weight,,,but remember to allow your muscles to recoop.
If you are in the gym everyday, you may be overtraining.
but this is what works for me, try it, it may work for you too.
i got the same problem vegas kid
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