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  1. #1
    Quil's Avatar
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    Strength gains while cutting?

    Hey guys,
    I started cutting after having about 4 weeks off when I moved from DC to Alaska. My diet has been close to picture perfect (via Swolecat's "How to cut" diet). I do cardio (usually running on a treadmill) at least 5 times a week on an empty stomach for about 45 minutes, with 10 minutes of walking to cool down. I lift 4 times a week, after work.

    So far, I've lost 16 pounds in 8 weeks, and my strength keeps going up. Yesterday, I set a PR on deadlift at 405. Is this normal? I thought my gains would be sort of stagnant while I was cutting?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    if you're cutting right you shouldn't lose any strength...and your nutrition around your workouts matters big time if you are gaining strength...keep it up

  3. #3
    primetime1's Avatar
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    yeah man.. congrads on the work so far..when you follow a very strict diet, while working out and doin cardio,you can attain increased stength and become much leaner just as your doing. ive noticed this right now while on a much cleaner diet for the past 4 months. keep up the good work

  4. #4
    yodaddy's Avatar
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    thats funny you post this because i am cutting right now as well for summer and all and my diet is so intact and my strength has gone up a bit in the past month or 2 and i am pleased with the results.....good luck man keep it up

  5. #5
    Quil's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot for all the kind words. My diet is as clean as it has ever been...I really did a lot of research on this board when I set up my new routine, diet, and supplementation. This is the first time I have ever gone with a whey/dex shake immediately after my workout, and it seems to be paying dividends. I've split my carbs up into only breakfast, post workout, and post-post workout. I've also added flax to my protein-only meals, which is new to me. Supplements are glutamine pre-cardio and pre-workout, sesathin 3 times daily, CEE, and PharmagenX Nitro 4000 (NO2) pre workout, as well as a multivitamin. Seems to be doing the trick.

  6. #6
    TADOLFI's Avatar
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    Quil - You're on to a gold mine for yourself and how you'll acheive the look you want. It took me over a year of messing with my diet to see what would help me get that kind of result.

    Good show my man!
    Keep it up.

  7. #7
    primetime1's Avatar
    primetime1 is offline Member
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    im thinkin of gettin some dex also. how much does the dex help pwo, can you tell the diffence when compared to with out
    keep us updated on your progress

  8. #8
    Quil's Avatar
    Quil is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by primetime1
    im thinkin of gettin some dex also. how much does the dex help pwo, can you tell the diffence when compared to with out
    keep us updated on your progress
    I'm pretty sold on the dex at this really seems to be helping my recovery out well. I think I just got the right combination down (finally) and it's yielding good results. I see that a lot of people recommend using a 2:1 ratio of dex to whey PWO, but I'm going 1:1 right now while cutting. I'm pretty sensitive to sugar, and I'm a little gunshy about going with 80 grams of the stuff. I might bump up some when I go on a clean bulk, but I've got a ways to go before I start thinking about that.

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