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Thread: Beginner

  1. #1
    shrello is offline New Member
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    I have been reading over the diet and workout forums and I was wondering what the members here thought of a workout schedule that im thinking of beginning. I'm 6'4" and I weigh 160 pounds so I'm looking to bulk up as much as possible. The workout schedule I am thinking of using is from a book called "the secrets to gaining muscle mass fast"

    The workout schedule has me working out 3 days a week. On the first day working out my chest,shoulders, and triceps by doing flat bench press, shoulder press, shrugs, dips and crunches. on the third day working out my legs by doing squats, stiff-legged deadlifts, calf raises, and reverse crunches. On the fifth day working out my back and biceps by doing wide grip pull-ups, one arm rows, standing dumbell curls, and crunches.

    You all seem very knowledgeable and I was wondering if there are any changes I should make. Thanks for any help you can give me.

  2. #2
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    I like to do this. It has worked for me. Might want to start with fewer exercises or sets than I do.

    Sunday: Back/Shoulders

    Back: Wide-Grip Chins, Bent-over rows, Deads, T-bar rows
    Shoulders: Cable lateral raises, Arnold presses, upright rows, barbell and db

    Monday: Legs/Bis

    Legs: Parallel squats, Past parallel squats, sled, extensions, curls, calf raises
    Bis: Db curl, hammer curl, preacher, cable, flexed arm hang

    Tuesday: Cardio

    Eliptical 45 mins

    Wednesday: Chesticles

    BB flat bench, db flat, incline bb, incline flys, pullovers

    Thursday: Cardio like Tues.

    Friday: Tri's/Abs

    Tri's: CG Bench, weighted dips, one-arm pulldowns, wide two-arm pulldowns,
    Abs: Whatever I feel Like!!

    Saturday: Cardio

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    as a beginner, squatting and deadlifting will definately spark everything else to grow. so incorporate them into whatever routine you choose.

  4. #4
    pelly789's Avatar
    pelly789 is offline Member
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    just stick to basic compound movements low reps high weight

    bench,squat,clean,deadlift,cgbp,dips,bb curls, military press you will surely gain some mass

    your pretty light make sure your diet is on taking in enough protein and maybe think about a multi vitamin or some other supplements. protein is a must maybe you can look into creatine, or test boosters just an idea though

    good luck train hard

  5. #5
    shrello is offline New Member
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    yeah the supplements recommended by the program are creatine, EFA's, protein powder, glutamine, and vandyl sulfate.

  6. #6
    shrello is offline New Member
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  7. #7
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    6-4 160lbs..brotha you need to eat some mo!!! haha. jk, but your on the right track with the deit forum and here. theres lots of bros to help you out.
    as for your splits: as pelly said basic compoud movements will make you grow. with all the lifts you perform make sure you focus on form, once your form is down the weight will go up easily. you cant half ass an exersise and expect to grow so much emphasis on liftin with correct form.
    your training splits fine as far as workin body parts and rest. another tip for growth, is goin past failure, im not sure this would be good advice for a learning novice but still its what arnold contributes to at least some of his growth. get the basics down, maybe outline a work out for us with sets and weight and we can all try and help out some more. good luck and happy growing

  8. #8
    shrello is offline New Member
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