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Thread: Please help semi-beginner w/ routine (s/f)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Please help semi-beginner w/ routine (s/f)

    I say I'm a semi-beginner b/c i have always worked out each body part 2-3 times/wk and have had an awful diet. I just stumbled upon these forums and have learned that everything i was doing was wrong and it's no wonder i haven't made hardly any gains. I'm 24, been working out off/on for about 3 yrs. I'm 6' and 175 lbs and am not using any gear. Here is my routine, how does it look? I don't train on specific days of the week, but I follow a 6 day cycle. I usually alternate b/t barbells and dbbls each cycle on the exercises that are applicable. I've been using a rep range of 8-6-4, but I'm going to switch to a range of 12-15 for about 3-4 weeks. Please let me know what changes would be beneficial. Thanks!

    1) Bench
    Incline/Decline (Alternate each cycle)
    Close Grip Bench
    Skull Crushers
    Weighted Dips

    2) Squats
    Leg Extension
    Leg Curls
    Standing Calf Raises

    3) Rest

    4) Shoulder Press
    Side Raises
    Rear Raises
    Upright Rows

    5) Weighted Pullups
    Rows (Cable, Dbbl, or Brbll)
    Dbbl Curl
    Preacher Curl
    Hammer Curl

    6) Rest

    I also run 4-5 times/wk b/c i'm in the Marine Corps and have to stay in shape.

  2. #2
    Off topic but whats your MOS and where are you stationed?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    6002, PCSing to Miramar in Dec, you?

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