^^^^^This was supposed to be a poll, but that function is not working on my computer for some reason.
^^^^^This was supposed to be a poll, but that function is not working on my computer for some reason.
Last edited by catabolic kid; 01-17-2006 at 09:45 PM.
I train twice a day seven days a week. If I feel tired, Ill take off. Once a month probably.
4 days a week weights...only 1 cardio, but thats all i need right now
I've got my workout spread into 5 different days and try to rotate them around so every 5th week I do the same twice in teh same weeks. Sometimes, I'll double a day or two and take two or three days off and eat and sleep.
I work out 4 to 5 days a week. I think I would be overtraining if I workout more than that every week.
4 day split right now
thats it for me now. I may change my routine structure in a few months. I will experiment with back tuesday and an arm day Friday and I will also experiment with training arms twice a week.
3 day week for me at the moment.....
Currently doing:
Monday: upper back, biceps
Tuesday: high intensity leg cardio
Wednesday: chest, triceps, shoulders
Thursday: rest
Friday: thighs , lower back
So three days, including one hard cardio session on tuesday which is not weights but works my legs hard nevertheless.
5 days
6 days, 1 day cardio............
7 days cardio
4 days lifting
For those that are confused by that yes some days I go twice![]()
I did this training for a show and it worked wonders. Then kept it up throughout the enitre year and am now paying the price. Lost wayyy to much friggn weight/muscle. It's hard as hell changing your diet and training to do cardio 1x week rather than 7. Bulking harder than ever.Originally Posted by oldman
Originally Posted by Kurz
I am cutting right now so this works great for me.. Yes if you are trying to bulk it is way to much cardio and once I meet my goal and go to Bulk I will hang up my walking shoes for while.
I can imagine it is hard to witch up to only doing one day of cardio, if I miss One day I feel like I am slacking.
i do cardio 4days a week and lift once a wk i am cutting right now
lift 3 days/week and making the best gains of my life
cardio: 1-2 times per week right now
Stats: 21y/o
6 foot 1 or 2
DB incline press: 140X4-5
squat: 405X5 (this will be goign up soon![]()
Last edited by spound; 01-18-2006 at 11:52 AM.
I use to do,
6 days/week lifting 2 days cardio/other stuff
Now I'm doing,
3 days/week lifting 4 days cardio/other stuff
well it varies, but here's my split
day 1 - chest/tris
day 2 - back/bis
day 3 - legs/abs
day 4 - shoulders/traps
day 5 - rest
i try do to cardio at least two times a week somewhere in there.
Seeing 4 days in a row makes my optic nerves sting. Poor CNS![]()
i beleive i train everyday. 4 days weight training the rest cardio.
4 days weights/ 2 days cardio
This is an example of a typical week for me:
Day1: Chest/Calves
2 warm up set flat bench
Flat bb bench 4x10
Incline db or bb bench 4x10
db or cross oveer cable flies 4x10
Pull overs 4x10
Seated calf raises 4x10
standing bb calf raises 4x10
Day2: Bi/Tri
Super set with ez bar 10x curl and 10x skull crushers by 4 sets
Close grip bench 4x10
db curls 4x10
rope push down 4x10
hammer curls 4x10
Day3: Off
Day4: Shoulders/upper legs
standing military press 6x10
front raise 3x10
bent forward on the end of a bench L-laterals 3x10
leg press 4x10
squat 4x10
leg extensions 4x10
warm up pull ups 2 set
reverse sit up with plates 4x10
wide grip lat pull down 4x10 HEAVY
close grip cable row 4x10 HEAVY
db rows to burn out or more pull ups
Wrist curls off end of bench till failure
or that rope wind up thing
Day6: Off
3 day a week modified westside barbell template
modified GPP due to rehabbing of ACL
making really great gains w/this program.
7 days a week
5 weights
2 cardio
in a 2 on 1 cardio 3 on 1 cardio split
3 weights/ 3 cardio..... Growing the best i ever have!!!!
4 days weights
1-2 cardio
Another 3 days a week person here...
monday: tri-shoulder-chest cardio
tues: off
Wed: back-bi cardio
thur: off
Fri: legs cardio
sat: off
sun: off
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 188
BF%: 12
Gear: Natural
Last edited by Myka; 01-18-2006 at 07:32 PM.
4 days cardio
and here's my split..
day 1- chest/ shoulders/triceps
day 2 -back/ rear delts/traps/bi's
day 3-legs
day 4- off
day 5- repeat...
if i wasn't "ON" right now my split and frequency would be totally different but i have been doing this for 3 weeks and i feel awesome and make gains everyday so i like it...i'm never in the gym for more than 70 mins
6 days work out + 3 days cardio
3-4days i find less volume high intensity works the best and you don't over train
surprised you havent collapsed yetOriginally Posted by heavyrotation92
Couldn't agree more. I was always a volume guy myself and thought there is no way I could make gains training jsut 3 days a week. Well, I decided to try it out and holy shit the gains have never been better. Its like I am a noob again. You never realize how easily you can overtrain until you go to 3 days/week and think wow, i feel great. Notice all the guys on here who say "my gains are going great" etc are the 3 days/wk guysOriginally Posted by Doc.Sust
Check out Pinnacle's sticky in this forum and scroll down to any of those 3 day /wk routines, they are all great..especially Iron Man HIT
5 days a week, no cardio, im such a hard gainer that if i do any type of cardio during bulking, ill drop pounds like its my job, but least to say i can cut in like 3 weeks haha
6 days on 1 day off.
2 days on, 1 day off. No cardio. Clean bulk.
1. Quads, Hams
2. Chest, Front Delts, Calves
3. Back, Rear Delt, Trap
4. Arms, Forearms
You guys doing cardio on off days, you do it the PM? What's your style? Treadmill?
just switched to 4 days a week from a 5 day a week split. so far things are goin great with the xtra day of rest. cardio is 3-4 days a week at 30-40 mins. split looks like this..
mon- chest, tris
tues- all wheels
thursday- shoulders-possibly incline chest (weak point)
friday-back, bies
When bulking I jsut do it 1-2 times per week, on off days in the PM on an elliptical with a heart rate of about 140 BPMOriginally Posted by Kurz
weights 4 days a week, cardio 3x's a week
Mon-Fri heavy weights
Sat- Punching bag
Sun- All muscle groups with light weights( warm-up for upcomming week)
lately i've been finding that when i rest longer days, that i'm sore when i go back and I get bigger and stronger. I'de hate to say that i've overtrained all these years.
i think i'll cut down to 3-4 days a week only now.
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