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Thread: Beat the Hurl

  1. #1

    Beat the Hurl

    So on leg days, I pound the hell out of my legs thanks to Swole.

    5 sets of 20 rep leg presses superset with 5 sets 20 rep ham curls
    5 sets of 20 squats

    But when I get to about the third or fourth set of squats, it's all I can do from losing my breakfast, snack, and lunch at the same time - and at my gym, the bathroom is a LOONG way from the leg machines.

    I'm wondering if you can beat the nausea with proper hydration pre-workout. Is the nausea/dizzyness is caused by the fact that all of those large muscle groups are engorged with blood, and so there's less circulating than normal? Is it a breathing thing? Has anyone had success at getting rid of the nausea somehow?

    There's gotta be some way to beat it. Hurling on the gym floor would not be cool.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Next time you are on a plane pick up a few hurling bags !!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    I've puked before, and it's definately because of the blood redirecting to the legs. just, try and hold it in, and R U N...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    U stackin' leg presses w/ham curls before squats?

    My leg thread has extensions stacked w/ham curls.

    It's okay if you do it the other way as everyone can do their own thing, but my protocol is the other variation.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    swoles leg routine is SERIOUS..i do it on friday..because i dont work saturdays..i cant move most of the morning....swole whats my girl doing on the bottom of your posts???

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Swole..., you ever get "used" to your "SWOLESQUAT" routine? i been doin it since dec. once a week and today -dayafter- im not nearly as sore as i used to be(nearly dead) what would be a way to switch it up for a few weeks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I've been running Swole's SGX cutting routine for the past (8) weeks. All I can say is that the leg workout is brutal! My legs have been sore after every leg workout since I've began, although the soreness usually doesn't set in with me until the second day after the workout. I also have to fight the urge to "hurl" by the end of the leg workout, although I have yet to actually puke. I think this is partly due to your body somewhat going into shock from the sheer physical exertion. The workout is every bit worth the "torture" in my book as it yields excellent results!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I get the problem of nausea after doing 20 rep squats sometimes aswell. The best solution i found so far is just sitting down right when yer done. I read somehwere on here someone also has the problem and they hit the ground when there done and put there head lower then the rest of there body to get blood flow back to their head. Hope that helps a bit.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It could be hydration issues, but it definately sounds like some pooling is occuring.

    In between sets, try and elevate your legs by laying down and putting your legs up on a bench.

    Also, drink a lot of room temperature water. After all, if you're going to puke, you might as well have something in you to come out. It's only made worse when it's cold.

  10. #10

    Yeah, blood flow

    Sitting definitely helps, but when I stand back up to do the next set of squats, the room spins

    Going to drink plenty of water before I head in today and tough it out. Thanks for the help all.

  11. #11

    Did legs today

    Did Swole legs today with no nausea. Made sure to drink lots of water before (1.5L) and laid on a bench for a bit between squat sets. Also did the right thing (thanks Swole, heh).

    Feelin' pretty damn good.

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