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Thread: I feel like i should be bigger? Sometiems i feel like i wasted my time

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    New York

    I feel like i should be bigger? Sometiems i feel like i wasted my time

    I been working out for 2 years and i feel like i should be bigger? I look at people in the gym and i kno i work out harder yet there more built then i am. I think with my routine and dedication i should definty be bigger. I hate to admit it but sometimes i feel like i wasted a lot of valuable time at the gym i feel like in that wasted time i should be bigger and stronger. It seems like i kept goin threw stages at first i didnt know what was a good routine what excises to do then i did then i had a bad diet then i felt i wasnt doing thigns properly or hard enough now until maybe 2 months have i seen the real value of a great diet and how much effect it has on size. This is one of big reasons while i decided to take gear, I just got to vent a little and wanted to know anyone felt the same way. Like i feel dumb when i tell poeple yea i wokred out for 2 years casue in my mind i dont look like someone who has worked out for 2 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    yeah ive felt the same way i took some time off and got fat

    but after getting back in the gym my gains were great the past 7months

    i have seen more of a change then my past years of lifting

  3. #3
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    New York
    I heard when you take a good deal of tiem off and return liek after a month you go right back to form so maybes thats why u felt like u were kicking ass casue it was liek starting over but u knew what u were doing this time. I think i got to technical on that lol I dunno if htat makes sense

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i felt that way for years
    it wasnt until about 2 years ago that i started to put good size on after 12 years of training with aas. i just learnt how to train and i got huge
    it just takes time --- the biggest thing i did different was not to stress about training(my wife and i were just talking about that)if i missed a day at the gym -- so what-- i didnt even make up that body part i would never have done that before and i dropped my training to 3 days per week and i gained 20+ lbs of muscle over last 2 years

    so just keep at it

  5. #5
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    i trained twice a week for 6 years and had a crap diet, made minimal strength and size gains and ended up getting very frustrated and stopped training june 2001.By december 2001 i had gained 2 stone of fat and gone up 2 waist sizes in jeans (so i was 15 stone and 36 inch waist at 5.7)

    in jan 2002 i deceided to change and went on a diet and lost 2 stone in 6 weeks (some people told me this was unhealthy but it was all fat i lost and i was just eating low fat food and doing cardi 4 times a week for 30 mins) i decieded to do 1 course of aas to bring me to a good level of muscle that i should have been at . so i did four months of hard training , going to the gym 4 times a week, and my strength and muscle mass had improved greatly and now i have finished my course i am the happiest i have ever been with my body.
    i am fitter, stronger, (waist 32", 14 stone) not ripped but a small amount of bf which i am removing slowly , so i dont lose any muscle

  6. #6
    I'm sure we all have felt like that at one point or another. Building muscle is definitely for the faint of heart, it takes patience and dedication. I get all depressed sometimes cause of all the shit I go through to be big (diet, working out, healthy lifestyle, etc..) but when people say "Hey you look great," or "Have you been working out?" it makes it much better. I think we scrutinze ourselves a little too hard.

  7. #7
    Correction: I meant NOT for the faint of heart.^

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    a building
    i feel the same way bout working out. im 17 and all my friends lift and they up there benching like 270 and im at like 160 when i know probly 500 times more then they do about diet and lifting. they eat like nothing at all thoughtout the day then i eat like crazy and buy creatine and protein drinks but for some reason they still bigger...... doesnt make me happy....but gives me motivation to get on gear

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New York
    Im with you khull, I know more about what im doing then others at my gym but yet it seems like hey are bigger. Hopefully after the cycle ill feel better and feel like i gained some of that lost time back.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    a building
    yea i know what u mean but not really sure if i wanna start so early....but at least ill know what im doing if i do decide to try out a cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    New York
    Be patience and plan it out properly. Your still young by the time you are 21 you might not want to take it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    well everyone is different and they make different gains at different times. Maybe you need to switch up your rountine and you might get some better results. Peace

  13. #13
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    New York
    I been going to the gym for 2 years i still feel like im the smallest guy in there. I post on this board and i am the smallest guy in here. I go to clubs and i feel like the smallest guy in there. I put in mad work whetever it be training dieting or whatever and im startign to think it aint worth it. Why do i have to continue to deprevie my self of things like getting drunk every night, eating garbage food, laying on my ass; when there is people who do that and are bigger then me. If i dont reach my goal on this cycle im either going to take some crazy hardcore cycle immediatly afterwards or im quitting the gym, enough is a enough im not gonan kill my self for little to no results.

  14. #14
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    xplicit, I know exactly where your coming from. Ive said word for word the exact same things you've just described and I've come to realize that when I make my most gains in the gym are at times when it seems like I'm the least concerned about workingout, diet, supplements. When I finally get so discouraged that I just say wtf. I start a phase where I put on muscle and drop bf at same time. I think maybe stressing about it too much causes me to look like crap. anyway what i'm saying is maybe you should just relax and take it as it comes.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Younger
    xplicit, I know exactly where your coming from. Ive said word for word the exact same things you've just described and I've come to realize that when I make my most gains in the gym are at times when it seems like I'm the least concerned about workingout, diet, supplements. When I finally get so discouraged that I just say wtf. I start a phase where I put on muscle and drop bf at same time. I think maybe stressing about it too much causes me to look like crap. anyway what i'm saying is maybe you should just relax and take it as it comes.
    Yea to be honest my best gains do come around the same time i dont kill myself worrying about my diet and routine and etc, I think its casue when your stressing it you over look the fact that u did gain some cuts or size, and when u dont stress it you look at your self and find the good points. I jsut had to vent a little bit chances are i wont give up the gym for a long time ijsut get frustrated and plus im on my cycle in week 2 of it and i dont feel anything exccept that i have had a sore throat almost every day for the last 2 weeks.

  16. #16
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    Shit if that doesn't hit home. Some people are just lucky and get awesome genetics where some people like myself have the worlds worst genetics.

    I have way more dedication to all aspects of bodybuilding than my friends yet they are all way bigger and stronger than me. They even come to me with questions because I know more than them.

    It's just one of those things you have to deal with and adapt too. I know one day I will have my day it will just take me 10 times as long as most people.

  17. #17
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    I don't think anybody is truly happy or they wouldn't contiue to this day after day, week after week, year after year. I've been training for 17yrs and when I first touched a weight I was 145lbs. I trained naturally until last year and managed to get up to 225lbs (but fatter than when I was 18...obviously). I was as high as 255 and am currently 245lbs. Every single time I look in the mirror I say "Fuck!! I need bigger arms, rounder shoulders, a thicker chest, larger quad sweep....etc" Bottom line, I'm not happy. I know I will look better when I drop 20-25lbs of fat but I still see room for muscle growth.

  18. #18
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    I know how you feel, its really depressing, I am like that nearly all the time when i see no gains, or slow gains. I gave up working out many times just for that reason. Its the reason why I wanted to go on AS. I try not to let it get me down and stick to the routine and persist. In the long run (i hope i do) you will see yourself a heap better than before you started and wont be comparing to other people, IMO thats a better way of seeing things.

  19. #19
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    I feel ya! As hard as I have been working I (think) should be HUGE. My brother and I started at about the same time and his gains are really pissing me off. Don't get me wrong he works his ass off, but he is bigger than me and dosn't know as much as I do. When we train together I give him all these tips, and think to myself maybe he should be giving me the tips. He has never done any research, eats what he wants and IMO overtrains. But yet he keeps growing. LIFE IS NOT FAIR!!

    But it gives me more motivation to kick some ass in the gym and pass him up. I keep telling him "just wait, in another year I'll be bigger than you"

  20. #20
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    Man Kull...don't be doin a cycle at 17. You're too young for that shit, I considered doing one when i was 15!!! I found this site and made a post and i learned alot on why i shouldn't be on them. Your natural testosterone level is way too high right now, stay natural and when you go into your 20s MAYBE consider it. As for the lifting goes...yeah man, I know how that shit is. I started when I was 14, after a year i got nothing for results. And I had a good diet and good workout going, most guys would eat whatever the hell they wanted and were alot bigger then me, i couldn't stand it. But near the end of summer, when I was 15, i was about to turn 16, (b-day is august 27th) I started getting massive gains. I gained 40 pounds over summer, biceps went from a puny 11 inches to a 16.5. And I went to the doctor yesterday for my shoulder, and I gained 10 pounds in two weeks. Just keep at it bro...I promise you will get there. Impatience is our enemy but keep it up! Peace.

  21. #21
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Time, dedication, passion, commitment, proper training and beleif will make your hard work pay off . Good genetics is a bonus as well aas, but is not nessesery.

  22. #22
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    By the way, dont worry about gear now. Even if you took aas now dont think you would look like a pro bodybuilder. Coz you wouldnt even be close, especially at that age. So really wats da point. Learn and grow naturally as much as you can b4 u decide to become mates with Darth Vader hehe

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Iron Pile
    You are not getting enough calories, and rest, it sounds like, remember calories+protein+rest(Sleep) = gains.

  24. #24
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    Hey man, Always be HAPPY, but never be satisfied. You will be surprised what a positive attitude can do. Do everything right, train, diet, sleep, etc, and at the end of the day you will have no regrets. You can honestly say, "I have done everything in my power to acheive my goals."

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypertrophy
    Hey man, Always be HAPPY, but never be satisfied. You will be surprised what a positive attitude can do. Do everything right, train, diet, sleep, etc, and at the end of the day you will have no regrets. You can honestly say, "I have done everything in my power to acheive my goals."

    Well said bro.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by xplicit
    I been working out for 2 years and i feel like i should be bigger? I look at people in the gym and i kno i work out harder yet there more built then i am. I think with my routine and dedication i should definty be bigger. I hate to admit it but sometimes i feel like i wasted a lot of valuable time at the gym i feel like in that wasted time i should be bigger and stronger. It seems like i kept goin threw stages at first i didnt know what was a good routine what excises to do then i did then i had a bad diet then i felt i wasnt doing thigns properly or hard enough now until maybe 2 months have i seen the real value of a great diet and how much effect it has on size. This is one of big reasons while i decided to take gear, I just got to vent a little and wanted to know anyone felt the same way. Like i feel dumb when i tell poeple yea i wokred out for 2 years casue in my mind i dont look like someone who has worked out for 2 years.
    Genetics maybe???

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    am i the only one who sees that this thread is 2 years old?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDawg
    am i the only one who sees that this thread is 2 years old?
    lol no noticed that too, was scrolling to see if anyone else has pointed it out

  29. #29
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Xplicit and khull, i will tell you the same thing i tell myself. (i can 4r5elate, i am you4r5 ageP). Get the sand out of you4r5 vagina. Get a little excited about what u a4r5e doing, show some passion, and pick the intensity level up a notch. If you a4r5e not making gains, you might not know what you think you know. $R%emembe4r5, you might have to do like i do; i3e8f you have a physical job li3e8ke i do, you can only lift the day afte4r5 a day off.
    Fo4r5 3 yea4r5s, i held the title of the puni3e8est guy6u7 in the gym. Afte4r5 i got my shist togethe4r5, being clean, i get accused of jui38cin about eve4r5y day and it feels g4r5eat. Dont give up

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