Hello everybody Im new here on this forum and ive been checking it out, so i decided to join in on all the fun. ive been lifting since i was a freshman in high school for football and i loved it so much that i quit football after my 10th grade year and started powerlifting. when i started powerlifting i was 17 and 195lbs with a 480sq, 320bp, and a 470dl. 2 years later and alot of long, hard and intense training with 12 state records, 4 american records, and 2 world records at 19 and 235lbs i have a 805sq, 500bp, and a 675dl (these are gym lifts, not yet tried them in a meet, but they were all done meet legal).
unofficially im ranked 1st in the usa for top 20 teens 220, its a long messed up story why its unoffical.
Those are my powerlifting stats, here are my bodybuilding stats.
100lb dumbbell flyes for 10 reps
315lb inclinepress for 6 reps
275lb militarypress for 8 reps
80lb kickbacks for 10 reps each arm
im looking forward to learning some info and giving some info!
sorry i wrote so much