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  1. #1
    loftgroover2's Avatar
    loftgroover2 is offline New Member
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    much needed training info

    alright there peeps am new to all this right where do i start
    age - 26
    hight - 5,11
    weight - 15 stone 10 ounces
    body shape - not good (lol)

    i started training on monday 27/03/2006 well i say training at the moment i'm trying to cut the fat down on my body i've got a belly not big but its not what i want so i'm on a low carb diet while on a pretty big impact training sceduale first things first eating. this is pretty hard due to my workong hours this week i'm on 6am - 2pm so lets start here

    5 a.m up
    6 a.m 50 grms of protien (refelx instant whey)
    8 a.m 1 boiled egg and 1 apple
    10 a.m 50 grms of protien
    12 p.m a single turkey sandwich
    3 p.m 1 plain baked potatoe
    4 p.m gym
    5 p.m 50 grms of protien
    7 p.m 2 skinless chicken breasts with either salad or veg
    9 p.m 1 low fat yogurt

    thats all i've done this week up to now next week i'm on nights 10pm - 6am then the week after that i'm afternoons 2pm - 10pm very very difficult for me to organise.
    now the training schedule over 4days

    monday chest and triceps
    chest first
    incline flies 4 sets of 25
    bench press 4 sets of 25
    cable flies top 4 sets of 25
    cable flies bottem 4 sets of 25
    peck deck 4 sets of 25
    rope extension 4 sets of 25
    rope push down 4 sets of 25
    dips 4 sets of 15/20
    crucifix extension top cable 4 sets of 25

    tuesday shoulders and back
    up right row 4 sets of 25
    dumbbell front raise 4 sets of 20/25
    dumbbell press 4 sets of 25
    rear deltoid 4 sets of 25
    under arm pull downs 4 sets of 25
    seated row 4 sets of 25
    press behind neck pull down 4 sets of 25
    wide extension pull ups 3 sets of 10/12 max 15

    wednesday biceps and legs
    hammer curls 4 sets of 20/25
    dumbbell concentrated curls 4 sets 15/20
    ez bar/straight bar 4 sets of 25
    cable crucifix 4 sets of 25
    calf raises 3 sets of 10
    leg extension 4 sets of 25
    lunges 4 sets of 20/25
    hack squat 4 sets of 20/25

    thursday stomach and cardio
    40 mins on treadmill level 7

    and well thats it really its mainly to help me burn the fat more quickly while i'm training the muscle at the same time i'm doing this for 4 weeks to see how i do i then want to go onto maybe a building faze.
    weaknesses (many) i have'nt really lifted a weight since i was in jail 2 years ago so this week i'm really hurting every where!! i'm seriously thinking about steroids just all seems to be confusing cycles etc: need to things like what works best with what ie: bulking and keeping the gains i've made would a 5 week course be ok then say 3/4 months down the line get another 1? or would the gains of gone by then? my arms seem to be the worse place as there long no matter how much i could lift they did'nt seem to grow i no this seems to be a blag and i'm very sorry people and moderators i really want to get into body building and shaping as i said i'm not experienced trying to get sum much need info any info is appreshated @ [edit] will be checking up daily to see thanks again gareth aka loftgroover2

  2. #2
    24labor's Avatar
    24labor is offline Anabolic Member
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    first off do not take steroids you're not even ready to begin to touch them. Second hit up the diet stickies for some help with the diet. Now for the work out. If you haven't lifted in a while and are trying to get back into it I suggest a basic 3 day a week training plan and then you can modify it from there for example:

    stiff legged dead lift or leg curls

    Incline barbell or dumbbells
    flat barbell or dumbbells
    Flyes or dips

    Close grip bench
    skull crushers

    Shoulder press
    side raises

    On chest or push movements you'll use your triceps and anterior delts more than youd think so it's only plausable to hit them all in the same day. And by throwing in shoulder presses and side raises you'll have hit both anterior and medial parts of the shoulder.

    Friday- Back/bis/rear delts/ traps
    rows(barbell, dumbbell, t's)
    Chins or lat pull downs

    Standing barbell curls
    hammer curls

    Bent over rear delt raise
    (traps and forearms should be pretty tired from deads and other back movements but you could throw in some shrugs if you feel so)

    Being how back workouts are a pull motion your biceps and rear delts get worked like triceps and anterior delts with chest. By hitting your biceps with back and rear delts they should be fried.

    Abs can be worked on an off day of perhaps on your back day because working lower back with abs is ideal since they are a core muscel and use each other to stabalize you on workouts.

    This is just a basic routine pretty decent one I've given to beginners. You could change the order of the days you work its just preference. Try to keep the set range to: Large muscle groups 10-12 and Small groups 6-8 just as a general standard. Reps anywhere from 8-10 should be fine to start off.
    Remember this sport is a life long process no one has it down 100% because the body id very adaptive and everyones is diffrent you have to expeirment to find what works best with you. Eventually you might go to 4 days a week lifting or maybe try a HIT or DC training method after a while, just remmeber to switch things up after a while and Stick with the board and we'll anwser any questions you have. Good Luck hope this helps

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