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Thread: Help for wrists?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    orange county, CA

    Help for wrists?!

    I have weak wrists, have injured both a number of times since HS, and just did to the right again this weekend (in my garage - not at the gym).
    Looks like I "get" to do legs all this week.

    Any suggestions on exercises to strengthen them? I just added barbell wrist curls a couple of weeks ago ... what else?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    hammer curls help with the forearms and try that thing where you roll your wrists around a bar and pull up the weight on a string while you're rotating your wrists. If you have no clue what the fuck I just said that's cool, I'll try and find a picture.

    Advanced exercise: Once your wrists are flexible try and do pushups with your palms facing up and your fingers pointing at eachother. We used to do this in Kung Fu and it hurt\helped alot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    do like wrist flexors and extender excercises, and also try strething them for flexablity, try tapping them til health, but don't rely on tape over time it will cause em' to get weaker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Also something simple try buying glove with wrist wraps for added support. Or trying using wrist straps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yep....wrist wraps (not straps) for support.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Originally posted by Pete235
    Yep....wrist wraps (not straps) for support.
    Absolutely. Wrist wraps are a must....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Simple solution: Lighten the weight, increase the reps.

    The wrists are one of the criazier parts of the body. Once you damage them, you may need a steroid shot (corticostroids, not anabolic steroids - cortizone is the most common) to knock the inflammation out. The problem is that you can only have you to three shots per wrist, since cortizone can weaken the joints further.

    The main thing to be watchful for is that you don't get carpal tunnel, tendinitis, or tenosynovitis (DeQuervain's syndrome). If you do, get the shot, rest the wrist for a week, then be more careful about your form in the future.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    orange county, CA
    Thanks for all the great suggestions! I think I've got some wraps lying around somewhere ...

    I rested the wrist all week, and it feels pretty much healed ... I plan to go back to upper body on Monday. This last week has been just legs (never a bad idea since they've got some catching up to do) and I wore my brace to protect against re-injury racking those 45s.

    Vegas: Those pushups sound WICKED. I'm gonna give it a few more weeks before I try anything that intense! And I do know the weight-on-a-string exercise you're talking about ... someone was doing that on the cable curl machine a couple of weeks ago. (Don't know which bar he was using, since most of them have a pivoting collar, but I'm gonna find out!)

    TNT: I'll hold off on the cortizone until it's an absolute must. Thankfully my form is pretty good, and I've never actually injured myself at the gym ... always something stooopid elsewhere. I think I will go a bit lighter next week, just to make sure I'm up to it.

    Thanks again, bros!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i think i have the same prob, im feeling like i have week wrist, and really it s just been the last couple of workout s i did bench on wed. and it was just killing me, and my boy was doing bench so i got under and just did one set really to see if it was doing ok, and it wasn't still killing me do yall think these wrist wraps are gonna work, and btw the pain is comming from only my the outer side of my hands and it s getting to be both of em, it feels like someone is jamming a needle into the side of my palm, down near the bottem back part of it what do yall think ??

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