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  1. #1
    primetime1's Avatar
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    Iron mans HIT program, whos all tried it?

    hey bros, just curious as to how many of yous have tried this method of training and how did you like the results?
    did you make any modifacations to it and if so why?
    was this method of training suited for you goals?

    my goal is to maintain gains from my currently ending cycle and i was hoping that by switchin up my program i could shock the muscles for more growth through pct.

    also, alil of topic, but still curious as to the amount of cardio that should be done durring pct so that i can keep on shreddin down while keepin nice dense muscle mass

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    ive beend oing it for 2 weeks and strength has already gone up, i really like it. (not cycling)

  3. #3
    primetime1's Avatar
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    was thinkin you might be chiming in here bro. thanks for the update.. your the only other thead i seen askin how this works..
    keep me posted if you dont mind as im thinkin of startin this with in 2 weeks or so.

  4. #4
    spound's Avatar
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    I have been doing it since jan 1st and have put on some good new mass while bulking, jsut started dieting, and still using it, I like it a lot.

  5. #5
    drinu is offline Junior Member
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    do you guys rest 3 minutes between each set or less as 3 minutes seems too much

  6. #6
    spound's Avatar
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    I rest three on all the big exercises (around 5 min on swuats though)and around two min. on smaller ones. And rest 1 min. b/t warmup sets.

  7. #7
    winny84 is offline New Member
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    where can i get the link to the ironman HIT. ive been looking everywhere

  8. #8
    ThePump's Avatar
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    yeah i've been on it for a few months now and i love it. my strength gains are still climbing pretty consistently.

  9. #9
    anavar100 is offline Associate Member
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    where did u find the Ironman HIT program?im looking for it ..

  10. #10
    Motion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anavar100
    where did u find the Ironman HIT program?im looking for it ..
    Yeah that

  11. #11
    anavar100 is offline Associate Member
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    does anyone have a link for it. i can only find DC training.

  12. #12
    primetime1's Avatar
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    for those who cant search for it:
    Various Training Techniques

    scroll down its near the end.

    thanks for the replys so far bros, im goin to be startin this possibly next monday, if not the following week.

  13. #13
    Motion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primetime1
    for those who cant search for it:
    Various Training Techniques

    scroll down its near the end.

    thanks for the replys so far bros, im goin to be startin this possibly next monday, if not the following week.
    Thanks for the link.

    Thats a LOT of info!

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    by far one of the most efffective training regiments IMO out there.
    and once u learn your body and how u can tweak it to benefit you.. hard to go wrong w/ IM

  15. #15
    primetime1's Avatar
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    glad to hear the ppl tryin this method are all liking it, im looking fwd to hitting this up next week so i can get track work outs in on the off days,

    id also like to know how the transition was from your old training style to this HIT program, did this feel like enough, were you sore and achy after implementing this? just tryin to get a feel for what im infor come monday.

    thanks for all the replys so far

  16. #16
    Motion's Avatar
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    Looking for some clarification on the HIT program. After reading most of it, I think I got the split down as:

    Mon- Workout A
    Wed- Workout B
    Fri- Workout A
    Mon- Workout B
    Wed- Workout A
    Fri- Workout B

    And I get the one set per bodypart a day plus warmups. My question is what kinda reps would you guys recommend? I saw the forced rep stuff and pause stuff. Any ideas? Experiences? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    I really like the idea of that split but was curious as to what set/rep I should use with it.
    Last edited by Motion; 04-12-2006 at 10:25 AM.

  17. #17
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primetime1
    glad to hear the ppl tryin this method are all liking it, im looking fwd to hitting this up next week so i can get track work outs in on the off days,

    id also like to know how the transition was from your old training style to this HIT program, did this feel like enough, were you sore and achy after implementing this? just tryin to get a feel for what im infor come monday.

    thanks for all the replys so far
    At first it felt kinda slow, and made me feel like I wasnt doing a whole lot, but I wasnt doing it right. I felt like the rest was too long etc. But then I really started pushing the logbook and beating my lifts each week and that really put some stress on my muscles, I could feel myself getting STRONG. Eventualy you will feel like the rest isnt enough lol, bc you will be busting ass (if you give ti your all). I even rest 5min in between squat sets. And yea, I got sore for a while on like every muscle group. Its not like a so sore type thing where you cant walk, but like achy sore to where you can feel you really stimulated growth. THats how it was for me at least, good lcuk.

  18. #18
    primetime1's Avatar
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    bro, thanks for the bit of info, exactly what i was looking for, as i read this work out i felt it didnt look like enough, but i guess when you start to progress week after week with the strength gains the rest will become eventually not enough. just curious, but what kinda strength gains have you gotten so far.

    Im goin to follow this to the t so im hopin for that oh so needed muscle shock to get some nice gains.

  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Motion
    Looking for some clarification on the HIT program. After reading most of it, I think I got the split down as:

    Mon- Workout A
    Wed- Workout B
    Fri- Workout A
    Mon- Workout B
    Wed- Workout A
    Fri- Workout B

    And I get the one set per bodypart a day plus warmups. My question is what kinda reps would you guys recommend? I saw the forced rep stuff and pause stuff. Any ideas? Experiences? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    I really like the idea of that split but was curious as to what set/rep I should use with it.
    you can look at the latter part of my log for some of my training regiements on HIT.

  20. #20
    Motion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    you can look at the latter part of my log for some of my training regiements on HIT.
    The "Get Big Log" in your sig??? Thanks!

  21. #21
    jeffsz28 is offline Associate Member
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    i'm acouple weeks into this training method,and today instead of doing the body parts in the same order as i have been i did this. i was strong on everthing except chest i had a lose in strength with reps? is this normal since i changed up the order of things for the first time?

    Chest before i was doing chest

  22. #22
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    iv been thinknig of doing this.....
    incline bench (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Shouler press (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    skullskrushers (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)

    rows (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    pull up, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Biceps curls, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Squats, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    leg ex,(1x15) (1x10) (1x5)

    incline bench (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Shoulder press (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    skullskrushers (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)

    rows (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    pull up, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Biceps curls, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    Squats, (1x15) (1x10) (1x5)
    leg ex,(1x15) (1x10) (1x5)

  23. #23
    spound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by primetime1
    bro, thanks for the bit of info, exactly what i was looking for, as i read this work out i felt it didnt look like enough, but i guess when you start to progress week after week with the strength gains the rest will become eventually not enough. just curious, but what kinda strength gains have you gotten so far.

    Im goin to follow this to the t so im hopin for that oh so needed muscle shock to get some nice gains.
    Well I started in january and bulked through the second week in march and this is what it loked like:

    Squats: beginning: 385X5 end: 430 X4 (ass to ground)
    deads: begin: 405X4-5 end: 500X3
    INcline DB press: begin: 115X3 end: 145 X3

    and so one and so forth, I am dieting now though and still using the program and holding sttrength very weel, even going up some on legs. "wht built the muscle will preserve the muscle"

    Note: I was on gear at the time.

  24. #24
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    im right there w/you on the rest issue.. on the 5min between excercises i was like DOOD NO it couldnt of been 5 already.. he is like nope its been 6! ><

  25. #25
    primetime1's Avatar
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    thanks for thereplys bros.. really glad to see how this is workin well for many of you. so far my 1st week went very well and i felt great in the gym so time will tell. hopefully my strength goes up even in pct

    my 3 min rest between sets is takin up by the rest of my group on thier sets so hopefully that is enough, im sure its about 3 mins till i get to go again.
    between sets things get boring, i never sat around to wait for the next exercise before.

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