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  1. #1
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Need Help Developing a New Routine

    Thanks in advance for any input and help.

    Well I have been training strong for just about 3 years now, and I have made pretty good gains. I’m 22, 6 foot 3 inches. When I started lifting I was a mere 180lbs. Now I am up to just about 150lbs. While I know I have definitely put on some fat (I am around 15-16% bf) I have also made good gains. However I have been training the same for a while now. I work out with a core group of friends and my split is as follows
    Day 1- Chest
    Day 2- Legs
    Day 3- Off
    Day 4- Delts
    Day 5- bi's/tri's
    Day 6- Back

    I guess I have acquired the mindset that more is better. Mainly, if I’m not in the gym every day, I can’t be growing. However, I feel that this split might not be too good and I may be over training slightly. Basically I’m looking to build mass and I see all these posts by guys saying that they lift 3 or 4 days a week and experience great gains. I sort of want to try this out, but I have always thought that only guys on roids (I haven't yet taken anything. Still doing research) could make gains off a cycle like this. So basically I’m posting to get some help. I want to develop a spit that will help me make some more gains. I found this split that someone posted (I’m sorry I can’t find the original poster’s name. I am not taking credit for this. Again, sorry). I sort of like the looks of it. But I’m still nervous that on days where I do two muscle groups I won’t be hitting them hard enough and that waiting a week to do them again is too long. What does everyone think?

    Chest (13) /Tris(6)
    4x Incline DB Press
    3x Flat BB Press
    3x DB Flyes
    3x Hammer Chest Press
    3x Dips
    3x Skull Crushers
    4x Incline BB Press
    3x Flat DB Press
    3x Incline DB Flyes
    3x other Hammer Chest Press
    3x Close Grip Bench
    3x Rope Push Down

    Back (13) /Bis (6)
    4x Deadlift
    3x Chins
    3x Overhand BB Rows
    3x Cable Rows
    3x BB Curls
    3x DB Curls
    4x SL Deadlift
    3x Pull-Ups
    3x Cable Rows
    3x Hammer Strength Rows
    3x Hammer Curls
    3x DB Curls
    4x Deadlift
    3x Pull-Downs
    3x Underhand BB Rows
    3x Cable Rows
    3x DB Curls
    3x BB Cur

    Legs (10)/Calves (4)
    4x Squats
    3x Leg Extension
    3x Leg Curl
    4x Legs Press Calf Raise

    4x Leg Press
    3x Hack Squat
    3x Leg Curl
    4x Seated Calf Raise

    Shoulders (10) Traps (7)
    4x DB Shoulder Press
    3x Lateral Raises
    3x Rear Delt DB Flye
    4x DB Shrugs
    3x BB Shrugs
    4x Arnold Press / BB Shoulder Press
    3x Cable Lateral Raises
    3x Rear Delt Cable Flye
    4x BB Shrugs
    3x DB Shrugs

    I was thinking that maybe instead of taking the weekend off I could do traps (not do them with delts) and forearms on saturday. But I don't know. Cardio on off days. Abs every day. Comments??
    Last edited by jobyjoe; 01-23-2006 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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  3. #3
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Come on guys, anything??

  4. #4
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Canadiantiger's Avatar
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    For Mass I would look to lift 3 days a week and all compund movements. I know how you feel but you grow when resting not by spending more time in the gym. Everybody is different but IMO I would look to do less.

    For Mass maybe try something like this. It was written by a strength coach named Ian King.


    Flat Bench
    10 reps @ 30% * * denotes warm-up
    8 reps @ 60% *
    6 reps @ 80% *
    4 reps
    3 reps
    2 reps
    4 negative reps 25% heavier than max
    15 reps

    Close Grip Rows

    Same Rep scheme

    Close Grip Bench

    3*10 reps



    Same as above however the second set of 4 is not negatives. They just have to be heavier than the first set of 4.


    Same as above

    Calve Raises



    Military Press

    Same as bench

    Wide Grip Pulldowns/ Pullups

    Same as above

    Barbell Curls


    I would also maybe keep cardio to a minium or atleast make sure you are 65% HR.

    I posted this in another thread before but I made good gains in strength and size doing this.

  6. #6
    jamminJohn is offline Junior Member
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    That looks like a pretty solid routine. Actually, it's very similar to the one I use. You should see some really good results from it. Don't worry about hitting 2 muscle groups in the same day. There's nothing wrong with that. The idea behind hitting chest/tris or back/bis together is that you will already be pre-exhausting the smaller muscle group with the compound excercises that you are doing for the larger muscle group. For example, the presses and dips that you do for chest will also involve a lot of tricep work, which means you won't have to do as much direct isolation work for the tris. If you put enough effort and intensity into each workout, then hitting each muscle group once a week should be plenty. Remember that your muscles grow when they are resting and recovering, not when you are in the gym. Also remember that your diet is going to be even more important then your training program when it comes to building quality lean muscle mass.

    There is no one single routine that will work for everyone. You're going to have to experiment a little to find what works best for you. Just keep reading and researching this site. Also, if you haven't already, look at the sticky's at the top of this forum. They will provide you with some excellent information.

  7. #7
    jobyjoe's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've been trying to get as much info as possible. My diet is pretty solid (I'm in college now and I don't got a lot of money, but I'm able to get in 4 solid meals a day, with 2 or 3 smaller "snack" type meals). I guess I am just afraid of change.

    Any other thoughts, infor, experience about a routine like this. Also, what do you think about isolating traps and forearms on saturday??

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Don't be afraid of change man, change is what makes your body grow...

  9. #9
    jamminJohn is offline Junior Member
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    I like doing my traps and shoulders together on the same day. I usually do 2 or 3 excercises directly for my shoulders and then hit some upright rows before doing my shrugs. The upright rows will help with the delt/trap tie-ins and really bring it all together. You can also experiment with different grip widths to target certain areas more (narrower grip will isolate the traps more, wider grip will hit the delts more). Your forearms will get worked on your back and bicep day, in fact you could just throw in some wrist curls or reverse curls on your bicep day. Of course, if your forearms and traps are lacking and you really want to give them priority, it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and do them on Saturday.

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Take a gander at this.. i have been having great SUCCESS w/ this routine.. i thought it would be over training but since my workouts are only 30-35 min i have been having SOME SERIOUS GROWTH which is unusual for somenoe as fat as me

    tai's UBER training log :D

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    what is a negative rep

  12. #12
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    what is a negative rep
    There are 2 parts to a rep

    Up and down or Positive and Negative.

    If you are doing bicep curls with a barbell, then when you lift the weight towards your chest, that is the positive part and when you lower the weight back down, that is the negative resistance part.

  13. #13
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    Everyone's body responds differently but this is what works well for me. Personally, unless I am on gear, the "one muscle group per week" does not build but instead only maintains.

    My routine below hits all muscles 2 times a week with perfect rest between days.

    I will admit too that I usually gain my weight (muscle mass) over the weekend with this workout.


    Chest & Shoulders 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Bench Press
    Incline Bench
    Military Press
    Lat Raises
    Dumbell Flies
    Decline Bench

    Triceps 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Close Grip Bench
    Tri Ext. Super Curl

    Biceps 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Barbell Curls
    Preacher Curls
    Dumbell Curls

    Forearms 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Reverse Super Curl
    Barbell Wrist Rolls
    Wrist Twists


    Back 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Lat Pulldowns
    Seated Cable Rows
    1 arm Dumbell Rows
    Barbell Shrugs
    Straight Leg Deadlift

    Legs 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Warmup Squats
    Leg Extensions
    Hamstring Curls
    Barbell Lunges

    Calves 10-12 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Standing Calf Raises

    Abs 5-6 sets 6-8 reps heavy weight
    Decline Bench situps


    same as monday

    same as Tuesday

    Last edited by Lavinco; 03-21-2006 at 03:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    there is no reason to make an entire day of delts on day 4. and there is NO reason to go in and do trap on the wknd, you can easily make this program 4 days awk and i advise you take off the wknds to heal, tryin to go to the gym 6 days a wk is an easy way to overtrain

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