I've read upto 1 hour because of cortisol, but I see big guys in the gym for 1.5-2 hours at a time and growing good. Am I missing something?
I've read upto 1 hour because of cortisol, but I see big guys in the gym for 1.5-2 hours at a time and growing good. Am I missing something?
just make sure your intensity is up when training, i go between 1-1.5 hrs. each workout
I've always heard to keep your workouts up to an hour which I think is a good general rule but if your workouts last longer then I don’t believe it's going to hurt you. I usually have the mentality of get in, hit it hard as i can and get the hell out. Typically my workouts are 45-60min when I workout alone. However I believe BigKev's workout take about 2 hours.
Make sure that you intensity is always 110% and that your not over training and you should be fine.
Some (not all) big guys are in the gym so long because they like to walk around and show off in front of everybody.
1.5H is about max for me, most are right around 1H, get in train hard and get out.
i train for about 1.5 hours when i got to the gym and then im done... but thats just me
yeah i think 1.5 hours is good for anybody.
I'm usually at the gym for about 1-1.5hrs. I know guys that are there a lot longer, but they use the time at the gym for socializing. Being friendly is one thing, but 10mins between sets isn't something I'm in to. Get's kinda annoying sometimes.....![]()
Empirical evidence concludes that training sessions that exceed an hour are associated with decreasing androgen levels, negatively impacting the testosterone:cortisol ratio. This is nothing groundbreaking, Eastern Bloc coaches adapted to such principles over a decade ago, incorporating multiple sessions rather than prolonged sessions.
I believe multiple sessions are associated with the same conditions you just described for extended sessions -- decreased testosterone and androgen levels by the 2nd session (i'm not 100% on this).Originally posted by jbrand
Empirical evidence concludes that training sessions that exceed an hour are associated with decreasing androgen levels, negatively impacting the testosterone:cortisol ratio. This is nothing groundbreaking, Eastern Bloc coaches adapted to such principles over a decade ago, incorporating multiple sessions rather than prolonged sessions.
I'm natural personally, but are people using AAS able to go longer because of anti-catabolic effects provided by it? I'm not too knowledgable on this, but just curious.
Thank for the responses so far.
There is no data to support multiple sessions have a direct negative hormonal impact. Keep in mind that those who do multiple sessions (in a day) are generally genetically gifted elite level athletes. If your average Joe was lifting in multiple sessions in a single day he may indirectly negatively affect the testosterone:cortisol ratio via overtraining. I used the example of multiple training sessions as a means of demonstrating the practical evolution in the science of strength training, not necessarily for you to abide by. The general idea I was trying to clarify was the negative hormonal impact of training periods that extend longer than an hour and the ramifications that have been taken by strength coaches (ie: charles poliquin).Originally posted by Gene
I believe multiple sessions are associated with the same conditions you just described for extended sessions -- decreased testosterone and androgen levels by the 2nd session (i'm not 100% on this).
I'm natural personally, but are people using AAS able to go longer because of anti-catabolic effects provided by it? I'm not too knowledgable on this, but just curious.
Thank for the responses so far.
45-60 min is great.
hit it and quit it. I like the people at my gym but alot of them are talkers.
it's cool to chat-it-up after a work out or during a warm up, but it is too easy to lose focus and intensity.
yeah i like an hour too. I hate tlaking in between set. HATE IT some poepl just need to. And that is right you do see people in there for hours but its usually eaither cause htye are very talkative or they are working multiple body parts. (from what i can gather) And the reason they say not to work out for more then an hour is cause damn i forgot the name of it, i think it is Lactic Acids are relaeased in that time. to help repairng the muscles. so they say that anything over anhour is not doing your body anythign really. they say when that acid is being released thats when yous hould be getting those carbs and proteins into you. I beilve the lactic acid causes the burning in the arm. yah know?
But i could be worng. do not hold me to the name lactic acid, but it is omehitng that releases in that hours time.
can anyone help?
Hey gang
i do about an hour on the weights and 25 mins cardio. I try to keep it all under 1 1/2 hours. Heh by then its time to bolt neways!
i need breakfast!! :P
1.5 hours for me too.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
My workouts never exceed 45 minutes per session.
45 minutes- 1.5 hours.
1hour or 1.5 the max
workout and work out hard
the key is intensity
anything longer then a hour the intensity level drops
you gotta keep that blood flowing
45-70 minutes..... depending on... what you do...
I can't imagine training for 1.5 hours... You must have to do TONS of sets. Me, personally I like to keep my workouts under 55 minutes..
the only day that lasts longer than an hour is leg day...then I'm looking at one and a half to two hours..but depending on the day, I can be in/out in as little as 40 minutes.
I say weights run 45 - 1, maybe longer on some days depending on which body part i am doing, but if i throw cardio in after my workout or abs it runs into 1.5 - 1.75
If you are training nature and with great intensity an hour is long enough (not counting cardio and socializing). If your juiced up I believe you can train longer.
I prefer 45 minutes....
If you train more than 60 minutes either you have great genetics, you'r on roids or you'r stupid!
Last tuesday i did my back routine in 40minutes, me and a friend pushed eachoter so hard we almost had no time for recovery between sets. I LOVED IT!! Were going at it this tuesday again.
Normal time is about 45-60mins for me.
how long do you guys usually rest in between sets, bulking and cutting?
its about intensity
bulk 2 min
cut 30-45 sec.
well the time spent in the gym its connected to 3 main factors
if u are onroids u work out for longer no question bout it second its the intensity if u do same amount of ex and reps in 1 hr as the other guy that took 2 you end up doing same work out third if say you have had 2 days off to suppuse working out in consecutive days you can go a little longer too due to the fact that your muscles and body are more fresh and strong to take an assault from your heavy work out thats just my opinion and pers exp anyway
i guess it all depends on what kind of split one has .If you train one body part per day then ya you can be in and out in 30-45 min .I dont have the luxury to do that.
I split my workouts arms and shoulders ,back and chest , and legs
they take me about 1 hr to 1:15 not counting streches ,shooting the shit with my bro.Once we start though there is no more talking.
How does anybody do a workout in 45 min if they hit 2 body parts,they got to be flyin .We only take a rest while the othre guy is doing his set so thats about 1 min in between
I agree with this 100%.Originally posted by jbrand
Empirical evidence concludes that training sessions that exceed an hour are associated with decreasing androgen levels, negatively impacting the testosterone:cortisol ratio. This is nothing groundbreaking, Eastern Bloc coaches adapted to such principles over a decade ago, incorporating multiple sessions rather than prolonged sessions.
Needless to say, 1 hour for me. If I want to work out longer, I just break my sessions up, one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening.
1 to 1 1/2 hrs. Moderate rest between sets, and Full Intensity all the time.
For me it depends on the bodypart I am working. I am in and out in 45 minutes to 1 hour.
I never go above 1 hour mark, at least i try really hard not to...keep it intense to the point and treat every set like your last one ever...do that for an hour and believe me you'll be done...XXL
My workouts usually take me between 35 minutes to 50 minutes max
short and intense
Hmm i am in and out. The quicker the better. Plus remember some of these big guys training for 2 hrs plus, either walk around and stall alot, and some are on gear, so overtraining is a little harder on the gear.
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