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Thread: Workout before breakfast.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Workout before breakfast.

    I saw farmers post (Poll: CARDIO: Before breakfast or after) and I had a question about that. My question is I usually do my whole work out before breakfast (30 wieghts and 45 cardio). If I need some energy in the morning I usually have a protien shake.

    Is this a good thing? working out before breakfast?

    My other question is if you cardio before breakfast and then you train latter on in the day are u not over training? (going to the gym twice a day)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    GenX, um I wouldn't reccomend doing weight training on an empty stomach, but cardio is fine, and theres a reason why people say doing cardio on empty stomach or before breakfast. And the reason is you burn more fat. If you do cardio before breakfast you're burning what you're carrying, but instead if you do it later in the day instead of the morning, you're burning off whatever you took in that day plus what you had from the night before, understand. I do it in the morning cause I'm getting ready for a show in 2 weeks and I have some fat covering my lower abs and lower back that needs to not be there in two weeks, so I do it on an empty stomach, and I do it later in the day also. But back to your question, you might want to consider getting some protein or oatmeal or egg whites or whatever if you workout in the morning before doing weight training so you don't get sick or whatever. Other members might disagree with me but I'm just telling you from my experience working out. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!
    Usally cardio before breakfast is for cutting!
    your body hasnt had a meal since the day before..........
    So your body is going into a fast, so when cardio is preformed before breakfast Your body burns will burn stored fat instead of calories you would have ate for breakfast!

    On over training I would need more info on your training routine to give my opinion!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    train 6 days a week 30 mintues 1 muscle per day. I usually rotate so I work one of the upper body part twice a week. After the weights I usually hit the bike or treadmill and do about 45 mins cardio.

    My goal is to cut my wieght down as much as possible.

    I would preffer to train all at one.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yeah i think its better to do workout before breakfast cardio or other wise i dont think yuor overtraining becuase its two differnt things cardio and weights with two diferrnt purposes cardio for cuts and weights for mass

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