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Thread: No regular bench, only dumbell, bad? better?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma

    No regular bench, only dumbell, bad? better?

    hey guys i started wondering this the other day. first off im a total ecto and my chest is small but strong for its size. my arms are very big compared to my torso, i think anyway. ive had trouble forever building chest size and i dont do regular bench. this is mainly because i try to lift until failure and with no workout partner i cant do bench. instead i do dumbell flat, incline. do you think this has a lot to do with what i think is a small chest? i would think that if anything it would be better to do db bench for the synergistic muscles. i could get someone to spot but i hate when i ask someone to spot me and they end up doing every rep for me just to get it over with and i dont get a good workout. what do yall think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i think its good to mix it up. i'm an ecto myself and my chest is prolly by far my weakest body part. i dont work out w/ a partner either and i still do BB flat/incline/decline. personally i dont like havin a spotter cuz i feel dependent on them. what i mean is that i kno that someone is there to help me if i need it. for me, by not using a spotter i do not let myself fail. gotta admit though it is nice to get a spot to push out a few reps to completely fatigue the muscle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    regular bench is good, and so is dumbell press.
    And like the above guy said, it's good to mix them up.

    Dumbell press builds stabilizer muscles because each arm has to support its own weight. Rather than using an olympic bar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    I think the flat dumbell press is one of the more useful exercises for your chest, it really gives barbell a run for its money. My barbell bench press has gone up significantly since i started doing heavy dumbell presses, and I have more symmetrical strength now too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    parked in yo momma
    i like to hear this stuff, now i dont feel so bad. maybe ill switch to barbell for a month or so then go back

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