Originally Posted by
Very very good advice test, I totally agree with your idea on the volume
Gun, I do this.
Deadlifts x 3
Close grip pullups x 3 (highest resistance of any pullup type, works biceps heavily, and lats quite heavily too)
Wide grip negative pullups x 3
Barbell bent over rows x 3
Incline supinating db curls x 3
Barbell shrugs x 3
I personally find I only need 3 sets of a specific bicep exercise, because the close chins and heavy negatives zap them. I find preachers are absolutely unneccessary after the chins and rows. Rows and pullups provide 6-9 sets to hit the brachs very hard, whilst also indirectly hitting the biceps hard as well through sheer load.
You don't need t-bar rows as well as deads and bb rows. If you don't do deads sometimes, then you can include more rowing exercises. You don't need lat pulldowns, they are not that helpful if you can do pullups. They do alter neural activation patterns, but you don't get the same level of fibre recruitment. Any climber will tell you there is a big difference in strength required to pullup on a cliff than there is to perform a lat pulldown. It is all to do with open/closed chain, closed being pullups and pulldowns being open chain. This doesn't apply to all exercises as some can be both types.
I must admit I am surprised you feel nothing in your bis with this routine. Mine are caned for four days and I have been doing this same routine for 5 weeks. Emphasise eccentric, do drop sets on the incline curls, see if that helps.