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Thread: losing strength - overtraining?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    losing strength - overtraining?

    Ever get that day in the gym where you lift considerably less than the week before? Today I could barely do 4 sets of 10 on squats with 185. Last week I did 4 sets X10 with 225. I always have an ABB mass recovery drink immediately after a workout. I eat a minimum of 6 meals a day (at least 30g protein) and I only hit each muscle group once a week. I did go out and get trashed last weekend after my leg work out though. Am I overtraining? Im gonna take a week off just in case, as it has been awhile.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    One other thing. My leg workout consists of 4X10 box squats, 4X10 romanian deadlifts, 4X10 leg press, and 4X12 donkey calf.

  3. #3
    were you tired? whenever i don't get enough sleep the night before legs..I'm no good for anything

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by Sust Man
    Ever get that day in the gym where you lift considerably less than the week before? Today I could barely do 4 sets of 10 on squats with 185. Last week I did 4 sets X10 with 225. I always have an ABB mass recovery drink immediately after a workout. I eat a minimum of 6 meals a day (at least 30g protein) and I only hit each muscle group once a week. I did go out and get trashed last weekend after my leg work out though. Am I overtraining? Im gonna take a week off just in case, as it has been awhile.
    It happens every now and then it's just a bad workout I had one couple days ago. Everything contributes to it the amount of work/stress up until the point of your training, you might be a little under the weather all sorts of emotional and physical things can affect the workout. If it continues to be a problem then I would consider changing things around to compensate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Autobot City
    Quote Originally Posted by Sust Man
    One other thing. My leg workout consists of 4X10 box squats, 4X10 romanian deadlifts, 4X10 leg press, and 4X12 donkey calf.
    how often do you switch your reps/weight

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I usually change my reps a little every week or so. I completely change excercises about every 5 workouts. It just pisses me off because it always happens with squats. Sure i'll have a bad day on bench and only get 8 reps instead of ten or lift 20 pounds less than a previous workout, but 50 pounds in a week on squats? WTF?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Always close to a gym
    Aaah - Don't be so hard on yourself - it was really only 40 pounds.

    Seriously, Take the week off and try it again.
    Shoot for 8 reps and see how that works.
    I think you're doing a little too much, but don't know how long you've been working out.
    And the stress thing is bigger than a lot of people may imagine.
    It can really ruin a great workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    only you know the answer to that question... but a loss of strength is a possible sign of overtraining... as you said maybe a week off is all you need to get the mind and body right.

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