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Thread: Rear Delt Help

  1. #1
    CheckerChest's Avatar
    CheckerChest is offline Junior Member
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    Rear Delt Help

    Just wondering what you guys would recomend for bulking rear Delts.

    Currently I do One-arm bent over lateral dumbell raises, reverse pec-deck and heavy rows with my back routine.

    My R-Dealts are piss-poor obviously

  2. #2
    BlueAndromeda73's Avatar
    BlueAndromeda73 is offline Senior Member
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    on your bent over lateral raise are you sitting or standing, I find sitting helps a hell of a lot by taking the swing out of things usually, I personnay do them sitting down chest on the knees head up both arms at the same time with dumbells that one has worked wonders for me also cable row has worked good just pull it up a tad higher then normal and you will be able to hit the shoulder more. Hope this helps man.

  3. #3
    CheckerChest's Avatar
    CheckerChest is offline Junior Member
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    It helps alot thanks.

    Yeah I do them standing i know what you mean by the swing, ill definatly try them sitting down. cable row are we talking two-arm with close grip?

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i dont know what you would call this exercise but i did it for a while and my strength went up a lot in the rear-delt region. stand at the cross cable station and bring them up to shoulder height. then grab opposites (so grab the left one with your right arm and the right one with your left arm). and then keeping your arms straight, move your arms across your body keep your palms facing down and really flex and hold for a sec or two at the end of the movement, it really helped me out when i was rehabing a rotatorcuff...and it strengthened me a lot in the reardelt category, put on some mass but not as much in accordance to strength. hope this helps

  5. #5
    CheckerChest's Avatar
    CheckerChest is offline Junior Member
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    I know what excercise you are talking about, i have tried it in the past and it seemed to burn more on the outer delt, ill give it a shot again since my rotar is bummed too from and old football injury.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    lay on an incline bench face down with the bench on just slightly inclined. Take a dumbell and pull your arms back. Bring them perpendicular to your body to isolate the rear deat the most. do not bring them too far back (works the lats) or too far forward (works the middle delts).

    I superset that with reverse pec-deck flyies.

    Friggin kills,
    good luck,


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