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Thread: chest sore, no growth, WTF

  1. #1

    Unhappy chest sore, no growth, WTF

    hey bros, no matter what i seem to do for chest, light or heavy, it gets sore as fuck but doesnt seem to grow. its so weird and confusing. i eat right and all, but dont grow. every other bodypart grows cept chest. what am i doing wrong? i stretch as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    the chest takes a while to develope, be patient allow full recovery, don't lift if your sore from last workout and supplement w/ a protein shake, creatine and glutamin after your workouts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    least u only have that problem with one muscle....i have that problem with all of them
    Last edited by Khull_Khuum; 05-26-2002 at 10:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pacific Northwest
    skiboy nailed it. Work/Rest/Recover/supplement. Glutamine is a key too. It is the most abundant amino acid in the muscle, comprising 60% of the muscle makeup. Personnally, I take 5g post workout and 5g before bed. My protein shakes also have glutamine in them as well.

    One thing to add. It was recently pointed out to me in the gym that my bench technique was all wrong. The correct way was explained to me and over the course of the last 4 weeks I have seen some nice improvements in strength and size. Food for thought.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Fat4Now
    It was recently pointed out to me in the gym that my bench technique was all wrong. The correct way was explained to me and over the course of the last 4 weeks I have seen some nice improvements in strength and size. Food for thought.
    care till fill us in who also have the same problem of a lacking chest

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    just give it time.... im sure eventually you will start to see the results and then you will be happy you spent all those long hours in the gym

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pacific Northwest
    I'd be happy to Cnynce89.

    The way I was doing my bench was thus: Flat back, the bar went straight up then straight down and my elbows were pointing at my knees (i.e. they were down by my sides while performing the lift).

    The way it was explained to me to do it is thus: Push the shoulder blades together but be carefull not to arch the back, point the elbows at a 90 degree angle to the body (i.e. from your shoulder to your elbow should run parallell with the bar), on the up portion of the lift give the bar an arching motion. The best way I can explain this is when the bar is down it should be at your sternum and when the bar is all the way up it should be over your eyes. Going from one to the other will put the arch in the motion. The last thing is the down motion should be slower than the up motion.

    This is the way it was explained to me and it seems to be working nicely. I leave the gym with a lot better burn in my pecs then I ever did the way I used to do it. My old way, as it was explained to me was a very nice tricep workout but wasn't doing much for my chest.

    Hope this helps. If you have any other questions shoot me a PM.

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