Measured in inches when flexed. A lot of people have trouble building their calves, so its just interesting to see how big everyone's are
DAMN, i should have put more options in the poll. I underestimated how big you huge dudes can get!!!
Under 13"
17 + (unlikely!)
Measured in inches when flexed. A lot of people have trouble building their calves, so its just interesting to see how big everyone's are
DAMN, i should have put more options in the poll. I underestimated how big you huge dudes can get!!!
Last edited by Flexor; 12-20-2005 at 10:07 AM.
Don't know the size, all I know is I fried them on sunday and I can hardly walk today.
14.25" for me. I've never trained them other than just running but I really should get around to it
Yeh when the calves ache they usually ache like sh1t
Don't know the size, all I know is I fried them on sunday and I can hardly walk today.
Last edited by Flexor; 12-20-2005 at 09:18 AM.
mine are about 17 inches
18 inches and counting...
and counting what lolOriginally Posted by Kaminsky
jj bro
Length or aroundJ/k
Mine are 16.75" flexed. I always thought they were bigger than that but I guess not, they will be getting an @ss kicking on Thursday forbeing such wimps.
18 1/2" cold, my calves are my best part
16" even and I'm not complaining one bit considering I'm still recovering from a severe leg wound from last year. Ya I'd like some more size on them and will be getting it here soon as I'm hitting week 5 of my cycle and have been hitting leg workouts HARD lately.
Good going guys, I had no idea that most people had the genetics to grow their calves that big. Considering that arnie had 19" calves and everyone says he had gifted calf genetics.
Am I wrong here, did he have even bigger than 19"? I heard some bodybuilders can't get past 16 even though they have 18-20" arms.
I have never really worked my calfs til the last month and i'm 25 my calfs are 17's but i didn't know that's considered gifted for not lifting olm cause I'm 5ft9 about 203 now I feel i gotta him olm even harder lol.
Originally Posted by Flexor
Arnolds calves were anything but gifted. They were in fact his most lagging bodypart for a long time. I doubt they were much bigger than 19".
I just checked Arnie had 20". if he was working out today they would probably be 22"!!!
According to various calculations and formulae in this excel spreadsheet i found on, my wrist size of only 6.5" and height of 5'8" means I can't get calves bigger than 15". I'm so damn lightly boned and yet I look quite built.
Thanks for clearing that up, someone said that he had gifted calves in the pro bodybuilders pictures section on this site...Originally Posted by stayinstacked
Originally Posted by Flexor
Arnolds wrist size was also extremely small for his body, and his calves were big. **** scientific studies, work those bitches and make em grow
I'm literally going outside this minute to do one leg standing calf raises with a dumbell on my front door step. There is no time like the present, 4 sets should be enough to prevent me walking for five days. The last time I worked calves was 3 weeks ago! ahah, I'm going to hurt tomrrow.Originally Posted by stayinstacked
I'll work towards a target of 16", I reckon I'll get them up to 15" in one month easily. I'll have to put in some seated calf raises though, to work the soleus more, at higher reps as well since its mostly slow twitch.
Originally Posted by Flexor
Arnold also said, for calves to grow large you need to really work them hard. Twice your bodyweight on standing calve raises at least. When you walk your using one calve to support your bodyweight, so if you weigh 240 then you'd use 480 minimum on standing calve raises. Or work up to that as best as you can until you can do it. And by hard work on your calves, about 500 hours to see good results he said. I know way too much about this guy
I just did one leg standing calf raises without any added weight. I weigh 150, so that is the equivalent of doing 150 lbs with a barbell on both calves. Without having to add any weight at all I am in the right range. I did about 20 reps for the first set, so I just need to work up to 300 lbs. I can't get anywhere near that for shrugging or dealifting, so hopefully calf strength will go up as my shruggin and deading doesOriginally Posted by stayinstacked
Last edited by Flexor; 12-20-2005 at 10:27 AM.
I always thought I had chicken legs. I don't even consider myself a very stocky guy. I'm 6.1" and 200lbs.
I stretch my calves twice a day 7 days a week. Try it and you'd be amazed at how much it makes a difference when you go to do a heavy workout on themOriginally Posted by Flexor
Good idea. I guess some reverse calf raises for the tib anterior would help a great deal to stretch it out passively after doing the calf raises. Then the actual calf raises would provide a good stretch under load, and then normal stretches not involving the exercise done afterwards would be good.Originally Posted by USMCSS
I agree. Also, when I work calves, I hold the weight for 3 seconds during the negative (dorsi flexion) and then shoot up in quick burst and then hold the weight up for another 3 seconds. Feels awesome and I get great lifts that way. I hate seeing guys in the gym pumping calves out as fast as they can.Originally Posted by Flexor
All exercise is about the eccentric, that is when the majority of muscle fibres are damaged. It is essential for growth to lower properly with correct form. Sounds like you've got a good calve routineOriginally Posted by USMCSS
I never measured mine before until now. I've got 17's. I have not worked my calves in 3 months.
same exact size of my arms...18 1/2 inches
I didn't realise everyone was so bloody impressive, otherwise I would have added two more categories to the poll. I thought the calves were a stubborn muscle for people to grow...Originally Posted by Bigpup101
mine are 17 1/2..
16.5 ahhhhhh grow fkuers grow!!!!!!! my weakness
My calves are scrawny and even if I kill them for years I just don't have the genetics for BIG calves. My brother who has never worked out in a gym a day in his life has both perfect and monster calves, he plays tennis and squash a few times a week. He has the genes but maybe I should start playing squash heh..
14 1/2 only workum once a month besides cardio
Originally Posted by Flexor
i don't know how many tell the truth but i'll post pics..just took some yesterday, but i could take some with a tape around it, they used to be bigger than my arms and i NEVER trained them, maybe one every two months, they just grew on their own lol
Mine are 17"... i'm 5'6"
16 1/2" for me. I've just started to figure out how to make them feel the pain. Drop sets, rest pauses, super sets in that order with a high volume of sets, usually 15-20, and a good stretch in between supersets. Sometimes I'll give them a full day of pure pain and it'll feel like I've got a hot knife in them for a few days.
That is the best way to approach a workout for the calves. They can take extreme punishment and will reward you with very intense pain...Originally Posted by ODC0717
Yes, yes, yes, pain is good, pain is great. For claves, pain is the main indicator that my workout was productive.Originally Posted by Flexor
17.75 cold and I never train them......well once a month just for fun
16.75 cold. GD bastard calves! However, I am not complaining, as they are my weakest bodypart, but I have found the correct way to train them. You could say it's taken me over a decade to learn how to stimulate these sumbitch calves.
i agree bro.... "calves are genetics'" BS.... work em, eat, they will grow.. you just have to find HOW to make them growOriginally Posted by stayinstacked
Originally Posted by stayinstacked
NICE! im only like 18" Pumped,
18 1/2 cold is ****ing nice bro.
Originally Posted by Narkissos
thats good nark, your really lean too so ill bet in person those look huge man.
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