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Thread: Good ab excises

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York

    Good ab excises

    ANy one have any ab excises i want a nice six pack for the summer. I have a few questions

    1- Can you over train abs, i heard you should treat them liek any other muscle and not work them out too much during the week

    2- How big a part does cardio play in gettin abs, Can you get abs by doing extentive cardio and little actual ab workouts?

    3- What are some the better ab excises to do at teh gym and home ?

    Thanks fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    Well i beilve that you should work your abs like another muscle man, you know don't over train them, once or twice a week hard. Make sure you hit both areas, your lower and upper portions. Oh also your side areas too. its not such an eaasy thing to do. Also if you really anna build them you have to start using wieght. on the roman chair or regualr sit ups, start doing sets with wieghts.

    You get a preetty good ab work out with cardio. I mean running works out the whole body so your stomach muslces get worked a bit too. use it as a warm up if you want.

    Excerscises. What i say is start off with the roman chair, (or regular sit ups). You hsould use enough wieght to treat them like sets. Set your reps at about 12- 15. and do them low, just like any other muscle enforce the negative.
    Next do leg raises, some gyms have stands for his or you may have to get down on the floor. on the floor just put wieght on your legs or squueeze a medicine ball with you ankles. and lift up. again do sets.

    No for your sides, I bilve your lats, you can ether use the stand and again hold a weight and dip dpwn, or if they don't have that stand just stnad up striaght hold wiehgts in both hands and without beding your back forward or back from side to side try to touch the ground.

    Those hsould work, if you don't know what machines i am talking bout or cannot understand what i said tell me and i will write it out.

    hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york

    Re: Good ab excises

    Originally posted by xplicit
    ANy one have any ab excises i want a nice six pack for the summer. I have a few questions

    1- Can you over train abs, i heard you should treat them liek any other muscle and not work them out too much during the week

    yes, you can overtrain your abdominals. They are a muscle like any other, and primarily fast-twitch at that. They tend to respond better to weight-assisted exercises at lower rep-ranges (4-8RM).

    2- How big a part does cardio play in gettin abs, Can you get abs by doing extentive cardio and little actual ab workouts?

    your abdominals will "show" at a lower bodyfat. therefore, diet and cardio play a large role in bringing out the popular "6 pack", keep in mind that you can not spot reduce fat stores via training a specific area. this doesn't mean to neglect abdominal training, the core masculature necessitates a strength balance between the lower back and abdominals. weak abdominals will affect big lifts (ie: squats) and definetely play a role in the onset of injury.

    Thanks fellas

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