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Thread: Running the day after leg workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Running the day after leg workout

    Age: 24
    Wt: 175
    Experience: 2-3 years w/o a good diet, routine, or knowledge
    Gear: none

    I've learned so much just from reading all the posts on this website. I've realized that I've wasted alot of time training the wrong way, and now I'm trying to correct that. I've started to workout my legs now, and I want to know if it's ok to run the day or 2 days after my leg workout. I'm in the USMC and need to continue running as much as possible so please help me out with this. Thanks.

  2. #2
    I started a thread similar to this the other day, but it was about sprinting. Not too sure about this, I wouldn't think so, as long as you kept it slow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I wouldn't run the day after..but if you HAVE to:

    limit the volume of you leg session on the previous day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Thanks guys. I would run 2 days afterwards, but I'm more sore the 2nd day and I don't want to not run on my off days from working out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by trek4
    Thanks guys. I would run 2 days afterwards, but I'm more sore the 2nd day and I don't want to not run on my off days from working out.
    If you are jogging rather than sprinting, it shouldn't lead to overtraining if you leave 48 hours. If anything it might help you recover quicker by getting the blood through the muscles to deliver vital nutrients etc. Longer distance running will work your slow twitch fibres more, and these are not properly worked during weight training anyway so there shouldn't be much overlapping...

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