Gonna start a new workout soon guys,Tryin to gain mass for football, critique for me, any advice criticism will be helpful. Im bulking right now, 6' 2 207 lbs, not takin nothin, natural right now, to young right now, wanna learn way more.
Mon: Back,Traps, Bi's
Pullups, 3 sets of 8
Power Cleans, 5 sets of 5
Split Jerks, 4 sets of 5
(Want to fit in Deadlifts somewhere, need help on this one)
Bent over rows, 4 sets of 6
Seated Dumbell Curls, 3 sets of 6
Tues: Chest,Tris
Flat Bench, 1-2 sets warmup then 4 sets ( 6,6,4,4)
Incline Press, 4 sets of 5
Weighted Dips, 4 sets of 8, last set til failure
Skull Crushers, 4 sets of 6
Pushups, 1 set til failure
Wed: Legs
Squats, 5 sets (10,8,6,6,4)
Jump Squats, 3 sets of 8
Weighted Lunges, 4 sets of 8
I think i need one more, need some help here to
Repeat Monday
Friday: Repeat Tues
If anyone could help, i'd be much obliged.