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Thread: deadlifts for football

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    deadlifts for football

    i was just wondering what you guys think is the best type of deadlift to do for football..i've never really done them too often but i would like to incorporate them into my football training. what type is best suited for me...straight legged, stiff legged, regular, romanian...

  2. #2

    Wondering the same...

    I lift about three days a week, back/bis/shoulder, chest/tris, legs (press, ham curl, squats - thanks Swole!).

    Deadlifts seem the way to go for growth, but I'm not sure where to stick them in at - and which type do I throw in?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    do romain deads. Good for overall size and strength. I do them on my leg days, but alot of people do them on back days. It just depens on you.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by LB33
    i was just wondering what you guys think is the best type of deadlift to do for football..i've never really done them too often but i would like to incorporate them into my football training. what type is best suited for me...straight legged, stiff legged, regular, romanian...
    The deadlift is a multi-joint exercise and the stiff-legged deadlift and others are a single-joint exercise. With the deadlift, you are working you hip extensors and knee extensors, as where with the stiff-legged deadlift, and the like, the hip extensors are only activated. You can't really compare the two in effectiveness. They both, or all, have a place in a good strength & conditioning program for a football player.

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