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Thread: Need insights on Circuit Program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Detroit, MI

    Need insights on Circuit Program

    I am a 21 year-old college student looking to tone up and lose body fat. I am 6'4", 275lbs ex-football player with probably around 25% bf, though I have never had a chance to get an actual test done. In the past, I used to swim prolifically (2,000 - 4,000 yards a day), and dropped my weight down to 230lbs. However, I never really learned how to use weight training to my advantage, and since I left high school, the lack of a pool has led me to put the weight back on. Lately, I have been doing some research on circuit training to drop body fat and burn muscle. Here is my workout. Any comments and insights would be greatly appreciated.

    Mon, Wed, Fri
    Group I - 10 reps each, 3 circuit revolutions, 1 minute rest between lifts

    Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Decline Bench Press
    Romanian Deadlift
    Various Core exercise

    Group II - 10 Reps each, 3 Circuit Revolutions, 1 minute rest between lifts

    Cable row
    Core twist exercise

    I usually finish with a maintenance lift to target a particular muscle I feel needs work, then a serious of ab exercises. Also, the program should be interpreted in the following manner. I do 1 set of the first lift, rest a minute, 1 set of the second left, rest, 1 set of the third left, then rest for 3 minutes, then start over again until 3 sets are done. Then, I move on to the next group. I just wanted to clarify that incase there was some confusion.

    Cardio: 45 minute walk at 70%

    The diet part is by far the hardest part to work on, which is a major problem because it is the most important. I live in a dorm, so I really do not have access to a kitchen, or even a place to make a make-shift kitchen. Nevertheless, I take whatever healthy options the caf offers. Thank God the semester ends in a few weeks.

    As far as supplements are concerned, I am currently taking an NO2/CE2 stack, Nitro-tech for protein shakes, which I add L-Carnitine and Glutamine powder to. I drink a shake for breakfast, post workout, mid-afternoon, and mid evening snack. I also am taking ALA, CLA, Chromium, and Flaxseed with most meals. Right before bed, I take some PM protein. Of course I am drinking plenty of water, and staying away from pop and other caffeine. For a Thermogenic, I am taking Lipo 6 - 2 capusuls before breakfast and with my afternoon snack.

    Hopefully this gives you a good idea of where I am. If you have any insights, please offer them. I am constantly looking for new lifts, combinations of lifts, and other additions to my program that can improve it. If you have any, please let me know. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lake of Fire
    muscle at rest burns fat
    i used to swim competitively for 13 years...the more muscle you have the slower you are and the harder it is to swim

    walking isn't going to drop any significant amount of in the morning on an empty stomach

    college cafeterias have become a lot more health conscious in the recent years...most places even offer egg whites now. You don't need to cook tuna either, just have a supply in your room and eat it out of the can

    What are your goals? Do you want to build muscle? why are you running a circuit program?
    If your goal is just to lose weight, you don't need supplements IMO. If you are looking to gain muscle mass then you need a new workout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Detroit, MI
    My goals are to loose weight, while also toning the muscle I have. I still have significant muscle from my days playing football, and do not wish to loose that. I am running a circuit program because it raises your heart rate and burns fat. Maybe sometime in the future I will change my workout to focus more on growth, but right now my ultimate goal is to drop 10 - 15lbs while maintaining and/or growing some muscle.

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