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Thread: workout critique plz

  1. #1

    workout critique plz

    wat do you guyz think of this one,
    Monday: Chest, Tris & Shoulders - Flat medium bench, Dips, Flyes, Military presses, Upright rows, Skulls, Shrugs

    Tuesday: Heavy Calf..light abs: Calves & abs - seated calf raises, Leg-raises

    Wednesday: Quads & glutes - Squats, Lunges, Leg-extensions

    Thursday: Light Calf; Heavy Abs: Calves & abs - Standing Calf-raise; Stability ball

    Friday: Back, Hamstrings & Biceps - Deadlifts, Ham curls, Underhand rows, Pullups, Barbell curls, Incline dumbell curls, Hammer Curls

    Generally 3 sets for each exercise apart from squats, calves and deadlifts which is 4. 15 reps for quads, 20 reps for calves, 20 reps for abs, the rest 8 reps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I would never workout more than 2 days in a, I would suggest changing your routine up to where your hitting the gym 4 days a week...trying to prevent overtraining here.

    I would do either M, W, F, Su or M, T, Th, F.

  3. #3
    I would try to bring it down to a 4 day split as well. I think you should just have one leg day (quad/ham). The opposite gets hit during each workout most of the time anyway. I would add the abs/calves on the end an existing workout. I couldn't really hit only calves/abs on its own day and feel productive.

  4. #4
    Monday: Chest, Tris & Shoulders - Flat medium bench, Dips, Flyes, Military presses, Upright rows, Skulls, Shrugs

    Wednesday: Quads & glutes - Squats, Lunges, Leg-extensions

    Friday: Back, Hamstrings & Biceps - Deadlifts, Ham curls, Underhand rows, Pullups, Barbell curls, Incline dumbell curls, Hammer Curls

    Sunday: Light Calf; Heavy Abs: Calves & abs - Standing Calf-raise; Stability ball

    Generally 3 sets for each exercise apart from squats, calves and deadlifts which is 4. 15 reps for quads, 20 reps for calves, 20 reps for abs, the rest 8 reps

  5. #5
    sounds good? and is this intense enough to see good results?

  6. #6
    1 more question shud i hit shoulders and chest on same day?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Not a big fan of splitting up legs myself but I'm from a Powerlifting background. You are also doing deadlifts and squats which makes it very difficult to separate the hams and quads. I think your Sunday routine could be distributed into the other workouts. I'd suggest:

    Monday: Legs including calves (Do it while everyone else is doing chest)
    Tue: Chest Back
    Thur: Shlds, Traps,
    Fri: Arms, Abs

    or if you must do legs twice:

    Mon: Heavy Legs
    Tue: Chest Back Bis (too much in one day IMO)
    THur: SHld Tri Trap
    Fri: Light Legs, Abs and calves

    Plug in any lifts you want for indiv bodyparts

    It's not the workout that needs to be's you. You could have the most perfect workout in the world (even though one doesn't exist) and make no gains while someone could go in with a basic plan and make great gains because their intensity is too low. After you warm up, leave nothing in each lift, balls to the wall, good form and ROM. Intensity comes from within not without. Try not to think about reps either. The key to growth is shock and change. If you go in everyday thinking are giving your body no stimulus to grow. Having a rep range is good, but if you get to 10 and stop while you could have done 3 more, are you really helping yourself? From periodization side though, it may be necessary to stop as your rep scheme would be 8, 6, 4, 3 etc...But, it doesn't sound like you are training on a periodization plan.
    Last edited by barbndr; 04-05-2006 at 08:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nattyboy
    1 more question shud i hit shoulders and chest on same day?
    That is a good idea.

    Also, I would not work Chest, Back Quads and Hams in a 48 hour period.

    Like barbndr said, your Sunday workout should be eliminated and used to more evenly distribute your other muscle groups.

    I assume your goal is BBing...correct?

  9. #9 could say that, not trying to compete(yet) but still trying to accomplish my goals of having a great upper and lower body physique

    what can i workout on sunday instead of the routine given?
    Last edited by nattyboy; 04-06-2006 at 04:01 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nattyboy could say that, not trying to compete(yet) but still trying to accomplish my goals of having a great upper and lower body physique

    what can i workout on sunday instead of the routine given?

    I would suggest this split:

    Monday: Chest, Triceps

    Tuesday: OFF

    Wednesday: Back, Biceps

    Thursday: OFF

    Friday: Shoulders, Traps

    Saturday: Legs

    Sunday: OFF

    *I work legs either saturday or sunday...depending on my schedule.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by catabolic kid
    I would suggest this split:

    Monday: Chest, Triceps

    Tuesday: OFF

    Wednesday: Back, Biceps

    Thursday: OFF

    Friday: Shoulders, Traps

    Saturday: Legs

    Sunday: OFF

    *I work legs either saturday or sunday...depending on my schedule.

    i'm bumping this so guys can see that split because if you are using compound movements it is a great split to make some solid mass gains with. BUMP...

  12. #12
    Monday: Chest, Triceps - Flat medium bench, Dips, Flyes, Skulls, overhead row

    Tuesday: OFF

    Wednesday: Back, Biceps - Deadlifts,Underhand rows, Pullups, Barbell curls, Incline dumbell curls, Hammer Curls

    Thursday: OFF

    Friday: Shoulders, Traps - Military presses,Shrugs

    Saturday: Legs - Squats, Lunges, Leg-extensions, Ham curls, Standing Calf-raise

    Sunday: OFF
    sounds good?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    In your head
    Chest- replace flyes with another press
    Triceps- why do skulls and overhead rows? They are basically the same.
    Back- I would add another exercise
    Biceps- Too many exercises. Keep it to 6 all out sets
    Shoulders- Need more than just presses IMO
    Legs- looks ok. Might add in straight leg deads in place of Hammy curls.

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