I been working out for 2 years and i feel like i should be bigger? I look at people in the gym and i kno i work out harder yet there more built then i am. I think with my routine and dedication i should definty be bigger. I hate to admit it but sometimes i feel like i wasted a lot of valuable time at the gym i feel like in that wasted time i should be bigger and stronger. It seems like i kept goin threw stages at first i didnt know what was a good routine what excises to do then i did then i had a bad diet then i felt i wasnt doing thigns properly or hard enough now until maybe 2 months have i seen the real value of a great diet and how much effect it has on size. This is one of big reasons while i decided to take gear, I just got to vent a little and wanted to know anyone felt the same way. Like i feel dumb when i tell poeple yea i wokred out for 2 years casue in my mind i dont look like someone who has worked out for 2 years.