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Thread: I have another bicep question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho

    I have another bicep question

    Okay I have another bicep question. Okay I would like to develop my outer bicep. For example, let's say I am doing a back pose, with arms up. That outer bicep that is soo distinct, when you do that. My inner bicep is fine. My question is, I have done hammer curls for a while and all sorts of bicep routines, but just can't get that outer bicep looking good. is there an exercise or a grip that I should use to focus and concentrate on that part of the bicep? I have heard that on hammers, you can change your grip or the way you "curl up", to hit that outer bicep. Is this true for must of you? Or is the bicep one of those muslces that you have to continously have to work and as it builds it will get bigger and bigger. I thnk I have alot of mass and my bicep just has to fill in so to speak. What do you guys think and can recommend. Preciate any input. I hope I made myself clear on what I am tryin to do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    If it has MASS, and you are trying to find your peak, you can do "Cable Curl from overhead pullys". You stand in a crucifix position, and pull them and try to punch the back top of your head (the spot where a lot of men go bald) . End your bicep workout with 2 ot three set of these and work for the burn. Also try concentration curls, you completely isolate the bicep w/ these two, and the latter, you use your leg as somewhat a preacher bench. These will develop the peak, and make it look like the "Alps" instead of just a rolling hill.LOL . I hope that is what you were looking for, if not. Tell me so, and I'll see if i can help.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Concentration curls as Papapump pointed out are a great shaper they do very little for building mass but will shape the muscle.

    Good luck building the tennis ball biceps!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Get a scott curl bench and reverse the pad (the goal is for your arms to be straight up and down as opposed to a 45 degree angle). Get a relativy light barbell and do strict curls holding the wieght at the top of the rep for a split second. Your biceps will peak big time.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Thanks guys, I ahve tried the concentrated curls, did nothing for me, plus maybe cause I hate doin them. Pete thanks for the advice, I wasn't sure if I could change my grip to get that "outer" bicep to peak. So you guys are sayin that I should focus on more reps? RIght now I am doing preacher and hammer curls about 6 max. Should I just focus on the peak exercises you think? I wanna make that bicep really have that rounded ball effect. I think my arms are already massive but mostly tricep, I want my bicep to look pumped even when my arm is just down. I will do what you guys say, and see if it works.
    Papa, that exercise you described sounds like it is a killer, I just don't understand it fully. You said like you were trying to touch the back of your head? I am trying to visualize that exercise.
    Thanks for the advice guys. Should I focus on more reps?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Ok, you're gonna laugh, when you hear this...because it's quite simple (I just don't know how to describe it very well ).

    Go to a cable machine, where you would do cable pully tricep pushdowns or chest flyes. Hook a handle to each side of the machine (at the very top).

    Now picture Jesus how he was crucified ( don't hate me for this Lord, I'm just using your position as an example). Stand with arms out from your sides angled diagonally upward. Grab the handles with your hands supinated. And pull them as if you're curling the cables into the side of your head. So when you finish ,it's how you pose for a double bicep pose. You see what I'm getting at? Try them, they're fantastic. If you don't understand, tell me what you don't understand, and I'll try to clarify it more.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Outside your bedroom wind

    Wink I didn't even think of this!!! (I'm stupid, I know)

    Either that, or look at my Avatar and that's ALMOST what the finishing position should look like. Not EXACTLY! But close. Your hand should be supinated, not pronated like Zane's.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    man thanks papa for the explanation I think I understand now. I will give it a go. I just did my bis today, so wait about another couple of days, and I will give it a shot. Thanks again bro. really appreciate it.

  9. #9
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    Outside your bedroom wind

    If you still don't understand, don't be shy...just tell me, I love helping people. Everyone around here including you helps me sooooo much, I need to give something back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    I know what you mean about helpin out, with the help I get on this board, when someone has a question, man I am one of the first one's to jump on it if I know. Thanks I think I got it from what you explained. I will try it, if I dont' feel it or get the rhythm right, when I do it or I can't feel it in my bi's I will let ya know, but I think I got an idea how the exercise should work. I will let ya know bro, thanks again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    To Papa Pump

    Hey Papa Pump,
    I don't know what they are called either but I do those regularly. I love the feeling from that excerise. You really want the burning feeling. Try this, super set isolation curls. I do these at the end of my routine because if I do them first, I get to wore out. YOu may use a little heavier weight if you want but this is what I do.
    Take 3 dumbells, one 20lb, one 25 lb and one 30 lb.
    Now stand them up directly in front of you while you sit sideways on a bench.
    Grab the 30 lb, with elbow placed on the inside of your leg rep out 10 reps. Drop the dumbell and immediatly grab the 25.
    Rep out 10 more reps, drop it and grab the 20lb
    Now rep out 10 with the 20. The idea is to not take any rest at all through out the entire excerise.

    At the top of each rep really flex the bicep hard. I'll manger doing 2 sets on each arm ( 1 set on right then 1 set on left then repeat) and by the time I am at the 20lb my bicep burns like a scalded pig.
    Last edited by Tobey; 10-16-2001 at 06:53 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    That is a great idea thanks a million. I do concentrated curls like that, but never thought of doing with the weights as you instructed. Okay maybe I ain't so jealous with your title. Thanks again bros. daum I love you guys, and this freakin board.
    Tell Mike and them they need to make a forums for us addicts..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    Tell Mike and them they need to make a forums for us addicts.. [/B]
    They have. It's called Anabolic Review

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I really like the double bicep pose on the cables too. I just started doing them at the end of my sets. I get a really good burn doing drop sets on those. I drop 2 plates each time and go til i feel like my bis are about to explode.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by baby mac
    . I drop 2 plates each time and go til i feel like my bis are about to explode.
    Ya they are great aren't they?? I could have swore one day that someone called them Hercules Curls, but i might be wrong. Oh hey guys, i gotta go, Cheetah's calling!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Im not sure what the hell theyre called, and didnt much care when I couldnt lift my damn arms in the gym yesterday haha.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey papa we will just make up new name for them now they will be called papapump cable curls how do ya like that

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Da papa pump curls hey hey I like it.. man I preciate all the great responces to my wittle ole post here. (tear jerker),
    Funny Tobey with that comment by the way bout the addicts section, so I guess that means all of us here are freaking just screwed up?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The Big Easy
    Sup pawnta.... most of these guys have named the exercises i do for my arm workout. They only missed one though that i love , it really adds to the peak also. Grab the rope that you would use on tricep pulldowns. Put it on the bottom hook as you would do cable curls. Now stradle the cable w/ your back facking the weights. Lean foward slightly and curl the rope up , try to pull them apart at the top. Do these slow and sqeeze at the top. You can do different angles also to get your own feel for it. Give it a try , i love em

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Yea, but in a good sort of way!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    tanks supa I will give it a go.
    Oh and Tobey you sure about that man?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by JRMY2711
    hey papa we will just make up new name for them now they will be called papapump cable curls how do ya like that

    OMG! I'm honored...I love the idea,LOL

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    kailua, oahu, hawaii
    I my self do thoes all the time and they are great. Another great exsercise i do for peak is cable concentration curls. I get a monster pump from them.

    ps... I believe they are called high pully cable curls

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