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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Should leg day really be this bad?

    Well I know it's been a long time since I've worked out and I've only been into it now (as far as bulking) for a few weeks, but I don't remember legs day being this bad.

    Though I can't lift nearly as much as I used to at this point, I did push myself real hard. I did 3 sets of squats, 3 sets of lunges, 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of stiff-legged deadlifts, and 2 sets of ham curls. By the time I was done with this, I was exhausted and all kinds of out of breath. I took a 10min break and did calves for 10 sets, though of course that wasn't nearly as intense, mainly cause i was just so short on energy at that point.

    Anyway, after training, I was so exhausted, I drank my shake and took my vitamins, etc, came home, and went to sleep for about an hour. I'm still pretty tired and it just took a lot out of me.

    If you're exhausted to the point after a workout where you need to lay down and rest afterwards, is this too much, or is this just leg day? I know sometimes I did need to do this back in the day, but I don't remember being this shot after legs. I think I may have overtrained.

  2. #2
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    Im cutting...yes sometimes I have to lay down and even sleep after any training day...Im usually tired for the rest of the day after a hard leg day

  3. #3
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    its bad after leg day or a hard back day

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    dude a nap is a STAPLE in my PPWO schedule
    PPWO meal... in that order

  5. #5
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    Well I know it's been a long time since I've worked out and I've only been into it now (as far as bulking) for a few weeks, but I don't remember legs day being this bad.

    Though I can't lift nearly as much as I used to at this point
    , I did push myself real hard. I did 3 sets of squats, 3 sets of lunges, 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of stiff-legged deadlifts, and 2 sets of ham curls. By the time I was done with this, I was exhausted and all kinds of out of breath. I took a 10min break and did calves for 10 sets, though of course that wasn't nearly as intense, mainly cause i was just so short on energy at that point.

    Anyway, after training, I was so exhausted, I drank my shake and took my vitamins, etc, came home, and went to sleep for about an hour. I'm still pretty tired and it just took a lot out of me.

    If you're exhausted to the point after a workout where you need to lay down and rest afterwards, is this too much, or is this just leg day? I know sometimes I did need to do this back in the day, but I don't remember being this shot after legs. I think I may have overtrained.
    I’d say you over trained, due to the factors you’ve mentioned. Legs should exhaust you, but not too the point that you need a nap afterwards. You should feel tired, but good after a hard workout. It takes time for our bodies to get back into shape, but your muscles will remember and soon you’ll be back to your old form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    legs whoop my ass, same as deads
    i need a nap afterwards, and usually feel like poo for the rest of the day

    if youre just getting back into it, take it slow and easy for a couple of weeks, gradually increasing the'll be hammering out legs in no time!

    have fun walking tomorrow!

  7. #7
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    I usually can't hardly walk and feel like i'm gonna puke besides that i'm fine lol

  8. #8
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    well, i'm about 99.5% sure I've overtrained. i had a real hard time sleeping last night, and my rhr was at about 70bpm this morning (about 10 above my norm). that's usually a tell-tale sign for me that i've pushed it too far.

    i'm used to the nausea and barely being able to walk feeling from training legs, but i think i've been borderline overtraining the past few days and that leg session just pushed it over the limit. my heart was pounding through most the workout, even though i wasn't doing any valsalva during any of my reps. i'm just rushing into it too quick i guess.

    taking a few days off and giving my body some much needed r&r. i don't think it's so much my muscles that need the break as much as my cns right now, cause though i'm not getting that sore after workouts, my energy levels are pretty shot.

  9. #9
    znak's Avatar
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    I can tell when I had a good leg day when I blow chunks.


  10. #10
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    well, i'm about 99.5% sure I've overtrained. i had a real hard time sleeping last night, and my rhr was at about 70bpm this morning (about 10 above my norm). that's usually a tell-tale sign for me that i've pushed it too far.

    i'm used to the nausea and barely being able to walk feeling from training legs, but i think i've been borderline overtraining the past few days and that leg session just pushed it over the limit. my heart was pounding through most the workout, even though i wasn't doing any valsalva during any of my reps. i'm just rushing into it too quick i guess.

    taking a few days off and giving my body some much needed r&r. i don't think it's so much my muscles that need the break as much as my cns right now, cause though i'm not getting that sore after workouts, my energy levels are pretty shot.
    In your heart you knew the answer all along, but it's easy to push yourself too hard when coming back. Most have been there and done that, but it sounds like you are on the right track now.

  11. #11
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    I hurl every Friday (leg day) .....I do legs on Friday because it usually takes the weekend to recover from a leg workout. You gotta remember that doing squats in the proper fashion hit ALOT of muscles and the nervous system, so it's an exhausting workout.

  12. #12
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    legs is what kills me the most, just got back from training them now, am pretty fooked. just loading up on fruit, whey and simple carbs. i feel great, but i know ive hit my legs hard. they will be weak all day now lol

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