Originally Posted by
as long as you're not completly depleting your glycogen stores you can exercise @ any intensity and not worry about losing muscle mass, so why not up the intenstiy?
you're not training slow or fast twitch fibers, you're just burning calories.
Working out in a suit, to specifically sweat does nothing more to help drop body fat. Just making it harder on your body to replenish it's hydration level.
Why would you not want to stay as cool as possible when working out, unless trying to mimic game conditions.
You're not going to produce slow twitch muscle fibers from walking, i don't know who gave you this misconception.
Walk, run, ride your azz off, you're not going to lose your explosiveness. If your H/R doesnt go above apprx 65% of your max you're not even going to be using any glycogen for energy. Most people have roughly 45 minutes of glycogen stores that is able to be used during exercise. Elite well trained athlets can have up to 70 minutes, before haveing to rely on fat and muscle to metabolize for energy
So in turn, kick it up a notch and dont worry bout it.