02-14-2006, 12:53 AM #1Junior Member
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Why women make great bodybuilders.
Men vs Women Bodybuilders..
In real life bodybuilders see me and others in whom I am training and quickly become convinced as ToughOldMan did that the IRON MAN "HIT" routine works extremely well. When I am face to face with a bodybuilder he or she responds in a positve manner thanking me for showing them how easy this bodybuilding thing really is.
But there's always gonna be a few who follow a "pipe dream" thinking they need to try the next routine in this months edition of FLEX MAGAZINE but, "you know what"? (those guys are the very ones who are extremely indecisional about what they're diet should consist of and which training method they should be following). This is not me trying to put anyone down.I'm only giving you food for thought. (I tell trainers if they are of a mesomorphs back ground to eat more carbs and along with their protein). (If they are on the endomorphic side eat I tell them to eat more protein in replace of those carbs and fats). (If they are ectomorphs I suggest they should be eating more fats and carbs along with their protein). Most understand this very simplistic dietary approach but there will always be those few who will want to try and find all the (gray areas) that are just not there instead of looking at the (black and white) areas in this sport we call BODYBUILDING.
You have not see me boasting about how many Professional or National level bodybuilders that I have trained. Oddly enough, the confidence and challenges I sometimes present to others in regards to my IRON MAN "HIT" program seems to always offend a "SELECT FEW". I think they feel as if though I am trying to be-little them or talking down to them like they are uneducated but my goal is just the opposite and that is to not offend anyone but, to challenge their thinking and to get them to ask themselves if maybe just maybe they may be training in a manner that is not as great as they once thought it to be given their diet and or gear usage is in order. Once they get established on my program for FREE they soon realize my goal all along where to simplify their approach and help them excel in this sport we all love so dearly.
Listen, I have experimented with all these various training routines. I've had that bull by the horn many a times. If doing only 1 or 2 straight sets once per week worked extremely well, then that's the way I would be having others train. On the other hand how many truthful trainers do you know who make virtually any continued gains in size and strength by doing 20 or more sets for each body part once per week???? How many of you want to be big yet weak as a kitten??? It does happen you know!!!!! MUSCLE MAGS DO TELL FIBS!!!!!
I continually see so many guys struggling, asking the same redundant questions over and over and over again and that there is the very reason I decided to bring my way of training to the net free of charge. Not because I need to make a name for myself. Do you see me flaunting my pics or my identity? Of course not because that's not the reason I am here. Am I asking for money?? No I am not!! I am here to try and make a difference by helping those in need.
Now for you guys who are 100% happy with the results you are making on your current diet and training program then you can ignore my post but for those of you who are still somewhat indecisional and are looking for a fantastic yet scientific way to train each body part then I am here to tell you I have perfected a training system over the years that not only takes all the guess work out of what one should be doing but it simplifies bodybuilding to where there are no more gray areas. Bodybuilding has finally becomes a (black and white) area for so many for the very first time in their life because of my program. (Each of the 3 sub-categories of TYPE-2 muscle fibers are stimulated by basic exercises that won't wreak havoc on your joints in the long run given you use great form). The gray areas are wiped clean. That's not a sales pitch but the truth and some personal trainers do get upset with words like these but they are mostly in it for the cash.
I realize an open minded approach to anything in life is key. This has got me where I am today but once you develop something that is no longer broken,"IT CAN'T BE FIXED." My program has been set up to debunk all these various training routines as being necessary because there are many out there who are tired of wasting their precious time and they simply do not want to waste anymore by making slower gains than they could be making. My program is user friendly on the joints and that in itself is reason enough to use my program off season. As I have stated before ISOLATION EXERCISES are un-natural movements that will cause damage to your joints if performed heavy on a long term basis.
I think the term overtrained and undertrained are being confused by so many!!!!! "OVERTRAINING" is not just over doing the CNS but the JOINTS. That's why it's important to avoid isolation exercises during a mass gaining phase if at all possible because you can hurt yourself, especially the "rotator cuffs". On the other hand "UNDERTRAINING" by not doing enough volume on the Big Basic Movements is another mistake many are making. Everyone wants to look like Arnold but many seem too afraid of fatiguing themselves to the point needed to build a great physique. I have also witnessed the sorry and sad state of how the internet is choke full of Bodybuilding GURUS who are nothing more than mere confused trainers teaching anything and everything goes. But in reality it just doesn't work that way now does it???
I am a very confident bodybuilder/personal trainer and sometimes people on the net might take that as me being conceited and if that be the case then I truly apologize as nothing could be further from the truth. It's just that I can take someone like VANDER V here at Professional Muscle who is wanting to turn Pro and if he is willing to do what I say I can turn him into the largest guy he can possible be given his genetics. If he follows my methods he will go Pro because he has the genetical potential to do so but regardless of what kind of potential he or anyone else may posses that in itself-(having great genetics) will not determine where one will end up. I can also guarantee you New Mass will really grow once he gets his protein intake/calories up. I realize he's on a cutting phase right now but if his diet had been choke full of protein he would being weighing even more with a lower percentage of bodyfat. ToughOldMan is 53 years old and very excited about my training program because at his age he's making progress. My training methods are growing daily over the net and will contiune to do so because it works. That's not to say my training method is the only training method out there that works very well. I'm only saying my training style will work for every bodybuilder and not just a select few. Once you sit down and really study how my training is laid out it just makes good common sense that it will work very well. I have yet to turn down or slam anyone on this board asking for help so I believe that in itself should show others what kind of person I truly am. I guess I am guilty of trying to help too much at times if anything but it's because I'm overly excited about my training program because I know in my heart it's a GOLDMINE of a training program and not just another routine some GURU has come up with.
Yes it's true I am pushing my training and diet methods a bit. The reason is because I know how well my training program works. It's not to build my thread #'s up like ToughOldMan might have thought because my internet time is limited. But I do hope that everyone with any interest will at least gives my program an honest try so they can find out for themselves what they have been missing by not training all 3 sub-categories of the TYPE-2 muscle fibers with basic movements. If you have been lifting for several years and are stuck in a rut trying to get your Pro card as our very advanced bodbuilder "Rex Feral," has, then you would be foolish to not give yourself a chance as he is doing. Much of the time it's the SMALL details that make the BIG difference. I can't force anyone into anything nor do I wish too but I will sure try encourage it for those who are interested in making the best gains possible given their genetics potential.
Not only do I train male bodybuilders for a living but females as well. I have learned that "females" do not need a different training routine and/or diet as opposed to "males." (I have turned normal women into bigger and stronger bodybuilders than several of the males on our board and that should be a bit embarrassing to some of you)!!!! Thats not a put down but me just telling you the truth!!!! When I tell a female to push past failure with rest pause reps, they not only do it, but seem to crave the intensity and deal with the post workout fatigue brought about that so many in our society have become afraid of this day and time. Results out of the ordinary do not come easy. These female trainers don't sit around analyzing if they should be doing this exercise or this amount of sets, they just do what I ask of them and it works! And some guys wonder why some of these females are bigger than they are???? Well I can assure you they pushed the boundaries to get there and these ladies did not get that way by eating a poor diet. Women are much tougher than many guys are willing to admit and the serious female bodybuilders have unbelievable dedication and that's how most of them got that great bod. Women bodybuilders love intensity and they bounce right back right after a hard workout. "WOMEN ARE TOUGH"!!!! A womans work is never done. Most do not have the time to take a nap after a hard training like some of us males. They bust their tails ends and give it their all 3 days per week then go do laundry post training while we males complain about feeling drained or over-trained. I'm here to tell you that much of this is a state of mind and most hardcore women who bodybuild are tougher than males in this regard.
I realize hard training is not for everyone. My program is designed for those wanting maximum hypertrophy with some strength gains to go along with their muscle mass. Nothings more embarrasing than having big muscles and only being able to push puny weights around while someone half your size is out doing you. If you are the lazy type then the IRON MAN "HIT" training program is not for you as there will always be those looking for an easy way out.. THERE IS NO EASY WAY OUT!!!! What some have failed to realize is this: If you can't train at above the normal intensity levels for a 3-6 week period before taking a complete layoff, then your strength will never increase along with the muscle mass you are building and you will be referred to as a PUMPER. In addition, you will never get HUGE without gaining a CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF STRENGTH!!!!
My diet plan is so simple yet so hard for some. Eating 50-100 grams of protein 4-6 times per day has never been easy for anyone during a mass phase. But if your goal is to become that guy who walks down the street and turns heads, then it's time you picked up your fork. It really is that simply!!!!!
Again I apologize if I have ever come across to pushy with my training program. My desires are that everyone gets the most out of the genetics they have been dealt. If that makes me a pushy personal trainer then so be it.
02-14-2006, 01:26 AM #2
Welcome Ironman, read some of your posts at Prof. Muscle. Interesting.
02-14-2006, 11:07 AM #3
whoa, you're still the man...
The Iron Man... it's cool...
02-14-2006, 06:39 PM #4Junior Member
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Thank you..
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
02-15-2006, 09:25 AM #5
this is interesting iron man. ive seen threads about this (your HIT) but never really looked into it. i for one would like to push my self to my genetic potential so giving your routine a try for 6 weeks wont be an issue.
02-15-2006, 12:36 PM #6
so how do we find out details about this program?
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