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Thread: Chest workout...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell

    Chest workout...

    I was thinking the other day about chest wokrout. Lets see if I start with flat bench.. do a nice 4 sets on it. Than its time for incline... and than decline..and flys etc. Ok when Ill go thru 4 sets of flat... 4 sets of incline.. my chest will get tired... so by the time i get to decline and flys obviously Im not gonna be able to lift as much as I would If I started with decline. Do You guys know what I mean ? Wouldnt it be a good idea to ... switch the order from time to time ? start with decline or incline than go to flys and flat at the end ? what do You guys think ?
    Because I know when Im doing my chest.. I do hell of a sets on flat... and after those 4 sets.. I feel it good.. and when it comes to incline next.. im like damn..why is it so heavy.. and I know I could normally lift that much .. IF I didnt do flat first..
    Just a thought..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    switching the order will work, you can also try doing one set of flat bench then with no rest, do incline flys

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Eating chicken with pasta
    switching is good and does the trick for me..u can also try to work the upper chest(incline bench-flys) first, then middle chest (bench-crossover), then lower chest (decline bench or presses and dips).
    When i do this i don't loose that much strenght through workouts, keep sets moderate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    On the barbell
    Nice. Ill start doing it from now on. See Im still learning about wokrout & nutrition. The reason I asked this Q was because I see that my chest is not developed ..evenly.. like my middle chest is not as full as other parts of it. Thats why Im trying to focus on that make it look nice and full. Upper middle area is what im talkng about ( I could say area between my pecs.. I need that more full) what would be the best wokrout for that area ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I switched mine up as well, basically started with my weakest link on my chest and that is the lower chest.

    I start with declines and then go to flat and then to inclines.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    I have 2 chest workouts that i rotate each week. The first involves doing flat bb press followed by incline db press. the rest of the workout depends on what i feel like doing that day, usually includes dips, decline, flies, cables, etc. the second workout starts with incline bb press and is followed by flat db press..

    i dont like to make decline a priority, i dont feel it creates a huge difference in my workouts. i like to incorperate it once inawhile but its not a staple like flat or incline.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
    I have 2 chest workouts that i rotate each week. The first involves doing flat bb press followed by incline db press. the rest of the workout depends on what i feel like doing that day, usually includes dips, decline, flies, cables, etc. the second workout starts with incline bb press and is followed by flat db press..

    i dont like to make decline a priority, i dont feel it creates a huge difference in my workouts. i like to incorperate it once inawhile but its not a staple like flat or incline.

    thanks for sharing your change up routines there. i have been wanting a good idea and it never crossed my mind to switch up the bb / db thing with incline and flat bench. thanks a lot bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    thanks for sharing your change up routines there. i have been wanting a good idea and it never crossed my mind to switch up the bb / db thing with incline and flat bench. thanks a lot bro.
    no problem, i found it works well for adding a little variety each week

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