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Thread: Crappy arms

  1. #1
    Jayhawk21's Avatar
    Jayhawk21 is offline Junior Member
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    Crappy arms

    My arms suck. I'm not a big guy by any means, 5-10 184 10% BF but my arms are 13.1 inches cold. What the hell is the deal? I see guys who are 5-10 160 who have 16 inch guns. I've tried training them hard body builder style, I've tried low reps, high reps, no direct work and only compound movements, nothing seems to work. I recently gained 8-9 pounds on a T-Bol only cycle and my arms only gained .25 inches. They say for every 10 pounds you should get an inch, I guess not for me. I have a pretty good peak, and when I flex they get to about 15.5 inches, but they are dinky when cold.

    Is there any way to get my arms more proportionate? Or to just blow them up when on a cycle and focus on them to get them bigger? I feel I should be at about 14.5 inches, it's not like I'm tall either. I think I just got screwed over on genetics..iono

  2. #2
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Jul 2005
    My arms really improved in size from the last program I followed:

    Papi93's Phera Plex Workout Log

    Success comes from multi-joint lifts, not single-joint exercises for the arms.

  3. #3
    flyguy7's Avatar
    flyguy7 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you have a really good chest? I have a retarded theory that dudes who have sick chest development have bad arms, and vice versa. My arms are huge, and i barely lift them, but I kill my chest every week and get nowhere with it.----If any of you readers have heard this theory somewhere before, that person stole it from me.

  4. #4
    cb11mass is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    you said you had tried high reps and low reps but how many sets are you doing.... I never go over three sets for biceps and that realy helped me. befor i had been overtraining with up to 9 sets

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i have told a few other guys this, and they have liked it so far with what feedback they have given me.
    i tell them to only do 2 bicep exercises after a SCORCHING back workout (because your bis should already be close to toast)
    do a few sets of concentration curls but ((go half way up then all the way up for one rep)), then do a couple sets of reverse curls with a bar with the same movement ((go half way up then all the way up for one rep)). if you have bicep exercises that work for you use them instead but these are my favorite, and the technique works well...

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