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Thread: OVERTRAINED-how am I now?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA

    OVERTRAINED-how am I now?

    Ok guys, I tried posting this a week or so ago and got about 1 response. I had previously been trying to bulk but was overtraining and got no where. I took about 2 weeks off and will be starting up tomorrow. How do my revised lifts look?
    Squat-Leg Extension-Ham Curl all 3x10
    Chin ups (to failure)-Straight Leg Deads-1 Arm Dbells-Shrugs- all 3x10

    Flat Bench-Incline Dbell-Dips-Cable Crossovers all 3x10
    Close Grip Bench-Pull Downs-Skull Crushers

    BBell Curls-Incline Dbell Curls-Hammer Curls all 3x10
    Forward Raises-Lateral Raises-Military Press all 3x10

    Ok guys, there it is. How does it look? I will be getting proper nutrition, roughly 6-7 meals a day with @ least 40g protein and 50g Carb per meal. I am 20yrs old, 5'10, 200lbs and 18%BF.

    I was wondering if I should add to or replace one of my chest lifts with pullovers. Would this be of any benefit? What else would you all change/add/remove from these lifts? I have read that I should do a MWF split while bulking and go 5 days on while cutting. What are your opinions? PLEASE HELP ME! I do not want to overtrain/undertrain this time! Thanks for all your wisdom!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Steel City Ontario

    Thumbs up

    Three days imo is good for bulking however legs are such a big muscle group I would do them on their own day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Romeoguy62
    Monday-Back/ Biceps
    Db rows 4 sets
    latt pull ups/downs 3 sets
    cgpd 3 sets
    Hammer curls 3 sets
    Db or BB curls 3 sets

    Wednesday-Chest/Tris/ shoulders
    Flat Bench 3 sets
    Db incline 3 sets
    Flys 3 sets
    Seated Db press 3 sets
    laterals 3 sets
    close grip bench or skull crushers 4 sets

    Friday- legs

    squats 5 sets
    Thigh extensions 3 sets
    SLDL 3 sets
    hamstring curls 3 sets
    standing calfs 3-4 sets
    You can do shrugs on back day or shoulder day....its up to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA
    Ok, So what day should I move my back day too? Friday with Bis and Shoulders?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Legs and back are the two hardest workouts and you've put them together!!! Its far more obvious to put biceps with back and legs on their own.

    With a chest day, back day and shoulder day, you will be working your shoulders at least twice a week. Back day automatically hits the posterior deltoid and chest day automatically hits the anterior deltoid. This would cut your shoulder workout to just medial deltoids and a few military presses which would be a waste of time. Put anteriors and medials with chest, and rear delts with back to compact your split.

    Biceps should be with back and triceps with chest so that you could avoid overlapping by doing corresponding exercises all at once. The idea of biceps with shoulders makes me sick, its just odd

    I totally agree with T_B, he has ALREADY answered your question of where to put back.
    Last edited by Flexor; 11-28-2005 at 08:57 AM. Reason: Added couple of words

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Romeoguy62

    Squat-Leg Extension-Ham Curl all 3x10
    Chin ups (to failure)-Straight Leg Deads-1 Arm Dbells-Shrugs- all 3x10

    Flat Bench-Incline Dbell-Dips-Cable Crossovers all 3x10
    Close Grip Bench-Pull Downs-Skull Crushers

    BBell Curls-Incline Dbell Curls-Hammer Curls all 3x10
    Forward Raises-Lateral Raises-Military Press all 3x10

    I was wondering if I should add to or replace one of my chest lifts with pullovers. Would this be of any benefit?
    Ditch CABLE CROSSOVERS. As for pullovers they are rubbish because you get the same effect as doing underhand pullups, and its a weak effect anyway. You may not realise that pullups work your pecs slightly, but they do. The idea works inversely as well, dips work the lats.

    The rotation of the shoulder determines what muscle is worked harder in each exercise, in the case of pullups its the lats, in the case of dips, its the pecs.

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