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Thread: Getting Thos Trapz Pumping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Sydney Australia

    Getting Thos Trapz Pumping

    hi i need help building traps like the rest of my body is huge and all defined even when bulking but its like i cant grow proper traps they look small in the mirror and it pissez me off i dont know if im not doing em properly but this is what i do

    Dumbell Shrugs 4 sets of 30
    Rope Shrugs(front & Back Shrugs) 4 sets of 30
    i dont know why they aint gettin big but i am hopin one of you pro's can gimme a helping hand

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hey bro. I know what you mean. Traps used to be one of those "trouble spots." Until a guy at my gym showed me this excercise that kills em!! Hands down. Use the smith machine, but dont shrug with the bar in front of you... Do it behind you. High as$ amount of weight. I warm up with dumbbell shrugs for three sets of 8, moderatly high weight. Then another set of three on the smith machine. Have my traps sore for days. And gettin swole at the same time. I like it because you can get alot of weight on but you get an awesome range of motion using the bar behind you. I mean it almost feels like your shoulders/traps are touching your ears. Just visualize that while your shruggin and you'll see. Test it out see how ya like it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i use the smith machine as well. few sets in front and a few behind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I like that too! Its worked 4 me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Traps are tough... some guys are just born with two hams sitting on their shoulders and then there's the rest of us.

    How I got mine to grow was:
    Heavy Shrugs (in front and behind the back, squeezing motion not rotating.)
    High Pulls
    Dead Lifts
    Power Cleans (when I remember to do them)

    If your gym has one of those standing calf machines use that to shrug... works great!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Aside from the usual shrugs and such, I also get a great pump in my Traps when doing upright BB rows. Anybody else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Aside from the usual shrugs and such, I also get a great pump in my Traps when doing upright BB rows. Anybody else?
    Of course, you are using the traps a lot in that exercise, especially with a wide grip. You use the traps with overhead presses and any type of lateral raise as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Sydney Australia
    thanx for tha help guys ill try some of the workouts u mentioned

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The Dirty South
    You can get a huge pump doing smith press shrugs AFTER your shoulder work out. I also think you ar over working your traps they dont need that much (in my opinion)
    Try this...this is what i do

    Overall...Dumbell press 4 sets 10- what ever
    Outers...Dumbell side raises 4 sets-10-?
    Fronts...Curl bar, front raises thumbs andhands on top, 4 sets
    Rears...., Use fly machine.. sit backwards hands above your ears, push back 4 sets. Or up right rows...these can be a good warm up to Shrugs
    Smith Machine, 4 sets heavy weight I use 3 plates, squeeze at the top. Nice and controlled.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    i do shrugs with back. Dead lifts and rows warm them up for me to finish them off with 4 sets of behind the back on the smith machine. Put your feet under the bar and lean forward, if you don't grow with that its your genes bud.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Heavy ass deads then heavy ass shrugs

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    Of course, you are using the traps a lot in that exercise, especially with a wide grip. You use the traps with overhead presses and any type of lateral raise as well.
    Agreed. Anytime time their is elevation of the superior, the upper traps will be recruited.

  14. #14
    my recommendation is

    power cleans
    snatch pulls
    power shrugs - done heavy for low reps. Squeeze the bar off the pins then explode as you wold with a power clean. Many say that those doing shrugs with lots of weight hardly have any range of movement. Well a trick used by olympic lifters since the 50's for assistance pulls is to place a bar/stick either side of you to gauge how high you pull. I do heavy power shrugs, but ENSURE I hit those sticks every time, placed about the bottom of my rib cage, and never sacrifice height.

    I'm in the category of those that don't see the need to do shrugs from different angles etc for low weight and high reps just to get a pump. If you want big solid strong traps (ie. the whole trapezius) then pull, pull and pull heavy some more.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I never do shrugs, or anything like that for my traps...just dead's...

  16. #16
    try this:
    front :dumb 3 sets - 8 freq. -heavy wt
    back : smith 3 sets - 8 freq. - heavy wt
    2 time/week

    Good Luck

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Smedman101
    You can get a huge pump doing smith press shrugs AFTER your shoulder work out. I also think you ar over working your traps they dont need that much (in my opinion)
    Try this...this is what i do

    Overall...Dumbell press 4 sets 10- what ever
    Outers...Dumbell side raises 4 sets-10-?
    Fronts...Curl bar, front raises thumbs andhands on top, 4 sets
    Rears...., Use fly machine.. sit backwards hands above your ears, push back 4 sets. Or up right rows...these can be a good warm up to Shrugs
    Smith Machine, 4 sets heavy weight I use 3 plates, squeeze at the top. Nice and controlled.

    I gotta say, he really knows his stuff... listen to him! Especially the dumbell press and side raises

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    goddamn, didn't we just have this conversation?

    again, just read what Blown SC wrote and follow it.

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