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Not to bitch, but lately I have seen a lot of people posting routines and wanting them critiqued. It seems that MOST of these people aren't doing any research before they post a routine for opinions! Seems that all the good advice goes in one ear and out the other. You need to fully understand how the muscle is worked by each exercise so that you do not over-work the muscle with exercises that are intended to do the same thing!
Obviously most of the opinions in this forum are that flyes are pretty much useless for a mass builder, so why do people keep throwing them in their routines? Also, whats with all the tricep pushdowns. They do work but I believe there are much better exercises to do for triceps.
Take a look around at the gym. See all the people that have been lifting for the past two years and haven't made any gains? Look closer, look at the exercises that they are doing. Those are all the exercises that are in your routine. Too many people try to be the cool guy doing an exercise that no one has ever seen with weights that even the BIG boys wouldn't use, or doing 25 sets for triceps and 20 sets for chest in the same day!!! I love people watching in the gym and laughing at all the funny shit people do. Sometimes I wonder where the hell they read about the exercises. You would think the trainers in the gym would walk around and ask people what the fvck they are trying to do.
My basic point is...if you want a critique on your routine do some research before you post one that is full of Flyes, pushdowns, kickbacks, crossovers, leg extensions and bent over DB rows!
Follow that advice and you'll be the BIG guy in the gym that everyone talks about..."man all that guy does is is like 3 exercises when he's here and he's huge!, he's gotta be on steroids man."
Just my 2 cents