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Thread: Early Workouts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Early Workouts

    Due to my busy schedule lately, I was going to try and workout before work in the morning. It seems lately after work something comes up and cause's me to miss my workout. I would have to workout at 5am or so.
    My question is should I eat before I go? and if so, what? or should I just get up and go?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Morning workouts have a list of problems - my biggest one is I am just to frickin' cold... your body reaches its warmest around the evening time - and thats the best time, I feel, for workouts - if size and strength is your goal. I get injured or joint pains too easy in the AM. If you must strength train in the AM - make sure to do some light cardio (simply bring up a sweat) prior to lifting to warm up your core and connective tissue...

    Another big thing is if you put food in your stomach - the blood's attention will be elsewhere... not in the muscle where it belongs. And this can make you nauseated too... deepending on your workout intensity. But if your training for strength and size - I would try and slip in a little something liquid to fuel your workout and wake up your system... something that will digest fast.

    If fat loss is what you are after than morning workouts on an empty stomach can be of benefit.

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