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Thread: Db Curl Vs Barbell Curl

  1. #1

    Db Curl Vs Barbell Curl

    Ok guys I haven't found an answer to this search any where really. How much effect is someone going to lose going to dumbbell curls over barbell curls. I just can't be comfortable at all with a barbell and it kills my wrist. I don't know if it's my build maybe arms are too short or oddly set, but I can't lift without pain or akwardness, I've tried every grip I can think of.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    You can build great biceps using dumbells with different lifting techniques.You have to find exercises that work for you.Nothing is written in stone.There are exercises I avoid due to the way they stress my tendons.Preacher curls come to mind immediately.OUCH!!!


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by samwill226
    Ok guys I haven't found an answer to this search any where really. How much effect is someone going to lose going to dumbbell curls over barbell curls. I just can't be comfortable at all with a barbell and it kills my wrist. I don't know if it's my build maybe arms are too short or oddly set, but I can't lift without pain or akwardness, I've tried every grip I can think of.


    Try seated alternating db curls. This can be a good mass builder. The barbell is the best but this can be a good alternative. Start in a neutral grip. As you curl the weight up supinate the hand until it is fully supinated at the top of your ROM. Reverse the process on the eccentric. Repeat with your other arm. Start with the weak arm first so the reps are balanced out. You can go very heavy in this exercise. Good luck, bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I no longer do barbell curls... imo as pinn said: Nothing's set instone.

    You can get great development from dumbells man so don't be disheartended

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    For bis i do alternate dumbell curls as my mainstay...

    for my second exercise i may either do unilateral dumbell preachers...or incline dumbell curls.

    I think biomechanics is the main determinant in the argument of barbells v.s. dumbells

  6. #6
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    Aug 2004
    I've never consistently done barbell.

    Papi93 is right, the incline supinators, or standing/sitting supinators are excellent. They are also a COMPOUND exercise because you are rotating your wrist while flexing, and in my opinion are better than barbell curls. The supination movement recruits the biceps for what they are designed to do, and the dumbell allows you to control the weight with your biceps through wrist rotation. You know what they say about dumbells anyway, they increase the stimulation because the muscles have to work harder to stabilise. That is why people go to db bench or shoulder press and also why db rows are so effective.

    Standing straight curls doesn't allow the bicep to do its main role of supination, and instead it forces the wrists into an unnatural position and that is why I dropped them.

  7. #7
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    London Baby
    try uzing an EZ bar if straight bar curls hurt your wrist
    i hardly ever use straight bar
    dumbells and EZ for me

  8. #8
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    When doing bi's on Tues and Friday for me, I use barbell's heavy and tuesday and dumbells on Friday for my first mass exercises, seems to me working out good for me.

    If I were to say, barbell can create more mass, but you can also cheat rather easly with barbells

  9. #9
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    There are so many other movments you can do and they will still put mass on your bicepts. There's no reason to do a movement and risk injury or not hit the muscle fully because of pain that you bring other muscles in to finish the movement.

    I like incline BD curls, standing DB curls, I also use a incline bench and put my chest on it and do curls that way as well......... unreal pump and I feel I work the muscle fully this way.

  10. #10
    You guys rock, thanks for the great responses!


  11. #11
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    in your girls panties
    I go back and forth between barbell curl and dumbell curls. Right now though i'm starting my workout with seated dumbell curls on a incline bench. Than I do hammer curls and finish up with concentration curls. Sometimes i'll throw in one arm dumbell curls on incline bench.

    When i'm cycling I like to do heavy cheat barbell curls because I feel they put the mass on my bi's.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    try reverse grip chins - these are a good mass builder

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    try reverse grip chins - these are a good mass builder
    Yeh I agree, they really tighten the brachs and bis up into a pumped up ball of muscle. Both underhand and overhand chins with a shoulder width grip are excellent mass builders...

    samwill, remember those underhand rows I was talking about? well I've found that chins are even better and feel more natural

  14. #14
    Yes sir Flexor! I remember and I incorporated those in, but I saw where you had drag curls on another post and I do like those a little better if they are interchangable with the underhands, seems comparable in movement at least. But I'm also incorporating the incline curls you had on that same post, which prompted my question.

    No one really comes out and says why barbell is better, it just is? But is it because it locks your arms in a better form (and in turn kills my wrist), or is it the ability to do more weight? For me it's very awkward at the top and bottom of the movement along with the wrist pain. It's just feels wrong no matter what grip I use.

    You should be happy to know Flexor I have Bi sorness now thanks to your help! Now that I know the best movements for my arms I want to incorporate the maximum I can there for growth. For instance I toy around with:

    3 exercises 6-8 reps with 3 sets.
    Underarm Rows
    Drag Curls
    DB curls Inclined
    One arm high pulley cable curls
    Reverse preachers
    DB preachers

    But for instance last night experimenting I did:
    2 X 8 underhand rows
    2 X 8 drag curls
    3 X 8 incline db curls
    3 X 8 hammer curls

    Today I'm nicely sore.

    Of course this was alot of experimenting for me on how things felt, I'll find my primary and alternate routine soon I'm sure.

    Sometimes I'll do incline DB curls, One arm cable curls for isolation, and Hammers.

    Thanks again for your awesome insights everyone, especially Flexor.


  15. #15
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    Preachers always kill my elbows for some reason so i stay away from them also.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i like dumbell curls without twisting, holding the wrist in the curling grip the whole time. I must say thought I get a pump like no other when i do heavy barbell curls.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Good "advices" guys hehe.

    I had forearm pain in the past, but I ended up working out my forearm more to help support the weight, and I seem to be okay now. (I worked out forearms before curls)
    As fore dum. vs bar. curls... Barbell helped me build bicep mass, and doing dumbell curls help with other techniques which allowed me to put more stress on the belly of the bicep. Also I think it's what helped with bicep peak because what you can do with 'em!

    Heavy things are your friend! :-)

  18. #18
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    curls a curl, all are just variations of the same basic movement. find what works for you and alternate the motions every2-3 wks or as needed.

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