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Thread: 2 much cardio?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    2 much cardio?

    Monday - AM:Back - PM:Cardio
    Theusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Wednsday - AM:Chest/Biceps
    Thrusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Friday - AM:Legs - PM:Cardio
    Saturday - AM:Triceps/Shoulders
    Sunday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio

    iv started my cut and this is what i been doing the past 2 weeks, is this 2 much cardio, should i cut it down to once a day on my off days insted of twice a day.

    each session is 30mins long

    ya think i should cut the cardio out on Monday and Friday?

    you see the thing is i got a friends wedding to go to in 4 months time and i want to be able to look good in a suit ya know

    i got quite high bodyfat, im guessing 20-30%, im on 2600kals/180g carbs/250g protein. very clean diet. i carb up once a week as well btw. dont want to lower it 2 much at the moment incase i just loose my muscle witch hides over my layer of fat hehe

    so wot ya think, so i stick with the cardio im doing atm or cut it down?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    i was thinking about cutting it down like this

    Monday - AM:Back
    Theusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Wednsday - AM:Chest/Biceps
    Thrusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Friday - AM:Legs
    Saturday - AM:Triceps/Shoulders
    Sunday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I would think it is mostly depending on your goals and the intensity of your cardio sessions. I am doing 45 minutes of cardio 7 days in the am and lifting 4 days in the afternoon. I am cutting right now so I am less worried on losing muscle. If you are doing too much cardio you will lose muscle so you need to watch that also just be over training in general.

    What are your goals? what is your diet like? what are you stats?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I am cutting right now so I am less worried on losing muscle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    that did sound strange didn't it.. ha.. I am cutting fat so I am not as worried about "gaining" muscle.. sorry for the confusion.. Sometimes my fingers type before my brain is in-gear. I am doing more cardio for a 12-week cycle and dropping BF then I will go toa bulk which will have less cardio.

    I guess my point was if you do Too Much Cardio you will start tearing down your current muscle and end up worse off than you were.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well my goal is to get down to 10% bodyfat, my stats are:
    Height: '6"1
    Weight: around 220-230lbs
    Bodyfat: i never got it done but im guessing around 20-30% not 2 sure.

    this is wot my diet looks like:


    Meal 1:
    80g Oatmeal
    50g of whey
    1 Multi-Vitamin


    Meal 2:
    73g Oatmeal
    50g of whey


    Meal 3:
    100g Brown Rice (uncooked)
    150g Chicken Breast
    Half a onion


    meal 4:
    100g lettuce
    Half a onion
    150 Chicken Breast
    Tbp Olive Oil
    3 Oatcakes


    meal 5:
    200g Brussels
    Salmon Steak
    100g Green Beans
    Tbp Olive Oil


    meal 6:
    400g Cottage Cheese
    Tbp Olive Oil
    1 Cod Liver Oil Tablet


    Total: 2601kals
    Protein: 240g
    Carbs: 180g
    fat : 69g

    i use oatmeal in postworkout shake at the moment cuz i aint got dextrose orderd yet. think if i stick at his many kals and carbs for a few weeks, then cut down the carbs later will yeild good results with my spilt i showed ya?

    i carb up every week to about 300g as well

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Horrible thread

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Horrible thread

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by doomeh
    Monday - AM:Back - PM:Cardio
    Theusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Wednsday - AM:Chest/Biceps
    Thrusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
    Friday - AM:Legs - PM:Cardio
    Saturday - AM:Triceps/Shoulders
    Sunday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio

    iv started my cut and this is what i been doing the past 2 weeks, is this 2 much cardio, should i cut it down to once a day on my off days insted of twice a day.

    each session is 30mins long
    I may be blinded by all the cardio...but when do you train Legs?

    if your excuse for not training legs is that you're fearing overtraining due to indirectly stressing legs daily with cardio (which is bs i might add) then yes you're doing too much cardio.

    Otherwise... Keep doing the amount you're doing (if it's working for you)...and add a leg session in there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Too much cardio? Are you looking for an excuse to be lazy...? Cardio is your friend. especially for you older gentlemen and ladies.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Horrible thread

    why? only lookin for some advice man

    Narkissos, i got Legs in there on Friday mate

    thanks for the replys lads.

  12. #12
    apparently losing fat is your goal so...

    keep high protein intake, maybe even moderate fat but keep track of your progress as far as losing fat is, and adjust carbs as needed. If your not losing the amount you wish, cut carbs.

    anyone disagree?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by doomeh
    why? only lookin for some advice man

    You're right my bad. I think I've jsut been getting too upset with so many of these PM's I've been getting. Some people are either afraid to ask certain questions or maybe they're looking for an easy way out by PM'ing. But you have to see some of these questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Doomeh, feel free to PM me I'll help as much as I can. To quickly touch on your layout heres what I think:

    I'll work off your second post when you cut it down a bit. First off all your question was "Too much cadio?"[I]. IMO if you're trying to cut too much cardio would be doing so much that you are buring muscle along with fat. So lets try to avoid that.

    You have a layout where you're assuming that that on off days you can get away with doing 30 minutes of cardio twice a day. Dont do that!!! It's going to take at least 20 minutes at your THR just to burn through glyco stores before even tapping into fat, and even that figure is based on the last time you ate. You'd be better off performing your 30minutes after resistence training on your "on" days at the gym. On off days AM would be great

    Take a look at this thread. Its only 2 days old and has some good info. Check out my intial comment which is post #3. Anymore questions Feel free to PM or post again.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thanks for the help, i will take ur advice. just one thing...i thought if u done cardio after weight training you were just burning your muscle.

    thanks again mate

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by doomeh
    i thought if u done cardio after weight training you were just burning your muscle.

    I touched on that subject in the thread I posted, as did a few others.

    Depending on when you had your last meal it's going to take about 20 minutes or so at your THR to just burn through Glucose. After that is when you can tap into fat stores.

    It kills me when I see people walk into the gym, jump on a treadmill for 30 minutes and then leave. They're all sweaty and so concerned about how many calories it said they burned. Then what??????????? You go and have a PWO shake or meal and you go and consume more then you just burned. It's an ongoing cycle.

    By performing cardio after weights you have a good chance at hitting fat stores right off the rip. 30 minutes of strictly fat burning is way better then taking 20 minutes to burn through glucose then on to 10 minutes of fat.

    Read into that other post more, once you get some of your posts up feel free to PM me.

    Best of Luck

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