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Thread: Please critique my split you guys

  1. #1

    Please critique my split you guys

    Here is the basic layout. Some days I do one or two more sets for whatever I feel like. I am alternating between heavy, moderate and lighter rep ranges each week. I have had shoulder problems so I dont go heavy on BB bench or overhead BB moves.

    Warmup with thera bands (shoulders) 2-3 sets 15-30 reps
    Dumbell Bench Press (flat)-3 sets
    Dumbell Flies (flat)-2 sets
    Dumbell Bench Press (incline)- 3 sets
    Side/Front Laterals-2-3 sets (static at the end)
    Tricep Pushdowns (wider grip)-3 sets
    Skull Crushers (DB/BB)- 2-3 sets
    More bandwork
    (Probly gonna throw crunches in 2-3 sets 30 reps each)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    Warmup with Good Mornings-2-4 sets
    Squats-3-4 sets
    SLDL-3 sets
    Calf Raises- 3 sets
    Ham Curls-2-3 sets
    Leg ext.-2-3 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    warmup with thera bands
    Incline Bench DB rows-3 sets
    Bent over BB/DB rows-3 sets
    Seated Pulldowns to front-2 sets
    adam shrugs-3 sets
    Hammer DB/BB curls-3 sets
    Seated DB curls / BB curls-2-3 sets
    Wrist curls-1-2 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    well, tear it upart........

  2. #2
    I guess its perfect then lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Here is the basic layout. Some days I do one or two more sets for whatever I feel like. I am alternating between heavy, moderate and lighter rep ranges each week. I have had shoulder problems so I dont go heavy on BB bench or overhead BB moves.

    Warmup with thera bands (shoulders) 2-3 sets 15-30 reps
    Dumbell Bench Press (flat)-3 sets
    Dumbell Flies (flat)-2 sets
    Dumbell Bench Press (incline)- 3 sets
    Side/Front Laterals-2-3 sets (static at the end)
    Tricep Pushdowns (wider grip)-3 sets
    Skull Crushers (DB/BB)- 2-3 sets
    More bandwork
    (Probly gonna throw crunches in 2-3 sets 30 reps each)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    Warmup with Good Mornings-2-4 sets
    Squats-3-4 sets
    SLDL-3 sets
    Calf Raises- 3 sets
    Ham Curls-2-3 sets
    Leg ext.-2-3 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    warmup with thera bands
    Incline Bench DB rows-3 sets
    Bent over BB/DB rows-3 sets
    Seated Pulldowns to front-2 sets
    adam shrugs-3 sets
    Hammer DB/BB curls-3 sets
    Seated DB curls / BB curls-2-3 sets
    Wrist curls-1-2 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    well, tear it upart........

    hey man i think it looks pretty good. lets see what some of the pros have to say bout it though. id like to know as well cuz im switchin to a 3 day split in a month or so. so far i like that, something similar to my 4day, with fewer sets.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Here is the basic layout. Some days I do one or two more sets for whatever I feel like. I am alternating between heavy, moderate and lighter rep ranges each week. I have had shoulder problems so I dont go heavy on BB bench or overhead BB moves.

    Warmup with thera bands (shoulders) 2-3 sets 15-30 reps
    Dumbell Bench Press (flat)-3 sets
    Dumbell Flies (flat)-2 sets why do an iso (flyes) before a compound (inclines)
    Dumbell Bench Press (incline)- 3 sets
    Side/Front Laterals-2-3 sets (static at the end)
    Tricep Pushdowns (wider grip)-3 sets
    Skull Crushers (DB/BB)- 2-3 sets
    More bandwork
    (Probly gonna throw crunches in 2-3 sets 30 reps each)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    Warmup with Good Mornings-2-4 sets
    Squats-3-4 sets
    SLDL-3 sets
    Calf Raises- 3 sets
    Ham Curls-2-3 sets
    Leg ext.-2-3 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    warmup with thera bands
    Incline Bench DB rows-3 sets
    Bent over BB/DB rows-3 sets
    Seated Pulldowns to front-2 sets 2 sets of pulling and 6 sets of rowing?
    adam shrugs-3 sets
    Hammer DB/BB curls-3 sets
    Seated DB curls / BB curls-2-3 sets
    Wrist curls-1-2 sets

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    40 min cardio low intensity walking (2.8-3.6mph)

    well, tear it upart........

    Well, the routine is fine...but I will try to criticize it.

    Why do you do an isolation exercise (flyes) before incline bench. If anything, I think that incline bench should be your number one priority since you are not doing overhead pressing.

    For back you are doing 6 sets of rowing and 2 sets of pulling (pull ups or pulldowns). If you were going to do so few sets of pulling, you should at least do your pulling exercise first in the workout. It is the same with you chest/shoulder/tri day...since you are not doing a direct shoulder exercise (overhead press), you should at least be able to put 100% intensitty into the exercise that will involve your delts the most (inclines).

    Again, the routine looks pretty good, I am just trying to give you some feedback.

    Is this like a HIT routine?
    Last edited by catabolic kid; 03-24-2006 at 11:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    Well, the routine is fine...but I will try to criticize it.

    Why do you do an isolation exercise (flyes) before incline bench. If anything, I think that incline bench should be your number one priority since you are not doing overhead pressing.

    For back you are doing 6 sets of rowing and 2 sets of pulling (pull ups or pulldowns). If you were going to do so few sets of pulling, you should at least do your pulling exercise first in the workout. It is the same with you chest/shoulder/tri day...since you are not doing a direct shoulder exercise (overhead press), you should at least be able to put 100% intensitty into the exercise that will involve your delts the most (inclines). .

    Is this like a HIT routine?

    Its just what I came up with from my own research and judging what I like and what I feel works, to the best of my knowledge.

    I see what you are saying about the flies and I agree but, when I designed it I think I was trying to make sure my shoulder was warmed up before I went into inclines.''

    the back thing.....Ill take that into consideration.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Its just what I came up with from my own research and judging what I like and what I feel works, to the best of my knowledge.

    I see what you are saying about the flies and I agree but, when I designed it I think I was trying to make sure my shoulder was warmed up before I went into inclines.''

    the back thing.....Ill take that into consideration.
    I was thinking that you had problems with your shoulders by the way your routine is designed. I also have alot of trouble with my shoulders....I will no longer do flat bench pressing wether it be db or bb....I make my main exercise inclines and I will do some flat flyes....for me, inclines are much easier on the shoulders than flat pressing is....but, I may have a different type of shoulder problem.

  7. #7
    I have a mild type 1 irritation of my acromioclavicular ligament. left side

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    look if ur shoulder is bothering u.. any type of press is going to stimulate NOT only the whole chest but the front delt as well as ur lats.

    i would just OMMIT the incline presses in all honesty i have great growth off flat alone, since when a muscle contracts .. it contracts as a whole, and when its broken down any more damage is going to be done to connective tissue and cartilage.

    i have torn my left pec twice REAL GOOD and right has been messed up nicely as well. its in the upper area where the pect tie's in w/ the scapula region. and i have found BB to be better than DB for presses since DB's can WOBBLE on me and really PISS ME OFF by cuasing pain.

    i also feel u do too much for legs, way TOO much ham work. u shud blast hams on squats alone let alone the other isolative movements.

    i would only do 1 excercise for curls since they are going to be pre'exhausted from the pulling. same for tri's

    good luck w/ it.

  9. #9
    Thanks. Whats weird is FLAT pressing hurts more than SHOULDER pressing with DBs and FLAT BB bench gurts but, flat DB doesnt. I chose DBs because it allows me to rotate my hand however my shoulder needs it to be in order for it to not hurt. BB just locks me into one movement with no freedom to adjust my form when needed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    yes i understand that as well since it kan put u in an unnatural range of motion.

  11. #11
    ANyone else want to add suggestions?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north

  13. #13
    Too sore from squats always.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    could always do some hypers extensions instead of deads as i feel these are more mild on this area of the back. keep us updated on your progress though man.

  15. #15
    I've just been doin SLDL after I squat, works fine for me.

    Ill post up again with an update in about 2-3 weeks, after I get some new supps.............

  16. #16
    ANd its weird that I can now incline more than I can flat bench.

  17. #17
    You guys think its ok to do a few sets here and there even on days that you arent planning on lifting for that muscle? Like I felt like doin some curls this morning so I did 2 sets. Thats ok even though tomorrow I gotta do my actual WO for em right?

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