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Thread: Neck Reps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Neck Reps

    Hey I was thinking about working out my neck, by laying on a bench and taking weights and placing them on my forehead and going up and down. By doing this how many reps should I do? 20?

  2. #2
    You going to be working you neck flexors with that exercise. If you go with 20 reps, you will be building local muscular endurance. Lower the reps into the 8-12 range for hypertrophy work. If you really want to hypertrophy the neck, I would go with compound exercises like the deadlift and squat. These will hypertrophy the neck more than any isolation exercise.
    Last edited by Papi93; 12-28-2005 at 10:59 PM.

  3. #3
    A neck machine would be a better option than the plate on the forehead method. Problem is, not many gyms have them. In my experiences, the single-joint exercise that got my neck the thickest was shrugs.
    Last edited by Papi93; 12-28-2005 at 11:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Thanks for the info, I was curious b/c my 3 gyms dosen't have one and I want a nice beefy neck =) I did the exercise I gave at 6-8 reps and I gained 1/2 in. when I flex my neck. But I never gained any inches after that, I thought it was the reps. And shrugs don't seem to be working. But I guess I will just stick to the shrugs and what not. THanks!

  5. #5
    Having high test levels will also lead to thickening of the neck. It will give you the pitbull look.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Try to let the deadlifts, shrugs and test levels thicken your neck. They are only small muscles and will not respond well to these direct exercises, also you don't want to badly injure your neck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Haha does test really have anything to do with it? Thats wierd I am fo sho I have alot of that =) but anyway I use to do 50-60 pounds on my neck and never once got like major sore or hert in anyway. I don't know...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 210-6foot
    Haha does test really have anything to do with it? Thats wierd I am fo sho I have alot of that =) but anyway I use to do 50-60 pounds on my neck and never once got like major sore or hert in anyway. I don't know...
    You are the guy with the limited workout routine,

    Monday - Bench x3, Dumbell Shrugs x2, Hammer Curls x2
    Tuesday - OFF
    Wensday - Bench x3, Neck x2, Squat
    Thursday- Dumbell Shrugs x2 , Hammer Curls x2, Bench x2
    Friday - OFF
    Saturday - Bench x3, Deltas x2, Chest x2
    Sunday - OFF

    What would you know about working your neck?!?

    Besides I'm not talking about soreness, I'm talking about nipping a bloody nerve and causing paralysis of some bodypart!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 210-6foot
    Haha does test really have anything to do with it? Thats wierd I am fo sho I have alot of that =) but anyway I use to do 50-60 pounds on my neck and never once got like major sore or hert in anyway. I don't know...
    Have your ever seen pics of a buck (whitetail deer) in heat? Their necks are thicker than hell. During this time, their test levels are off the chart.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    =) Hmmm I don't hunt haha. But I guess I will see your point, thanks!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by 210-6foot
    =) Hmmm I don't hunt haha. But I guess I will see your point, thanks!
    I bowhunted and gunhunted in college and high school. This is example is very clear when you see it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Papi93
    I bowhunted and gunhunted in college and high school. This is example is very clear when you see it.
    Sounds like a very interesting and exciting pursuit, I can imagine the stealth and accuracy needed. Good on you for keeping the population down

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    Sounds like a very interesting and exciting pursuit, I can imagine the stealth and accuracy needed. Good on you for keeping the population down
    It was one of those things my father pushed me into. I don't do it anymore. I spend too much time working out and pleasing my freak . Oh, working and spending time on this website, too .

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