i was lifting on friday i was doing cleans after i ahd done dead lifts and i was on my 10th rep at a moderate weight. i went to pull hard to get it up and somthing in my head went it wasnt a pop, it was like a release of blood or somthing but i had an instant terrible headache so bad that i could not stand. i crawled to a bench and sat down till it eased a little but it was way to bad to continue so i went home. i had a headache for 3 straight days. i tried to lift on the 4th day and the same thing happen about the 10th rep (bench ) baamm my head was killin me. here is the scary part a similer thing happen to my dad about 20 years ago and he has not been able to work out since. i am 17 and he is 45. workin out is my life and i would die with out it so please help me out w/ ne sugestion of what i should do. i have a mri schedualed for monday but my dad has spent tens of thousands of dolars trying to figure out what was wrong w/ his head so i dont think an mri will help. ne even strange suggestions are welcome ....thanx