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Thread: Ranking cardio for cutting

  1. #1

    Ranking cardio for cutting

    Out of ten how would rank the following cardio variations for fat loss?

    1. Fasted state long duration cardio in the am. Say 45 mins at 65-75% MHR
    2. Same as above but in the pm 3-4hrs after pro/fat meal
    3. 30-45 mins at 65-75% MHR post workout.
    4. Fasted state HIIT. For convenience, say 20 mins with a 1:2 work/rest ratio i.e 30 sec sprint/60 sec slow.
    5. Non-fasted HIIT.
    6. Post workout HIIT.

    Feel free to add any other options I may have omitted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I say 3

    Or 1 for about 30 min...JMO...

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