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  1. #1
    JNel04's Avatar
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    The Training Journal of Your Average Joe

    sup fellas. i just thought i'd start a journal of my workouts to see what i'm missing. just for the record you wont be seeing me puttin up huge #'s, hence the name "Average Joe."

    a lil background info is that i'm 20yrs old, 5'10" at 175 lbs, bf% no clue
    i've been lifting for 1 solid yr, and in past yrs on and off.

    i am always trying to gain weight, i'm an ecto (lifetime goal of 200lbs & i need a short term goal). and a specifc goal i have is to increase my strength in my bench which is very weak. My rep scheme is i'll ususally warm up with a set of 12 then i'll pyarmid down 10 8 6 4.

    i lood forward to u guys helping me out and PLZ feel free to ask questions and make comments.

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
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    I would put you on a flat pyramid of the big compound movements. Draw up your training split for the next several weeks using all free weight compound movements. Use some flat pyramids too - like 5X5 for chest... with absolute concentric failure only on the last set... then work yourself up from there. Your log here will help you track progress... and keep you commited because we will be watching you

    Flat Bench Press...
    Front Mil Press...
    Barbell Rows...
    Barbell Curls...

    These are your new best friends if you want to see some significant increases in bodyweight and limit strength...

    Have fun

  3. #3
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    I would put you on a flat pyramid of the big compound movements. Draw up your training split for the next several weeks using all free weight compound movements. Use some flat pyramids too - like 5X5 for chest... with absolute concentric failure only on the last set... then work yourself up from there. Your log here will help you track progress... and keep you commited because we will be watching you

    Flat Bench Press...
    Front Mil Press...
    Barbell Rows...
    Barbell Curls...

    These are your new best friends if you want to see some significant increases in bodyweight and limit strength...

    Have fun
    sounds good to me.......

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    JNel04...good luck man, just work hard, eat huge, and rest'll grow just be patient...and Warrior is right....we're watching you

    *i'm going to be a regular in your log here, because i like the average joe's*

  5. #5
    TheRel33's Avatar
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    look no further if you are trying to increase your bench do this workout once a week.
    You are pyramiding the wrong way you want to start with you most weight at the begining of you workout when you are the strongest.

    rest period 4 minutes-seems like alot i know but it works

    Barbell Bench Press
    warm up 30%of 1 rep max -10 reps
    warm up 60%of 1 rep max-5 reps
    set 1- 5 reps to failure
    set 2- 3 reps to failure
    set 3- 90% of 1 rep max-1 rep
    set 4- 4 reps to failure plus 1 pause and rest sets
    set 5- 8 reps to failure plus 2 pause and rest sets
    set 6- 10 reps to failure plus 3 pause and rest sets
    Incline Press
    set-7 5 reps to failure
    set-8 8 reps to failure
    Dumbell Press
    set-9 5 reps to failure
    set-10 3 reps to failure

    your bench will sky rocket i bet my life on it. hope you try it and good luck bro
    Last edited by TheRel33; 03-23-2006 at 07:51 PM.

  6. #6
    chest6's Avatar
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    I would be lucky if I could bench the bar after that

  7. #7
    TheRel33's Avatar
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    it's not as much as it seems only 10 sets but this is what i used to gain the most strength on. If you want a big bench there is no way around it you have to lift heavy

  8. #8
    JNel04's Avatar
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    i see we got a couple Hoosiers up in here...

    but anyways, bought the bench press... i havent maxed out and usually i never do. problem being i work out alone so w/ bench its kinda hard to push the limits. maybe i'll max out on monday to see where i'm at.

    i got a couple ?'s on the bench workout...
    1) so ur sayin on sets 1-10 i should hit the rep count and then go beyond if possible rite?
    2) besides my warmup and set 3 should i be doing a certain percentage of my max when goin for the reps or should i just feel it out?
    3) what is the plus 1 pause and rest sets and so on?

  9. #9
    JNel04's Avatar
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    March 23, Back/Bi

    here was todays workout Back/Bi

    1) Close Grip Chins (double handle)
    Warm up - Close Grip pulldown 50 x 12 & 100 x 10
    Body weight for chins, reps of 8/8/6

    2) Wide Grip BB Row
    Warm up - Bar x 10
    95 x 10
    125 x 8
    135 x 8 (straps)
    145 x 5 (straps)

    3) Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
    100 x 10
    130 x 10
    150 x 7
    160 x 6 (straps)
    140 x 8 (straps) *wanted to concentrate more on form*

    4) BB Shrugs
    Warm up - 135 x 20
    225 x 18
    245 x 15
    265 x 9

    *used straps on all cept warm up set, i found higher reps work better for my traps

    5) Good Mornings
    Warmup - Bar x 10
    95 x 10
    105 x 10
    115 x 10

    *Usually do deads but foreams werent there today

    6) BB Curls
    Warm up - Bar x 12 (did this 2x)
    70 x 10
    75 x 9
    80 x 6

    a total of 17 working sets for my back and of course a lil bi workout

    i am guessing u guys mite say that i should lower my reps???

  10. #10
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNel04
    but anyways, bought the bench press... i havent maxed out and usually i never do. problem being i work out alone so w/ bench its kinda hard to push the limits.
    Careful not to kick your own ass before you lift the weight - and always ignore the "thats a lot of weight!" comments and don't even add it up prior to lifting it... add it up afterward. Getting big numbers on the bench is as much mental as it is physical. If you doubt yourself for a second - you won't put in 100 percent effort... you will be too scared or distracted. You must visually see yourself lifting it as if there was no disbelief in your mind about increasing the resistance. Think of your muscle as being on huge hydraulic pumps and pushing upward like a NASA space shuttle launch...

  11. #11
    JNel04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Careful not to kick your own ass before you lift the weight - and always ignore the "thats a lot of weight!" comments and don't even add it up prior to lifting it... add it up afterward. Getting big numbers on the bench is as much mental as it is physical. If you doubt yourself for a second - you won't put in 100 percent effort... you will be too scared or distracted. You must visually see yourself lifting it as if there was no disbelief in your mind about increasing the resistance. Think of your muscle as being on huge hydraulic pumps and pushing upward like a NASA space shuttle launch...
    believe it or not i know what exactly u mean. before i lift, especially bench i clear my mind and just pick up the weight and go. i have noticed from past experiences once u have psyched urself out or even put the smallest doubt in ur head ur not gonna get the last rep or two that u should.

    but for the bench thing i think i'm just gonna decrease my reps and go w/ the 4 x 5 or 5 x 5, its just that i've noticed that my body responds better to a lil more higher rep 6-10, but we'll go back to the old ways and see how it goes.

  12. #12
    JNel04's Avatar
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    oh yea i just thougt of this, i remember a while back i think Pinnacle said that about 16 sets for back is good. would i be better off to limiting my back day to one type of row (3-4 sets), one type of pulldown or chin (3-4), and then the shrugs (3-4) and lower back (3-4)? so sometimes i would only do 12 sets?

  13. #13
    TheRel33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNel04
    i see we got a couple Hoosiers up in here...

    but anyways, bought the bench press... i havent maxed out and usually i never do. problem being i work out alone so w/ bench its kinda hard to push the limits. maybe i'll max out on monday to see where i'm at.

    i got a couple ?'s on the bench workout...
    1) so ur sayin on sets 1-10 i should hit the rep count and then go beyond if possible rite?
    2) besides my warmup and set 3 should i be doing a certain percentage of my max when goin for the reps or should i just feel it out?
    3) what is the plus 1 pause and rest sets and so on?
    1) just go beyond failure on sets 4-6
    2) the most you can possibly lift to hit the number of reps in the set
    3) pause and rest is where you do the number of reps and then you rack the weight and wait like 15 seconds and then do another rep or 2. its the next best thing to forced reps but i like you don't have a spotter so it works out better.

  14. #14
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNel04

    i am guessing u guys mite say that i should lower my reps???
    First, IMHO, stop reading FLEX and Muscle and Fitness. Second, you said you are 175 pound average joe - so train at your level. You need to abbreviate your training so more... something like a push-pull routine.

    Day 1: Back/Chest
    Deadlifts 5X5 (REPS/SETS)
    Bent Rows 10X3
    Flat Bench Press 5X5
    Incline Dumbell Press 10X2


    Day 2: Shoulders/Triceps/Biceps
    Mil Front Press 8X4
    Dips (don't lean forward!) 10X3
    Barbell Curls 10X3

    Day 3: Quads/Hams/Calves
    Squats 10X4
    Ham Curls 8X2
    Calve Raises 20X2



    Stick to that for a little while - at least 8 weeks... no need to over complicate things and jump right into overtraining. That routine is a basic free weight split that will help you move to the next level. WRITE ALL YOUR NUMBERS DOWN - thats important. Everytime you traing you should be adding a little something more to the bar - but don't try to increase to fast... and remember, sometimes one step backward equals two steps forward.

    Just my .02

  15. #15
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    First, IMHO, stop reading FLEX and Muscle and Fitness. Second, you said you are 175 pound average joe - so train at your level. You need to abbreviate your training so more... something like a push-pull routine.

    Day 1: Back/Chest
    Deadlifts 5X5 (REPS/SETS)
    Bent Rows 10X3
    Flat Bench Press 5X5
    Incline Dumbell Press 10X2


    Day 2: Shoulders/Triceps/Biceps
    Mil Front Press 8X4
    Dips (don't lean forward!) 10X3
    Barbell Curls 10X3

    Day 3: Quads/Hams/Calves
    Squats 10X4
    Ham Curls 8X2
    Calve Raises 20X2



    Stick to that for a little while - at least 8 weeks... no need to over complicate things and jump right into overtraining. That routine is a basic free weight split that will help you move to the next level. WRITE ALL YOUR NUMBERS DOWN - thats important. Everytime you traing you should be adding a little something more to the bar - but don't try to increase to fast... and remember, sometimes one step backward equals two steps forward.

    Just my .02

    that is some of the most genuine advice i have seen on this forum to date... Warrior, thank you for all your help throughout my time and everyone else's on here...

  16. #16
    JNel04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    First, IMHO, stop reading FLEX and Muscle and Fitness. Second, you said you are 175 pound average joe - so train at your level. You need to abbreviate your training so more... something like a push-pull routine.

    Day 1: Back/Chest
    Deadlifts 5X5 (REPS/SETS)
    Bent Rows 10X3
    Flat Bench Press 5X5
    Incline Dumbell Press 10X2


    Day 2: Shoulders/Triceps/Biceps
    Mil Front Press 8X4
    Dips (don't lean forward!) 10X3
    Barbell Curls 10X3

    Day 3: Quads/Hams/Calves
    Squats 10X4
    Ham Curls 8X2
    Calve Raises 20X2



    Stick to that for a little while - at least 8 weeks... no need to over complicate things and jump right into overtraining. That routine is a basic free weight split that will help you move to the next level. WRITE ALL YOUR NUMBERS DOWN - thats important. Everytime you traing you should be adding a little something more to the bar - but don't try to increase to fast... and remember, sometimes one step backward equals two steps forward.

    Just my .02
    believe it or not i havent even touched a fitness magazine since i have joined this site, u guys have so much more knowledge and personal experience!
    anyways, so u really think i should just stick with the basic movements?

    what bout substituting exercises from week to week?
    EX. for tri's, skull crushers & close grip? Hack Squats & Leg Press for Quads?
    Last edited by JNel04; 03-24-2006 at 11:32 AM.

  17. #17
    JNel04's Avatar
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    Warrior, i'm gonna give it a try but i do got questions bout the routine, so if u dont mind...???

    hey do u guys think it would be helpful to post a pic of myself so you guys can critque my physique?
    Last edited by JNel04; 03-24-2006 at 11:39 AM.

  18. #18
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNel04
    i dunno i guess i'm just used to being in the gym for a good 90 mintues, so that just seems so short, or as u said abbreviated. I'll give it a try, but like my post earlier is it gonna be a good idea to sub. exercises or more or less stick w/ wat u said?
    sometimes you have to drastically change what you've been doing to get results... "if you always do what you've always'll always get what you've always gotten" sometimes less is more, and a quick intense workout can be just as productive (if not more productive) as a long hard one...(just not with the girlfriend )

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    sometimes you have to drastically change what you've been doing to get results... "if you always do what you've always'll always get what you've always gotten" sometimes less is more, and a quick intense workout can be just as productive (if not more productive) as a long hard one...(just not with the girlfriend )
    speakin of girls, whose the one in the is so good for u bro.

    but about what u said i'm just worried if i stick w/ more compound movements i mite not quite hit all aspects of a body part. but i guess if i wanna add mass i need to stray away from what i've been doin.

  20. #20
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    you don't necessarily need to move completely away from waht you've been doing...maybe think of it this way, when a sculpter begings a sculpture he makes the mass shapes first, then he goes back through and adds all the sweet little details... so right now you're going to build up the mass shape, and then you go back through, cut the fat, and then sculpt the smaller muscles you want to shape and impress... it is sadly a time oriented passion, but with time comes results... and i know you'll get there...

    and yeah that's my lovely lady there...

  21. #21
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    hey guys, sry to do this to u but i think that i stated my goal incorrectly from the very beginning and i also have changed my mind. this is what i meant to say...i wanna increase my strength with out gaining a lot of weight. i'd like to be 180lbs at most.

    is this possible with with out adding a lot of weight to my frame?
    if so how much does that change my training???

    u guys must be sick of me by now!

  22. #22
    buja's Avatar
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    This is a great thread for us "average Joes". I am in a similar situation here with similar goals and really appreciate the advice being given here. Warrior I have recieved some great advice from you in the past. Nova, what you said above about making changes you have mentioned to me before and it was hard for me to do it. I started today with a completely new split and workout working like warrior said push-pull. I did back and chest today and i have to say it was one of the best i have had. Thanks for the push to overcome fear of change. I look forward to reding this more of this thread.

    Didnt mean to hijack just needed to express some gratitude. Jnel keep working hard, youll get there!!

  23. #23
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    sometimes you have to drastically change what you've been doing to get results... "if you always do what you've always'll always get what you've always gotten" sometimes less is more, and a quick intense workout can be just as productive (if not more productive) as a long hard one...(just not with the girlfriend )
    You will never discover new seas without leaving the shore...

  24. #24
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buja
    This is a great thread for us "average Joes". I am in a similar situation here with similar goals and really appreciate the advice being given here. Warrior I have recieved some great advice from you in the past. Nova, what you said above about making changes you have mentioned to me before and it was hard for me to do it. I started today with a completely new split and workout working like warrior said push-pull. I did back and chest today and i have to say it was one of the best i have had. Thanks for the push to overcome fear of change. I look forward to reding this more of this thread.

    Didnt mean to hijack just needed to express some gratitude. Jnel keep working hard, youll get there!!
    Thanks buja, glad you liked it - sounds like you pushed yourself pretty hard too... good job.

    That routine will keep the "average joe" gaining so long as you work progressively - always adding a little to the bar (need a training log for this - don't try and remember your loads... too hard to do accurately)... even a couple pounds goes far in the large scheme of things. If you can keep up with 5 pounds more on the bench everytime you go back to the Back/Chest day... doing it once every 6-7 days... in two months that is around 40-50 pounds gained on the bench. And trust me - you will see many at the gym using the same weights month after month...

    That type of abbreviated routine will also keep someone relatively new to the gym - looking forward to the next chance at meeting a new goal... looking forward to the chance at progression... without becoming over exhausted and losing interest.

    And, even the advanced athlete that is beginning to overtrain a bit can benefit from a basic push-pull split like that... focusing simply on the loads and dropping all the advanced stuff (forced reps, supersets, drop sets, negative, statics,...) to recover the body and CNS...

  25. #25
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    You will never discover new seas without leaving the shore...

    Oh yes, i like that one...

  26. #26
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Thanks buja, glad you liked it - sounds like you pushed yourself pretty hard too... good job.

    That routine will keep the "average joe" gaining so long as you work progressively - always adding a little to the bar (need a training log for this - don't try and remember your loads... too hard to do accurately)... even a couple pounds goes far in the large scheme of things. If you can keep up with 5 pounds more on the bench everytime you go back to the Back/Chest day... doing it once every 6-7 days... in two months that is around 40-50 pounds gained on the bench. And trust me - you will see many at the gym using the same weights month after month...

    That type of abbreviated routine will also keep someone relatively new to the gym - looking forward to the next chance at meeting a new goal... looking forward to the chance at progression... without becoming over exhausted and losing interest.

    And, even the advanced athlete that is beginning to overtrain a bit can benefit from a basic push-pull split like that... focusing simply on the loads and dropping all the advanced stuff (forced reps, supersets, drop sets, negative, statics,...) to recover the body and CNS...

    i just felt like adding another thought to this that most guys don't think about...
    if you bench say 200 lbs for 5X5 this week and you go up to just 205 for 5X5 next week... you aren't just adding 5 pounds to your bench, but you are lifting an extra 125 pounds with your bench... (5 reps of an extra 5 pounds is 25 pounds, times that by 5 sets and you get 125 pounds) that "WORK" adds up big time when you can progress like that weekly...

  27. #27
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    i just felt like adding another thought to this that most guys don't think about...
    if you bench say 200 lbs for 5X5 this week and you go up to just 205 for 5X5 next week... you aren't just adding 5 pounds to your bench, but you are lifting an extra 125 pounds with your bench... (5 reps of an extra 5 pounds is 25 pounds, times that by 5 sets and you get 125 pounds) that "WORK" adds up big time when you can progress like that weekly...
    Exactly, good point... and if you do that 205, 5 times for 5 sets 2 minutes faster - you also have progressed using time as a variable...

  28. #28
    JNel04's Avatar
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    alrite this was my workout on fri...shoulder/tri, and i threw in some calves.

    DB Shoulder Press
    warm up - 30s x 10
    60 x 10
    70 x 8
    70 x 6

    Seated Calf Raises
    warm up - 45 x 20
    115 x 12
    135 x 12

    Bent Over (45 degrees) DB Rear Lat Raises
    warm up - 15s x 12
    20s x 10
    25s x 10
    30s x 7

    Seated Lat. Raises
    20 x 10
    25 x 10

    Over Tri Ext. (ez curl bar)
    warm up - 35 x 10
    65 x 10
    85 x 10
    95 x 5 (jumped up a lil too much)

    One leg calf raises
    40lbs x 10
    40 x 9
    40 x 9

    Close Grip Bench
    135 x 10
    170 x 8
    185 x 5 (last time...170 x 4)

    I am not working out on Sat & Sun. maybe some crunches and rev crunches but thatd be it

  29. #29
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    i think that the 2.5 lb plates are gonna become some of my best friends for a while. like u said i'll slowly increase each week in some way or another.

    dont take offense if i dont do exactly what u guys are suggesting. i'm still gonna incorporate some of the things u got to say but i'm also gonna add a lil of mine w/ that.

    ALSO a reason i made this thread is so that some of us guys that are closer to the same weight, goals, strength, and what not can relate to one another. so i dont consider it hi jacking if u got a question that u want to ask warrior, nova, or others, since they respond pretty regularly to this thread.

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