Whats up everyone I talked with Nark about some training split and he gave me a few that were very interestng and I felt I would share them with everyone since he took the time to write out these. Here are a few of the splits he gave to me(this is the original message)
Hey Nark I hope you don't mind me PMing you but I like they way you have your split set up. I was reading a thread where you told someone to follow something like this
I like that split in fact it looks just like my old one but I have been looking for something new I was curious about:
chest,front/side delts
back/rear delts
I'm not sure if 2 days would be enough time for the tris to recover as to not overtrain and for the last 2 days I wasn't sure if two in a row of shoulder oriented movements was a good thing or not. What do you think any suggestions?
Nark: This split you're proposing...I like the merit of it but not the arrangement. From it i assume you're trying to arm/shoulder size... by splitting the workload of shoulders over two days...and giving arms their own day. Am i right?
If that's the case..i think arm should be last in the week. I think the first day in the training session should be for the most lagging major body part... Your arms aren't a major bodypart...
If you believe that:
¤Arms are lagging and
¤They'd benefit from training after a rest day...
Then place them last in the training cycle...but place a rest day right before them so you'll be stronger on arm day.
I should note that i'm a fan of training legs first as even in myself, my legs being my best bodypart, legs can never be too good...and hard leg-training results in overall muscle growth.So bear with my bias
Monday: Quads; Hams; Calves
Tuedays: Chest; Medial and Anterior Delts
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Back; Traps; Posterior Delts
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Bicep; Triceps; Forearms
Sunday: Rest
The main prob i'd have with this split would be that one day may or may not be enough rest for you between chest and back...It may result in sore shoulders on back day...Not knowing more about you i'm forced to speculate. It could be an effective split tho. Another option would be
Example 2
Monday: Quads; Hams; Calves
Tuedays: Chest; Medial and Anterior Delts
Wednesday: Rest; mild cardio (optional)
Thursday: Rest; mild cardio (optional)
Friday: Back; Traps; Posterior Delts
Saturday: Bicep; Triceps; Forearms
Sunday: Rest
This could be an effective split also...tho, noting that bicep is trained the day after back, your bicep may be sore on arm day.
Here's another split
Monday: Quads; Hams; Calves
Tuedays: Chest; Medial and Anterior Delts
Wednesday: Rest; mild cardio (optional)
Thursday: Bicep; Triceps; Forearms
Friday: Rest; mild cardio (optional)
Saturday: Back; Traps; Posterior Delts
Sunday: Rest
This could be the best split..it'd depend on some variables tho.. exercise selection on back/leg day. You may have to drop deadlifts on back day and do SLDLs (stiff-leg deadlifts) on leg day...so your hams and lower back aren't sore from leg day: sore due to Saturday's back workout.
Nark is the man so he knows what he is talking about If anyone else has some splits of their own post them up