Monday - AM:Back - PM:Cardio
Theusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
Wednsday - AM:Chest/Biceps
Thrusday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
Friday - AM:Legs - PM:Cardio
Saturday - AM:Triceps/Shoulders
Sunday - AM:Cardio - PM:Cardio
iv started my cut and this is what i been doing the past 2 weeks, is this 2 much cardio, should i cut it down to once a day on my off days insted of twice a day.
each session is 30mins long
ya think i should cut the cardio out on Monday and Friday?
you see the thing is i got a friends wedding to go to in 4 months time and i want to be able to look good in a suit ya know![]()
i got quite high bodyfat, im guessing 20-30%, im on 2600kals/180g carbs/250g protein. very clean diet. i carb up once a week as well btw. dont want to lower it 2 much at the moment incase i just loose my muscle witch hides over my layer of fat hehe
so wot ya think, so i stick with the cardio im doing atm or cut it down?