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Thread: Dumbell side bends

  1. #1

    Dumbell side bends

    What do you guys think of heavy dumbell side bends (4 sets, reps of 14,12,10,8 increasing weight each set)?

    Is this a good plan (in addition to kneeling cable crunches) for building my abs and obliques?

    Do any of you guys do heavy dumbell side bends?

  2. #2
    I haven't done them in a while....but used them regularly previously. I think they're friggin great, and the old timers used them in particular. Personally, i don't think there's any need to do more than 2 sets of 12-15 reps, 1 or 2x per week. Get up to 100lb dumbbells and that wil be a great effort.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i feel like my obliques are way too big already. I used to do these all the time and someone told me it was bad to do them because it builds up your obliques to the point were they look like they are fat. I am pretty lean. However my obliques stick out really far i hate it.

  4. #4
    If your trying to get your squat and deadlift numbers up, is it good to do these?

  5. #5
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    good for core strength for powerlifting!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    good for core strength for powerlifting!
    I'm with Doc on this one. Westside Barbell Club (powerlifting) really emphasizes having a strong core. Heavy db side bends is an excellent way to train the obliques in side flexion of the trunk.

  7. #7
    I agree and forgot to mention that they are great for the core. That whole thing about side bends making one look fat, all I can say is have a look at some of the old time bodybuilders who were way strong and could demonstrate it and had amazing physiques ie. John Grimek, Peary Rader and others.

  8. #8
    Another great side bend exercise is the Saxon Side Bend. Hold two db's overhead, like at the top of a db shoulder press, and keep them there. Now perform side bends. It will work your obliques as well as require stabilizing strength from your shoulders.

  9. #9
    Papi, now that's an old school move

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    Papi, now that's an old school move
    For old-school core training (my personal favorite), I like Strength Coach John Davies Renegade approach. To sell training sessions and add a little mainstream hype, I like Paul Chek's functional training approach to the core.

  11. #11
    Paul Chek's not bad at all, i only discovered him 3 or so years ago. I'm more of a Bill Starr devotee, and also Dr Ken Leistner, both recognised as top strength coaches, just using the basics, nothing complicated. Except Dr Ken gets his trainees into car dragging/pulling, sled pulling and farmer's walks around the block.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by sputnik
    Paul Chek's not bad at all, i only discovered him 3 or so years ago. I'm more of a Bill Starr devotee, and also Dr Ken Leistner, both recognised as top strength coaches, just using the basics, nothing complicated. Except Dr Ken gets his trainees into car dragging/pulling, sled pulling and farmer's walks around the block.
    I read some articles by Bill Starr. I'll have to check out Dr. Ken, though. It sounds like he advocates a lot of strongman training. I know that Juan Carlos Santana implements strongman training into some of his functional fitness program designs.

  13. #13
    Bill Starr's book Only the Strongest Shall Survive is a strength trainign classic. Yeah Dr Ken has written lots of articles. Used to have a newsletter (the Steel Tip) and writes articles for the MILO journal and has done some for PLUSA and others. Not necessarly a strong man trainer (but has trained some NFL guys), but def a get in there give it ur max and get out, without having to do heaps of sets. He's known for regulrly traning ppl til they the puke and making them work harder than they ever thought they could. Big advocate of high rep squats and using functional training. He squatted i think it was like 420lbs for 20 reps, at age almost 50 and about 155 odd pounds! The guy is a no nonsense classic. One of his son's squatted like almost 600lbs for 20 reps!he's a chiro by trade and has spent all his life helping problem kids out i think in the Bronx (could be wrong about the Bronx).

  14. #14
    How do you guys do you side bends? I go into a eccentric on the same side the db is on and then take my concentric and the way through. By this I mean I side flex until I elevate the db past the starting position. Not sure if this makes sense but I need some of you guys know what I'm talking about.

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