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Thread: Why is the military press so bad to me?

  1. #1

    Why is the military press so bad to me?

    Hey guys,

    I eat a lot, I rest a lot. My weights for any muscle group go up on each training session. The only problem is with my military presses. This is my most important exercise, but it just lets me down! Last time I did 75 kg 5 repetitions. Today I thought I gonna do 77.5 kg at least 5 reps. But I did only 3 reps! I am absolutely gutted, I just can't explain what's going on. My bench press for example last time was 100 kg, 5 reps. Today it was 105 kg, 5 reps. It means my muscles grow. So what's going on with my shoulders? I always do them first, so they are fresh, but no luck.

  2. #2
    The military or OHP as I call it is also one of my most important lifts and always has been. It’s an interesting beast to be sure and is very sensitive to BW fluctuations in my opinion.

    Firstly, how many times per week do u do it, and do u do the bench on the same day? I for example OHP 2xpw one medium day (top set of 5) and one heavy day (top set of 3), and on another day I bench for a top set of 3

    Also I think a 2.5kg increase may have been too much, I would have gone for 1kg, unless u felt really strong the last time. Also remember that ur going to have off days at times.

    Other times u will struggle with the same weight for a few weeks. For example, I got stuck on 78kg for 2 reps for 4 weeks, 2 months ago….i got frustrated, added 1kg the next time and got all 3….now I’m up to 85kg for 3 reps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Space Coast, FL
    Don't worry too much about your progress on a week to week basis. I agree with the idea of trying to add something to every workout, whether it be a few more pounds or an extra rep or two, but I think that will notice that often strength gains will come in spurts, much like size gains. it may seem like you are not getting any stronger, but then one week, you'll blow through your previous lifts like they're nothing. As long as your doing more now than you were a month or 2 ago and in a month or two you're doing more than you are now, then you're doing good. Just keep hitting it hard. While sometimes the gains seem slow, with persistance they will come.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i notice with this exercise ESPECIALLY is i take as little as an extra 30 seconds i can ge tout 3 more reps, and if i dont take enuff time inbetween sets i cant go near the prior workout. Make sure to keep the exact time between sets to be sure ur giving urself a chance to get stronger. The time inbetween sets is just as important as the weight you add

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North Carolina
    I find that if my pre-workout meal wasn't sufficient I run out of gas very quickly and it affects the rest of my session. Do you make sure you're getting enough of the essintials before hand? Just a thought.

  6. #6
    Thanks guys, for all your thoughts. I assume that delts are quite stubborn mucles. Maybe it is also because when I am doing bicep curls a day before military presses I always lift my arms in the last repetition or two, and it hurts my delts...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Change your repetitions from week to week. Go real heavy one week 4-6 reps and then the next week go for about 10 -12 reps. This will break your this with all exercises. Also, read articles on They have a lot of strength articles that you and anyone else would benefit from.

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